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day 35

Word Paraphrase (w/ POS) Paraphrase (English) rpt
7000 pliant adj.易弯曲的;adj.顺从的 1. easily bent; 2. yielding to influence r2
7001 resonate v.有重要性 beneficial to the health r1
7002 rein n.抑制,限制/vi.抑制,控制 keep with certain boundaries r3
7003 clout n.权力,影响力 influence r0
7004 provisory adj.有附带条件的;临时的 conditional r1
7005 withhold vt.抑制;扣压,不给予 refrain from giving r3
7006 pundit n.权威人士,专家 who gives authoritive opinions r0
7007 irascible adj.易怒的 easily provoked anger r2
7008 testy adj.易怒的,暴躁的 easily annoyed; irritable r2
7009 chivalrous adj.有骑士风度的,(尤指对女性)彬彬有礼的 gracious courtesy and high-minded consideration r1
7010 stifle vt.抑制(声音、呼吸等);阻止,扼杀 hold back r3
7011 fetter vt.束缚 restrain from motion r0
7012 choleric adj.易怒的,暴躁的 easily angered r2
7013 adhere v.服从,遵守 according to the commands r1
7014 shackle vt.束缚;vt.限制,阻碍 1. restrictions; 2. create difficulty; r0
7015 smother vt.抑制(表达、说出),压制 refrain r3
7016 damper n.抑制因素 restrains; depresses r3
7017 fretful adj.易怒的,烦躁的 vexed r2
7018 obedient adj.服从的,顺从的 submissive authority r1
7019 provenance n.来源,起源 origin, source r0
7020 sacrosanct adj.极为神圣的,不可侵犯的 most sacred r0
7021 petulant adj.易怒的,爱发脾气的 easily irritated r2
7022 devoted adj.投入的;忠诚的 loyalty; devotion r3
7023 submissive adj.服从的,顺从的,恭顺的 submitting r1
7024 ticklish adj.易怒的;adj.棘手的,对技巧要求高的 1. easily offended; 2. exceptional skill or caution r2
7025 wanting adj.未出现的,缺少的;adj.未达到要求的 1. not present; 2. not being up to standards r1
7026 meticulous adj.极为谨慎的 extreme or excessive care r0
7027 sling vt.投掷 send through the air r3
7028 unlettered adj.未受教育的,文盲的 deficient in the knowledge; illiterate r1
7029 despise vt.极其不喜欢 dislike strongly r0
7030 friable adj.易碎的 easily crumbled r2
7031 capitulate v.投降,默许 give up all resistance r3
7032 draconian adj.极其严酷的;十分严厉的 harsh r0
7033 countervail v.抗衡,抵消 exert force against r3
7034 fragile adj.易碎的 broken r2
7035 substantive adj.本质的,关键的 relating to the essence r1
7036 irate adj.极其愤怒的 extremely angry r0
7037 ingrained adj.本质的,根深蒂固的 firmly established r1
7038 brittle adj.易碎的,脆弱的,易坏的;adj.不热心的,不真心的 1. easily broken; 2. lacking in friendlyness r2
7039 remonstrance n.抗议,抱怨 expression of protest r3
7040 stygian adj.极其暗的 extremely dark r0
7041 austere adj.朴素的,朴实无华的 simple r1
7042 tractable adj.易驾驭的,温顺的 giving in r2
7043 excruciate vt.折磨,使痛苦 inflict pain r3
7044 agonize vt.折磨,使痛苦 agony r3
7045 compelling adj.极具说服力的 persuade r0
7046 manifest adj.显然的,明显易懂的;v.显现,显露 1. understanding; 2. make evident r2
7047 tact n.机敏,精明,不冒犯 keen sense; maintain good relations r1
7048 glacial adj.极冷的;adj.冷漠的,无感情的 1. extremely cold; 2. devoid of warmth r0
7049 astute adj.机敏的,有洞察力的 shrewdness r1
7050 liken vt.显示相似,把…比作 show as similar r2
7051 harrow vt.折磨,使苦恼 distress; torment r3
7052 wit n.机智,智慧;n.智者,有智慧的人 1. ability to understand; 2. intelligence r1
7053 conspicuous adj.显而易见的,吸引人的 obvious r2
7054 defuse vt.抚慰,减轻 make less tense r3
7055 tout vt.极力赞扬 praise r0
7056 propitiate v.抚慰,劝解 appease r3
7057 atrocious adj.极坏的,极其残忍的 extremely wicked r0
7058 epigram n.机智的短诗,警句 a short,witty poem r1
7059 patent adj.显而易见的,明显的;n.专利 1. readily visible; 2. an official right only allowed to make or sell r2
7060 salient adj.显著的,最突出的 conspicuously r2
7061 sprawl v.杂乱无序地发展,蔓生,蔓延 irregularly r1
7062 nefarious adj.极坏的,邪恶的 wicked r0
