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day 32

Word Paraphrase (w/ POS) Paraphrase (English) rpt
6400 impuissance n.无权,虚弱 lack of power r0
6401 requisite n.必需品/adj.必不可少的,必备的 necessary r3
6402 prevaricate vi.支吾其词,撒谎 evade the truth r2
6403 benign adj.无害的 not causing hurt r1
6404 brook v.忍受,容许 tolerate r3
6405 gratuitous adj.无根据的,无理由的;adj.无报酬的,免费的 1. unwarranted; 2. without return r0
6406 champion v.支持 support as a champion r2
6407 innocuous adj.无害的;adj.不会引起敌意的 1. not jury; 2. not arouse r1
6408 advocate vt.支持,提倡 support r2
6409 penance n.忏悔 regret r3
6410 aboveboard adj.无欺诈的,光明正大的 free from deceit or duplicity r0
6411 interminable adj.无尽头的 no end r1
6412 bustle n.忙乱,喧闹;vi.(快速地)行走,奔忙 1. noisy, energetic; 2. move briskly r3
6413 uphold vt.支持,赞成 support r2
6414 inimitable adj.无法仿效的,独特的 not imitated r0
6415 infinite adj.无尽的,无限的 no boundaries r1
6416 espouse vt.支持;拥护 support r2
6417 hive n.忙碌之地;v.储备,积累 1. activity; 2. store up r3
6418 inexorable adj.无法劝阻的,不为所动的 not persuaded r0
6419 generic adj.无差别的,普遍的 no particularly distinctive quality r1
6420 carefree adj.无忧无虑的 no worries or troubles r1
6421 crutch n./v.支撑,支柱 supports r2
6422 indelible adj.无法忘怀的 not easily forgotten r0
6423 pointer n.忠告,建议 a useful suggestion or hint r3
6424 intangible adj.无法感知的,无形的 incapable perceived r0
6425 bolster n./v.支撑(物);v.鼓励,使有精力 1. provide support; 2. give a boost to r2
6426 debonair adj.无忧无虑的,不在乎的;adj.风度翩翩的 1. freedom from worries or troubles; 2. polished and worldly manners r1
6427 fidelity n.忠诚 being faithful r3
6428 conundrum n.无法解决的问题,迷 a dilemma r0
6429 allegiance n.忠诚 devotion or loyalty r3
6430 retract vt.收回,否认 take back r2
6431 idyll n.无忧无虑的生活 carefree episode r1
6432 snare n.无法逃脱的困境;vt.捕捉 1. catches and holds; 2. capture by r0
6433 insouciant adj.无忧虑的,不在乎的 free from concern r1
6434 devout adj.忠诚的 allegiance r3
6435 asylum n.收容所,保护所 protection r2
6436 staunch adj.忠诚的,坚定的 steadfast in loyalty r3
6437 glean v.收集 collect r2
6438 insentient adj.无感觉的,无知觉的;adj.一知半解的,略懂的 1. lacking perception; 2. not having a deep understanding r1
6439 ineluctable adj.无法逃避的,必然的 not to be avoided r0
6440 convert v.改变,转化 alter the physical nature r2
6441 juggernaut n.无法阻挡的力量,摧毁一切的强大力量 overwhelming force r0
6442 committed adj.忠诚的,忠实的 loyal r3
6443 anesthetic adj.无感觉的,麻木的 lacking awareness r1
6444 accommodate v.改变以适应新情况、新场景;vt.使和谐 make suitable; free of conflicts r2
6445 unexceptionable adj.无懈可击的 beyond reproach r1
6446 airtight adj.无瑕疵的 no flaw r0
6447 dolorous adj.忧伤的 misery grief r3
6448 refine vt.改善,改进 improve or perfect r2
6449 feckless adj.无成果的,没有价值的;adj.粗心不负责任的 1. having no worth; 2. careless r1
6450 inanimate adj.无生命的 not living r0
6451 careworn adj.忧心忡忡的,焦虑的 showing grief r3
6452 pallid adj.无生气的,缺乏活力的;adj.苍白无血色的 1. lacking radiance,vitality; 2. pale r0
6453 ameliorate vt.改善,改进 become better; improve r2
6454 apprehension n.忧虑,恐惧;n.理解 1. suspicion or fear; 2. understand r3
6455 ubiquitous adj.无所不在的,普通的 everywhere; often observed r1
6456 omniscient adj.无所不知的 complete knowledge r1
6457 morose adj.忧郁的 slluen gloomy r3
6458 redeem v.改过自新 to make better r2
6459 bootless adj.无用的 useless r0
6460 gloomy adj.忧郁的 low; spirits r3
