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day 33

Word Paraphrase (w/ POS) Paraphrase (English) rpt
6600 myriad adj.无限的,大量的 indefinite number r1
6601 pliant adj.易弯曲的;adj.顺从的 1. easily bent; 2. yielding to influence r0
6602 apt adj.恰当的,合适的;adj.聪明的 1. suitable; 2. intelligent and responsive r3
6603 natty adj.整洁的,时髦的 tidy r2
6604 precocious adj.早熟的 before the usual r1
6605 irascible adj.易怒的 easily provoked anger r0
6606 entreat vt.恳求 ask urgently r3
6607 perfunctory adj.敷衍的,呵呵的 routine and supreficial r2
6608 sleek adj.时髦的,优美的 attractive r1
6609 supplicate v.恳求,乞求 make a request in earnest or urgent manner r3
6610 testy adj.易怒的,暴躁的 easily annoyed; irritable r0
6611 epilogue n.文学作品的结局 a concluding section r2
6612 chic adj.时髦的,潮的 being in the latest fashion r1
6613 choleric adj.易怒的,暴躁的 easily angered r0
6614 illiteracy n.文盲 unable to read and write r2
6615 importune vt.恳求,迫切请求 urgent manner r3
6616 fretful adj.易怒的,烦躁的 vexed r0
6617 incandescent adj.明亮灿烂的;adj.热情饱满的,感情强烈的 1. bright; 2. zeal r1
6618 deterioration n.恶化;堕落 sinking r3
6619 oblique adj.斜的 inclined or twisted r2
6620 intermittent adj.断断续续的 not continuous r2
6621 petulant adj.易怒的,爱发脾气的 easily irritated r0
6622 squeamish adj.恶心的,晕船的 affected with nausea r3
6623 simile n.明喻 a figure of speech comparing to unlike things r1
6624 overt adj.明显的,公开的 open r1
6625 ticklish adj.易怒的;adj.棘手的,对技巧要求高的 1. easily offended; 2. exceptional skill or caution r0
6626 fitful adj.断断续续的 erratic or intermittent r2
6627 venom n.恶意,恶毒的用心 desire to cause pain r3
6628 palpable adj.明显的,易觉察的 obvious r1
6629 sporadic adj.断断续续的 not often occurring r2
6630 libelous adj.恶意中伤的,诽谤的 libel r3
6631 friable adj.易碎的 easily crumbled r0
6632 levelheaded adj.明智的 sensible r1
6633 fragile adj.易碎的 broken r0
6634 malicious adj.恶意的 deliberately harmful r3
6635 expire v.断气,死亡;v.到期 1. die ; 2. come to an end r2
6636 judicious adj.明智的,慎重的 judgement; prudent r1
6637 brittle adj.易碎的,脆弱的,易坏的;adj.不热心的,不真心的 1. easily broken; 2. lacking in friendlyness r0
6638 malevolent adj.恶意的,恶毒的 vicious r3
6639 assert vt.断言,肯定地说出 declare forcefully r2
6640 prudent adj.明智的;adj.小心谨慎的,审慎的 1. wise; 2. circumspection r1
6641 rookie n.新兵;新手;菜鸟 recruit r2
6642 malign adj.恶意的;vt.诽谤 1. cause suffering; 2. utter injuriously r3
6643 tractable adj.易驾驭的,温顺的 giving in r0
6644 tamper v.恶意窜改,损害 mischievously r3
6645 dingy adj.昏暗的;肮脏的 darkened; dirty r1
6646 novel adj.新奇的 new r2
6647 manifest adj.显然的,明显易懂的;v.显现,显露 1. understanding; 2. make evident r0
6648 fledgling n.新手 starting out in a field r2
6649 liken vt.显示相似,把…比作 show as similar r0
6650 coma n.昏迷,深度无知觉 a state of profound unconsciousness r1
6651 miscreant n.恶棍,罪犯 behaves criminally r3
6652 malignant adj.恶毒的,邪恶的 having a desire to cause someone pain r3
6653 tyro n.新手,业余爱好者 beginner; novice r2
6654 ductile adj.易受影响的 easily led r1
6655 conspicuous adj.显而易见的,吸引人的 obvious r0
6656 malodorous adj.恶臭的 unpleasant smell r3
6657 novice n.新手,初学者 a person new to a field r2
6658 patent adj.显而易见的,明显的;n.专利 1. readily visible; 2. an official right only allowed to make or sell r0
6659 vulnerable adj.易受攻击的,脆弱的 open to attack r1
6660 salient adj.显著的,最突出的 conspicuously r0
6661 fetid adj.恶臭的 offensive smell r3
6662 dupe n.易受骗的人;vt.欺骗 1. easily deceived; 2. deceive r1
6663 nascent adj.新生的 recently come into existence r2
6664 inchoate adj.新生的,才开始的 early stage r2