7063 scrap vt.抛弃 get rid of r3
7064 hybrid n.杂交品种,混合品种;adj.杂交的 1. mixed origin; 2. parents of different races r1
7065 dramatic adj.显著的,惹人注意的 striking r2
7066 retribution n.报偿,报应 reward or punishment r3
7067 tremendous adj.极大的 large r0
7068 mongrel adj.杂种的,混血儿的 mixed origin r1
7069 diminutive adj.极小的 less than average r0
7070 retaliate v.报复,反击 pay back r3
7071 opaque adj.晦涩的 obscure r2
7072 variegated adj.杂色的,斑驳的 different colors r1
7073 stock adj.普通的,常备的 commonly used r2
7074 minuscule adj.极小的 very small r0
7075 revenge n.报复,复仇/vt.为…复仇 retaliation r3
7076 catholic adj.普遍的,包容的 not limited or specialized r2
7077 wretched adj.极差的;adj.沮丧的 1. poor in quality; 2. dejected r0
7078 reciprocate vt.报答,回报 return r3
7079 puissance n.权力 power r1
7080 bash vt.抨击,严厉批评 criticize harshly r3
7081 bliss n.极度快乐 ecstasy r0
7082 clout n.权力,影响力 influence r1
7083 sage 智者 wisdom r2
7084 illuminati n.智者 enlightened r2
7085 assail vt.抨击,严厉批评 criticize harshly r3
7086 agog adj.极度感兴趣的 urgent desire or interest r0
7087 pundit n.权威人士,专家 who gives authoritive opinions r1
7088 apoplectic adj.极度愤怒的 extremely angry r0
7089 gripe vi.抱怨 dissatisfaction r3
7090 fetter vt.束缚 restrain from motion r1
7091 suspend vi.暂停,中止 bring to a formal close r2
7092 adulate v.极度谄媚,拍马屁 praise too much r0
7093 repine vi.抱怨,表达不满;vi.渴望 1. express discontent; 2. long for r3
7094 tentative adj.暂时性的,尝试的 not fully developed r2
7095 shackle vt.束缚;vt.限制,阻碍 1. restrictions; 2. create difficulty; r1
7096 perspicacious adj.极敏锐的,有洞察力的 showing mental discernment r0
7097 provenance n.来源,起源 origin, source r1
7098 querulous adj.抱怨的,爱发牢骚的 complaining r3
7099 connive v.暗中合作,共谋 cooperate secretly r2
7100 sacrosanct adj.极为神圣的,不可侵犯的 most sacred r1
7101 metaphor adj.暗喻 used to refer to another thing similar r2
7102 vouch v.担保,声称为真 give a guarantee r3
7103 jingoist n.极端爱国激进分子(通常表现为好战的对外政策) extreme nationalism; belligerent r0
7104 meticulous adj.极为谨慎的 extreme or excessive care r1
7105 hoary adj.极老的 extremely old r0
7106 qualm n.担忧,不安 uneasy feeling r3
7107 tacit adj.暗示的 implied but not actually expressed r2
7108 despise vt.极其不喜欢 dislike strongly r1
7109 misgiving n.担忧,疑虑 doubt r3
7110 tyrant n.暴君 a brutal ruler r2
7111 momentous adj.极重要的 utmost importance r0
7112 rage n./v.暴怒 violent anger r2
7113 luminary n.杰出人物 eminence r0
7114 flatter vt.拍马屁,奉承,讨好 praise excessively r3
7115 draconian adj.极其严酷的;十分严厉的 harsh r1
7116 irate adj.极其愤怒的 extremely angry r1
7117 fury n.暴怒 rage r2
7118 eminent adj.杰出的 above others r0
7119 naysay vt.拒绝,否认 oppose,deny r3
7120 stonewall v.拒绝(合作),阻挠 uncooperative, obstructive r3
7121 stygian adj.极其暗的 extremely dark r1
7122 warp vt.曲解 alter the meaning r2
7123 redoubtable adj.杰出的,值得尊敬的;adj.可怕的 1. worthy of respect; 2. arousing fear r0
7124 disavow vt.拒绝承认,否认 disclaim; not true r3
7125 compelling adj.极具说服力的 persuade r1
7126 garble vt.曲解,篡改,混淆(以至使无法理解) distort; misleading r2
7127 luminous adj.杰出的,重要的 standing above r0
7128 dilatory adj.拖延的,磨蹭的 cause delay; procrastination r3
7129 glacial adj.极冷的;adj.冷漠的,无感情的 1. extremely cold; 2. devoid of warmth r1
7130 surrogate n.替代品 one that takes the place of another r2
7131 lax adj.松弛的,不紧的,不严格的;adj.懈怠的,漫不经心的 1. not rigid; 2. failing to give proper care r0
7132 filibuster n./v.拖延议事 for the purpose of delaying legislative action r3
7133 tout vt.极力赞扬 praise r1
