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day 36

Word Paraphrase (w/ POS) Paraphrase (English) rpt
7200 elastic adj.有弹性的;adj.能(迅速从伤痛中)恢复的 1. resuming shape; 2. recovering from depression r2
7201 redoubtable adj.杰出的,值得尊敬的;adj.可怕的 1. worthy of respect; 2. arousing fear r1
7202 foil vt.挫败 prevent from being successful r3
7203 milk vt.榨取(财富、信息等) coerce profit r0
7204 ascendant adj.有影响力的,主宰的 dominant influence r2
7205 mime v.模仿 model r0
7206 fabricate vt.捏造 make up r3
7207 luminous adj.杰出的,重要的 standing above r1
7208 nebulous adj.模糊的 indistinct r0
7209 concoct v.捏造,编造 invent to deceive someone r3
7210 lax adj.松弛的,不紧的,不严格的;adj.懈怠的,漫不经心的 1. not rigid; 2. failing to give proper care r1
7211 voracious adj.有很大含量的,贪吃的;adj.贪婪的,如饥似渴的 1. huge appetite; 2. insatiable r2
7212 slack adj.松弛的;adj.疏忽的,大意的 1. not tightly fastened; 2. failing to give proper care; r1
7213 aspirant n.有抱负者,有野心者 aspire r2
7214 donor n.捐赠人,给体 donates r3
7215 murky adj.模糊的,晦涩的 lacking clarity r0
7216 wither vi.枯萎,凋谢 become sapless r1
7217 tenable adj.有据可依的,无懈可击的 capable of being defended; reasonable r2
7218 mash vt.捣碎 puply mass r3
7219 diaphanous adj.模糊的;非实在的;adj.(质地精致得)几乎透明的 1. vague insubstantial; 2. transparent, translucent r0
7220 hagiographic adj.捧为圣人一般的,过分谄媚的 overly or insincerely flattering r3
7221 traverse vt.横穿 pass across r0
7222 warble v.柔和地唱歌 sing with melodic embellishments r1
7223 efficacious adj.有效的 produce a desired effect r2
7224 array n.排列,阵列;vt.排列,摆放 1. arrangement; 2. arrange or display r3
7225 beholden adj.欠他人人情的 owing gratitude r0
7226 limp adj.柔软的,松散的 lacking firm r1
7227 telling adj.有效的,显著的 effective r2
7228 subsidiary adj.次要的 secondary importance r0
7229 supplant vt.排挤,篡夺…的位置 usurp the place of r3
7230 polished adj.有教养的 showing a high degree of refinement r2
7231 lissome adj.柔软的;adj.敏捷的,轻盈的 1. easily bent; 2. move with ease r1
7232 excrete vt.排泄 discharge r3
7233 genteel adj.有教养的,不粗俗的 free from vulgarity r2
7234 ancillary adj.次要的;adj.辅助的,补充的 1. secondary importance; 2. supplementary r0
7235 mottle vt.标记上杂色斑点的 mark spots r1
7236 calibrate v.校准,调校 standardize r1
7237 rehearsal n.排练,彩排 practicing in preparation r3
7238 dappled adj.有斑点的,花的 marked with small spots r2
7239 minutiae n.次要的细节,小事 minor detail r0
7240 proofread v.校对 find errors r1
7241 obviate vt.排除,使不必要 unnecessary r3
7242 mirth n.欢乐,欢笑 gladness r0
7243 potentate n.有权势的人 one who has the power r2
7244 verify vt.校验,证实 determine accuracy r1
7245 conditional adj.有条件的,受制约的 dependent r2
7246 prospect v.探查,勘探 go into discovery r3
7247 paean n.欢乐颂,赞扬 joyous song,praise r0
7248 virulent adj.有毒的 poisonous r2
7249 delve v.探究,钻探 detailed search for information r3
7250 jocund adj.欢快的,高兴的 sprightly and lighthearted r0
7251 inveterate adj.根深蒂固的 firmly established r1
7252 animate adj.有活力的;vt.使有活力,支持 1. high-spirited energy; 2. support r2
7253 splice vt.接合,叠接 unite r3
7254 gambol vi.欢跳,雀跃 playfully r0
7255 deracinate vt.根除 pull out r1
7256 contiguous adj.接壤的,相邻的 sharing an edge r3
7257 exterminate vt.根除,消灭 killing off r1
7258 rejoice vi.欣喜,喜悦 feel joy r0
7259 strenuous adj.有活力的;adj.艰苦的,费力的 1. vigorously active; 2. requiring considerable effort r2
7260 solid adj.有理有据的 sound reasoning r2
7261 speculate v.推测,揣测 take to be true r3
7262 bully n.欺凌弱小者 a person who treats others in an intimidating manner r0
7263 aphorism n.格言,警句 short witty r1
7264 restorative adj.有益健康的 beneficial to the health r2