6665 dramatic adj.显著的,惹人注意的 striking r0
6666 noisome adj.恶臭的;adj.非常令人厌恶的 1. offensive smell; 2. objectionable r3
6667 fickle adj.易变的 likely to change r1
6668 labile adj.易变的,不稳定的 unstable r1
6669 vernacular n.方言;adj.非正式的,口头的 1. nonstandard language; 2. suitable for speech; r2
6670 diabolic adj.恶魔一般的 devil r3
6671 opaque adj.晦涩的 obscure r0
6672 stock adj.普通的,常备的 commonly used r0
6673 supple adj.易弯曲的,柔软的 bent; pliant r1
6674 paltry adj.无价值的,微不足道的 important r2
6675 repentant adj.悔过的 feeling sorrow r3
6676 penitent adj.悔过的 regretful r3
6677 pliable adj.易弯曲的,柔软的;adj.易受影响的,温顺的 1. suppple; 2. easily influenced r1
6678 catholic adj.普遍的,包容的 not limited or specialized r0
6679 extraneous adj.无关的,不重要的 no relevance r2
6680 euphonious adj.悦耳的 pleasing to the ear r3
6681 sage 智者 wisdom r0
6682 pliant adj.易弯曲的;adj.顺从的 1. easily bent; 2. yielding to influence r1
6683 immaterial adj.无关的,不重要的 no relevance r2
6684 dulcet adj.悦耳的,令人愉悦的 melodious r3
6685 illuminati n.智者 enlightened r0
6686 irascible adj.易怒的 easily provoked anger r1
6687 nugatory adj.无关紧要的 consequence;inconsequential r2
6688 testy adj.易怒的,暴躁的 easily annoyed; irritable r1
6689 impertinent adj.无关紧要的;adj.粗鲁无礼的,大胆的 1. not having relevance; 2. insolent rudeness r2
6690 plaintive adj.悲伤的 expressing suffering r3
6691 suspend vi.暂停,中止 bring to a formal close r0
6692 tentative adj.暂时性的,尝试的 not fully developed r0
6693 choleric adj.易怒的,暴躁的 easily angered r1
6694 mournful adj.悲伤的 expressing sorrow r3
6695 impotent adj.无力的,无能的 lacking in power r2
6696 fretful adj.易怒的,烦躁的 vexed r1
6697 stolid adj.无动于衷的,感情麻木的 little emotion r2
6698 somber adj.悲伤的,不愉快的 lacking in cheer r3
6699 connive v.暗中合作,共谋 cooperate secretly r0
6700 unassailable adj.无可争辩的,无法否认的,不可亵渎的 not to be violated r2
6701 pessimistic adj.悲观的 taking the gloomist possible view r3
6702 metaphor adj.暗喻 used to refer to another thing similar r0
6703 petulant adj.易怒的,爱发脾气的 easily irritated r1
6704 tacit adj.暗示的 implied but not actually expressed r0
6705 ticklish adj.易怒的;adj.棘手的,对技巧要求高的 1. easily offended; 2. exceptional skill or caution r1
6706 gust n.情感爆发 sudden intense expression r3
6707 unimpeachable adj.无可置疑的 unquestionable r2
6708 friable adj.易碎的 easily crumbled r1
6709 callous adj.无同情心的,冷漠的 unfeeling r2
6710 catharsis n.情绪的宣泄、释放 elimination of a complex r3
6711 tyrant n.暴君 a brutal ruler r0
6712 jolt vt.惊吓 unpleasant surprise r3
6713 fragile adj.易碎的 broken r1
6714 amorphous adj.无固定形状的 shapeless r2
6715 rage n./v.暴怒 violent anger r0
6716 anodyne adj.无害的 not causing hurt r2
6717 brittle adj.易碎的,脆弱的,易坏的;adj.不热心的,不真心的 1. easily broken; 2. lacking in friendlyness r1
6718 fury n.暴怒 rage r0
6719 consternation n.惊愕,恐慌,恐惧 paralyzing dismay r3
6720 benign adj.无害的 not causing hurt r2
6721 tractable adj.易驾驭的,温顺的 giving in r1
6722 warp vt.曲解 alter the meaning r0
6723 rite n.惯例,仪式 prescribed form r3
6724 garble vt.曲解,篡改,混淆(以至使无法理解) distort; misleading r0
6725 invidious adj.惹人反感的;adj.羡慕嫉妒恨的 1. cause discontent; 2. resentment of another's possessions r3
6726 innocuous adj.无害的;adj.不会引起敌意的 1. not jury; 2. not arouse r2
6727 manifest adj.显然的,明显易懂的;v.显现,显露 1. understanding; 2. make evident r1
6728 nettle vt.惹怒 arouse anger r3
6729 surrogate n.替代品 one that takes the place of another r0
6730 interminable adj.无尽头的 no end r2
6731 liken vt.显示相似,把…比作 show as similar r1
6732 conspicuous adj.显而易见的,吸引人的 obvious r1