7134 cosmopolitan adj.有世界性眼光的,包容的 having worldwide scope r2
7135 slack adj.松弛的;adj.疏忽的,大意的 1. not tightly fastened; 2. failing to give proper care; r0
7136 atrocious adj.极坏的,极其残忍的 extremely wicked r1
7137 dawdle v.拖拖拉拉 slowly r3
7138 tendentious adj.有偏见的 biased r2
7139 wither vi.枯萎,凋谢 become sapless r0
7140 nefarious adj.极坏的,邪恶的 wicked r1
7141 warble v.柔和地唱歌 sing with melodic embellishments r0
7142 partisan n.有偏见的人;adj.偏袒的 one side r2
7143 detain vt.拘留,扣留 hold; keep r3
7144 limp adj.柔软的,松散的 lacking firm r0
7145 travesty n./v.拙劣的、嘲弄性模仿 exaggerated imitation r3
7146 tremendous adj.极大的 large r1
7147 solvent adj.有偿付能力的;n.溶剂 1. able to pay debets; 2. another substance is dissolved r2
7148 lissome adj.柔软的;adj.敏捷的,轻盈的 1. easily bent; 2. move with ease r0
7149 diminutive adj.极小的 less than average r1
7150 lustrous adj.有光泽的 shiny r2
7151 sinecure n.拿钱不干事的职务;闲差事 requires little or no work r3
7152 mottle vt.标记上杂色斑点的 mark spots r0
7153 minuscule adj.极小的 very small r1
7154 germane adj.有关的,适当的 relevant r2
7155 abiding adj.持久的 enduring r3
7156 wretched adj.极差的;adj.沮丧的 1. poor in quality; 2. dejected r1
7157 dissent vi.持异议,不同意;n.反对正统 1. differ; 2. departure accepted r3
7158 calibrate v.校准,调校 standardize r0
7159 relevant adj.有关系的,重要的 having connection r2
7160 pertain v.有关联 have a relation r2
7161 proofread v.校对 find errors r0
7162 constitute v.指派,任命;v.构成 1. appoint to an office; 2. make up r3
7163 bliss n.极度快乐 ecstasy r1
7164 resourceful adj.有创造力的,机智的 act imaginatively r2
7165 verify vt.校验,证实 determine accuracy r0
7166 ration vt.按比例分配 share or portion r3
7167 agog adj.极度感兴趣的 urgent desire or interest r1
7168 apoplectic adj.极度愤怒的 extremely angry r1
7169 inveterate adj.根深蒂固的 firmly established r0
7170 lucrative adj.有利可图的 profit r2
7171 cavil v.挑剔,吹毛求疵 quibble r3
7172 adulate v.极度谄媚,拍马屁 praise too much r1
7173 favorable adj.有利的 promote r2
7174 fastidious adj.挑剔的,极仔细的,追求完美的 meticulous attention to detail r3
7175 deracinate vt.根除 pull out r0
7176 exterminate vt.根除,消灭 killing off r0
7177 barrage n.有压倒之势的言语 an overwhelming outpouring r2
7178 excavate v.挖掘,挖空 dig out r3
7179 perspicacious adj.极敏锐的,有洞察力的 showing mental discernment r1
7180 baleful adj.有害的 harmful r2
7181 caustic adj.挖苦讽刺的,刻薄的 marked by incisive sarcasm r3
7182 jingoist n.极端爱国激进分子(通常表现为好战的对外政策) extreme nationalism; belligerent r1
7183 aphorism n.格言,警句 short witty r0
7184 thorny adj.棘手的 difficulties r0
7185 deleterious adj.有害的 harmful r2
7186 hoary adj.极老的 extremely old r1
7187 profligate adj./n.挥金如土的,挥霍的;n.败家子 1. recklessly wasteful; 2. people who spend money freely r3
7188 momentous adj.极重要的 utmost importance r1
7189 prodigal adj.挥霍的;n.败家子 1. reckless spendthrift; 2. someone who spends money freely r3
7190 pernicious adj.有害的 highly injurious r2
7191 spiny adj.棘手的,麻烦的 requiring exceptional skill r0
7192 extravagant adj.挥霍的;adj.过度的,不必要的 1. spending money freely; 2. beyond normal limit r3
7193 recapitulate v./v.概括,摘要 make into a short statement r0
7194 noxious adj.有害的,有毒的;adj.产生强烈厌恶的 1. harmful;injurious to health; 2. causing intense displeasure r2
7195 luminary n.杰出人物 eminence r1
7196 exemplary adj.榜样的,值得效仿的 being a pattern to be imitated r0
7197 eminent adj.杰出的 above others r1
7198 spendthrift n.挥霍着,败家子;adj.挥霍的,不节俭的 1. spends improvidently; 2. spending money freely; r3
7199 bane n.有害的物质 kill or injure a living thing r2