7265 conjecture n.推测,猜测;v.(没有依据地)认为 1. a conclusion deduced by surmise; 2. form an opinion from no evidence r3
7266 outwit vt.欺瞒,以智取胜 surpass cunning r0
7267 thorny adj.棘手的 difficulties r1
7268 spiny adj.棘手的,麻烦的 requiring exceptional skill r1
7269 salubrious adj.有益健康的 promoting health r2
7270 putative adj.推测的,假定的 regarded as such r3
7271 skullduggery n.欺诈,诡计 use of cleber underhanded actions r0
7272 salutary adj.有益健康的;adj.有利的,利好的 1. promoting health; 2. promoting; r2
7273 ratiocination n.推理 thought processes r3
7274 fraudulent adj.欺诈的 fraud r0
7275 recapitulate v./v.概括,摘要 make into a short statement r1
7276 conducive adj.有益的,有促进作用的 promote or assist r2
7277 gull vt.欺骗 untrue r0
7278 exemplary adj.榜样的,值得效仿的 being a pattern to be imitated r1
7279 override v.推翻 set aside r3
7280 wholesome adj.有益身心健康的 promoting health r2
7281 hoax n./vt.欺骗 cause to believe untrue r0
7282 defer v.推迟,延期vi.遵从 postpone r3
7283 milk vt.榨取(财富、信息等) coerce profit r1
7284 viscid adj.有粘性的 glutinous r2
7285 screen n.掩护物,屏障;v.掩护,遮蔽 1. something that shelters; 2. shut off from view r3
7286 mime v.模仿 model r1
7287 hoodwink vt.欺骗 deceptive r0
7288 cohesive adj.有粘性的;有凝聚力的 cohesion or coherence r2
7289 nebulous adj.模糊的 indistinct r1
7290 sham v.掩饰,假装;adj.虚假的 1. present a false appearance; 2. fake r3
7291 beguile v.欺骗 believe what is untrue r0
7292 intimate adj.有紧密联系的,亲密无间的;v.间接地沟通 1. close association; 2. communicate r2
7293 swindle vt.欺骗,骗取 cheat r0
7294 belie v.掩饰;v.与…相对立;与…相矛盾 1. shut off from view; 2. be counter to r3
7295 murky adj.模糊的,晦涩的 lacking clarity r1
7296 adulterate vt.掺杂,加入低等成分 impure by addition r3
7297 palter vi.欺骗;讨价还价 insincerely,deceitfully r0
7298 diaphanous adj.模糊的;非实在的;adj.(质地精致得)几乎透明的 1. vague insubstantial; 2. transparent, translucent r1
7299 doyen n.有经验的人,资深人士,老司机 knowledgeable; experience r2
7300 conscientious adj.有良心的,正直的;adj.仔细的,一丝不苟的 1. governed by conscience; 2. showing great care r2
7301 promulgate v.正式宣布 make known r0
7302 traverse vt.横穿 pass across r1
7303 delineate vt.描写,描绘 describe, portray r3
7304 tactile adj.有触觉的,能触知的 touch; tangible r2
7305 cast v.提出;v.抛弃 1. put forth; 2. get rid off r3
7306 beholden adj.欠他人人情的 owing gratitude r1
7307 tender vt.正式提出;adj.考虑周到的,关心同情的 1. offer; 2. sympathy, consideration r0
7308 broach v.提出讨论 present for discussion r3
7309 provident adj.有远见的;adj.节俭的 1. frugal; 2. showing awareness for the future r2
7310 abdicate v.正式放弃(权力、责任) renounce a throne r0
7311 subsidiary adj.次要的 secondary importance r1
7312 ancillary adj.次要的;adj.辅助的,补充的 1. secondary importance; 2. supplementary r1
7313 rectitude n.正直 moral integrity r0
7314 retroactive adj.有追溯效力的 extending in effect to a prior time r2
7315 cultivate vt.提升,加强;vt.种植,培养 1. improve; 2. promote growth r3
7316 substantial adj.有重大意义的 considerable in importance r2
7317 probity n.正直 high moral standards r0
7318 hone vt.提升,改进 improve r3
7319 minutiae n.次要的细节,小事 minor detail r1
7320 integrity n.正直;n.完整性 1. adherence moral; 2. being whole r0
7321 mirth n.欢乐,欢笑 gladness r1
7322 resonate v.有重要性 beneficial to the health r2
7323 valorize v.提升,赞美 enhance r3
7324 paean n.欢乐颂,赞扬 joyous song,praise r1
7325 syllabus n.提纲,摘要;课文,演讲或研究课题的概要或提纲 summary r3
7326 scrupulous adj.正直的;adj.一丝不苟的 1. principled; 2. great care and effort; r0
7327 provisory adj.有附带条件的;临时的 conditional r2
7328 jocund adj.欢快的,高兴的 sprightly and lighthearted r1
7329 protocol n.正确的礼仪规范 a code of correct conduct r0
7330 debunk vt.揭露…的真面目 true nature r3