6733 jovial adj.愉快的 good-humored by jollity and conviviality r3
6734 cosmopolitan adj.有世界性眼光的,包容的 having worldwide scope r0
6735 infinite adj.无尽的,无限的 no boundaries r2
6736 patent adj.显而易见的,明显的;n.专利 1. readily visible; 2. an official right only allowed to make or sell r1
6737 generic adj.无差别的,普遍的 no particularly distinctive quality r2
6738 blithe adj.愉快高兴的;adj.无忧无虑的;漫不经心的 1. happy, lighthearted; 2. having freedom from worries r3
6739 tendentious adj.有偏见的 biased r0
6740 salient adj.显著的,最突出的 conspicuously r1
6741 carefree adj.无忧无虑的 no worries or troubles r2
6742 fateful adj.意义重大的 momentous r3
6743 partisan n.有偏见的人;adj.偏袒的 one side r0
6744 serendipity n.意外发现珍奇(或称心)事物的本领 by accident r3
6745 solvent adj.有偿付能力的;n.溶剂 1. able to pay debets; 2. another substance is dissolved r0
6746 dramatic adj.显著的,惹人注意的 striking r1
6747 debonair adj.无忧无虑的,不在乎的;adj.风度翩翩的 1. freedom from worries or troubles; 2. polished and worldly manners r2
6748 opaque adj.晦涩的 obscure r1
6749 lustrous adj.有光泽的 shiny r0
6750 accidental adj.意外发生的,偶然的 unexpectedly r3
6751 idyll n.无忧无虑的生活 carefree episode r2
6752 stock adj.普通的,常备的 commonly used r1
6753 volition n.意志,自愿选择的行为 making one's own choices r3
6754 germane adj.有关的,适当的 relevant r0
6755 insouciant adj.无忧虑的,不在乎的 free from concern r2
6756 insentient adj.无感觉的,无知觉的;adj.一知半解的,略懂的 1. lacking perception; 2. not having a deep understanding r2
6757 relevant adj.有关系的,重要的 having connection r0
6758 catholic adj.普遍的,包容的 not limited or specialized r1
6759 jibe vi.意见一致 agree r3
6760 anesthetic adj.无感觉的,麻木的 lacking awareness r2
6761 sage 智者 wisdom r1
6762 pertain v.有关联 have a relation r0
6763 discord n.意见不一致,不和谐 lack agreement harmony r3
6764 resourceful adj.有创造力的,机智的 act imaginatively r0
6765 unexceptionable adj.无懈可击的 beyond reproach r2
6766 illuminati n.智者 enlightened r1
6767 dissension n.意见不合 difference; disagreement r3
6768 lucrative adj.有利可图的 profit r0
6769 suspend vi.暂停,中止 bring to a formal close r1
6770 brash adj.愚勇的,鲁莽的 bold r3
6771 feckless adj.无成果的,没有价值的;adj.粗心不负责任的 1. having no worth; 2. careless r2
6772 favorable adj.有利的 promote r0
6773 fatuous adj.愚笨的,昏庸的 foolish r3
6774 tentative adj.暂时性的,尝试的 not fully developed r1
6775 ubiquitous adj.无所不在的,普通的 everywhere; often observed r2
6776 barrage n.有压倒之势的言语 an overwhelming outpouring r0
6777 connive v.暗中合作,共谋 cooperate secretly r1
6778 inept adj.愚笨的,荒谬的;adj.不称职的,无能力的 1. lack of judgment; 2. incompetent r3
6779 omniscient adj.无所不知的 complete knowledge r2
6780 oaf n.愚蠢的人 a stupid person r3
6781 baleful adj.有害的 harmful r0
6782 metaphor adj.暗喻 used to refer to another thing similar r1
6783 footloose adj.无拘无束的,自由的 having no attachments r2
6784 obtuse adj.愚钝的 absorb ideas readily r3
6785 tacit adj.暗示的 implied but not actually expressed r1
6786 mint adj.无损坏的 unmarred r2
6787 deleterious adj.有害的 harmful r0
6788 futile adj.无效的,无用的 ineffective r2
6789 pernicious adj.有害的 highly injurious r0
6790 palatable adj.感到愉悦满足的 pleasure or contentment r3
6791 tyrant n.暴君 a brutal ruler r1
6792 barren adj.无效的;adj.贫瘠的 1. unproductive; 2. deficient r2
6793 rage n./v.暴怒 violent anger r1
6794 noxious adj.有害的,有毒的;adj.产生强烈厌恶的 1. harmful;injurious to health; 2. causing intense displeasure r0
6795 exult vi.感到欢喜 rejoice r3
6796 reel vi.感到眩晕 from being twirled around r3
6797 impeccable adj.无暇的,无可挑剔的 free from fault r2
6798 fury n.暴怒 rage r1
6799 bane n.有害的物质 kill or injure a living thing r0