7331 chivalrous adj.有骑士风度的,(尤指对女性)彬彬有礼的 gracious courtesy and high-minded consideration r2
7332 gambol vi.欢跳,雀跃 playfully r1
7333 dogmatic adj.武断的,自以为是的 strongly held opinions r0
7334 adhere v.服从,遵守 according to the commands r2
7335 scour vt.搜查 to find or discover r3
7336 drollness n.搞笑,逗逼 amusing r3
7337 conflagration n.武装冲突,战争 armed violent struggle r0
7338 rejoice vi.欣喜,喜悦 feel joy r1
7339 obedient adj.服从的,顺从的 submissive authority r2
7340 jocular adj.搞笑的,欢乐的 joking, playful r3
7341 submissive adj.服从的,顺从的,恭顺的 submitting r2
7342 bully n.欺凌弱小者 a person who treats others in an intimidating manner r1
7343 perish vi.死亡,消亡 cease to exist r0
7344 hidebound adj.死板的,极度保守的 tending to favor r0
7345 wanting adj.未出现的,缺少的;adj.未达到要求的 1. not present; 2. not being up to standards r2
7346 outwit vt.欺瞒,以智取胜 surpass cunning r1
7347 ingest vt.摄入,咽下 take into body r3
7348 condescending adj.摆出高人一等的姿态的 displaying a superior attitude r3
7349 skullduggery n.欺诈,诡计 use of cleber underhanded actions r1
7350 unlettered adj.未受教育的,文盲的 deficient in the knowledge; illiterate r2
7351 rote n.死记硬背 using routine or repetition r0
7352 remnant n.残余,剩余物 something left over r0
7353 wag v.摆动 move to and fro or up and down r3
7354 substantive adj.本质的,关键的 relating to the essence r2
7355 fraudulent adj.欺诈的 fraud r1
7356 ingrained adj.本质的,根深蒂固的 firmly established r2
7357 relentless adj.残酷的,无情的;adj.固执的,不肯妥协的 1. no abatement of sverity; 2. yielding in one's purpose r0
7358 waddle vi.摇摇摆摆地走 tlit the body from side to side r3
7359 gull vt.欺骗 untrue r1
7360 austere adj.朴素的,朴实无华的 simple r2
7361 quotidian adj.每日的;平凡的 commonplace r0
7362 hoax n./vt.欺骗 cause to believe untrue r1
7363 ramshackle adj.摇摇欲坠的 ready to collapse r3
7364 tact n.机敏,精明,不冒犯 keen sense; maintain good relations r2
7365 antedate vt.比…早,早于 earlier date r0
7366 wobble vi.摇晃,颤抖;v.犹豫不决 1. move or proceed unsteadily; 2. show uncertainty r3
7367 hoodwink vt.欺骗 deceptive r1
7368 trope n.比喻;n.陈词滥调 1. figurative; 2. used by many people r0
7369 spurn vt.摈弃,拒绝 reject with distain r3
7370 astute adj.机敏的,有洞察力的 shrewdness r2
7371 beguile v.欺骗 believe what is untrue r1
7372 swindle vt.欺骗,骗取 cheat r1
7373 figurative adj.比喻的 denoting another r0
7374 wit n.机智,智慧;n.智者,有智慧的人 1. ability to understand; 2. intelligence r2
7375 compendium n.摘要 a brief summary, abstract r3
7376 poach vt.水煮 cook in a liquid r0
7377 epigram n.机智的短诗,警句 a short,witty poem r2
7378 palter vi.欺骗;讨价还价 insincerely,deceitfully r1
7379 synopsis n.摘要,概要 outline; abstract or a summary r3
7380 raze vt.摧毁,粉碎 destroy completely r3
7381 promulgate v.正式宣布 make known r1
7382 sprawl v.杂乱无序地发展,蔓生,蔓延 irregularly r2
7383 eternal adj.永恒的 everlasting r0
7384 hybrid n.杂交品种,混合品种;adj.杂交的 1. mixed origin; 2. parents of different races r2
7385 friction n.摩擦;n.冲突,不和 1. rubbing; 2. clashing r3
7386 tender vt.正式提出;adj.考虑周到的,关心同情的 1. offer; 2. sympathy, consideration r1
7387 permanent adj.永恒的 continuing or enduring r0
7388 mongrel adj.杂种的,混血儿的 mixed origin r2
7389 abdicate v.正式放弃(权力、责任) renounce a throne r1
7390 mendacious adj.撒谎的,虚假的 lies r3
7391 perpetual adj.永恒的,不断的 continuing forever r0
7392 everlasting adj.永恒的,持久的 lasting forever r0
7393 variegated adj.杂色的,斑驳的 different colors r2
7394 rectitude n.正直 moral integrity r1
7395 rive v.撕开 tear apart r3
7396 confluence n.汇合,混合 come together to the same point r0
7397 puissance n.权力 power r2
7398 probity n.正直 high moral standards r1
7399 rend vt.撕裂,猛拉 tear or split apart r3