6461 strike n.攻击;vt.击打;vt.袭击,攻击;vt.撞击 1. force or violence; 2. deliver a blow; 3. violent action; 4. forceful contact; r2
6462 insensible adj.无知觉的 lost consciousness r0
6463 footloose adj.无拘无束的,自由的 having no attachments r1
6464 mint adj.无损坏的 unmarred r1
6465 saturnine adj.忧郁的,阴沉的 lacking in cheer r3
6466 haphazard adj.无秩序的,无目标的 lack of plan, order, or direction r0
6467 jettison vt.放弃,拒绝接受(想法,计划等) get rid of r2
6468 renege v.放弃,摒弃 formally reject r2
6469 paradise n.快乐,狂喜 pleasurable emotion r3
6470 futile adj.无效的,无用的 ineffective r1
6471 willy-nilly adj.无秩序的,随意的 without order r0
6472 barren adj.无效的;adj.贫瘠的 1. unproductive; 2. deficient r1
6473 jabber vi.快而不清楚地说 talk rapidly, indistinctly r3
6474 green adj.无经验的 deficient; experience r0
6475 relinquish vt.放弃(职位、权力等) give up r2
6476 impeccable adj.无暇的,无可挑剔的 free from fault r1
6477 monotonous adj.无聊的 tediously unvarying r0
6478 rustle vi.快速地行动 move or act with speed r3
6479 abandon v./n.放纵;v.放弃 1. freedom from constraint; 2. withdraw r2
6480 impudent adj.放肆大胆的,无礼的 boldness or disregard r2
6481 impuissance n.无权,虚弱 lack of power r1
6482 flit vi.快速或突然地经过 pass quickly r3
6483 humdrum adj.无聊的,乏味的 lacking excitement r0
6484 libertine n.放荡不羁者 without moral restraint r2
6485 plodding n.无聊的,单调乏味的 dull and monotonous r0
6486 gratuitous adj.无根据的,无理由的;adj.无报酬的,免费的 1. unwarranted; 2. without return r1
6487 proliferate v.快速繁殖;激增 grow or multiply rapidly r3
6488 licentious adj.放荡的,性欲强的 lacking restraint r2
6489 aboveboard adj.无欺诈的,光明正大的 free from deceit or duplicity r1
6490 nostalgia n.怀旧,怀念 a sentimental yearning for return r3
6491 intemperate adj.无节制的,极端的,不温和的 not temperate r0
6492 desultory adj.无计划的,无目的的 lacking plan r0
6493 inimitable adj.无法仿效的,独特的 not imitated r1
6494 reminiscent adj.怀旧的,引发回忆的 provoking a memory r3
6495 dissolute adj.放荡的,无节制的 restraint; indulging r2
6496 rakish adj.放荡的,行为不检点的 lowered moral character r2
6497 jejune adj.无趣乏味的 not interesting r0
6498 inexorable adj.无法劝阻的,不为所动的 not persuaded r1
6499 leery adj.怀疑的,不信任的 suspicious r3
6500 indelible adj.无法忘怀的 not easily forgotten r1
6501 bristle v.怒不可遏,咆哮 express one's anger r3
6502 bland adj.无趣的 dull r0
6503 deportation n.放逐 removal from a country r2
6504 autonomy n.政治上的独立;n.自我主导的自由,(尤其是)精神独立 1. self-governing; 2. independence r2
6505 vapid adj.无趣的,乏味的 lacking interest r0
6506 intangible adj.无法感知的,无形的 incapable perceived r1
6507 ream vt.怒斥,训斥 criticize r3
6508 conundrum n.无法解决的问题,迷 a dilemma r1
6509 deadpan n.无趣的,无生气的,不活泼的 impassively r0
6510 posture v.故作姿态,装模作样 assume a pretended attitude r2
6511 spleen n.怒气,怨恨 anger or ill will r3
6512 glower vi.怒目而视 stare with anger r3
6513 snare n.无法逃脱的困境;vt.捕捉 1. catches and holds; 2. capture by r1
6514 trivial adj.无足轻重的,不重要的 little importance r0
6515 poseur n.故作姿态、不真诚的人 an affected or insincere person r2
6516 incessant adj.无间断的 without interruption r0
6517 ineluctable adj.无法逃避的,必然的 not to be avoided r1
6518 emulate vt.效仿 excel through imitation r2
6519 rail vi.怒骂,猛烈抨击 revile or scold r3
6520 enmity n.敌意 mutual hatred r2
6521 juggernaut n.无法阻挡的力量,摧毁一切的强大力量 overwhelming force r1
6522 liberal adj.思想前卫的;adj.慷慨的,大方的 1. not bound; 2. generosity r3
6523 myriad adj.无限的,大量的 indefinite number r0
6524 animus n.敌意 spiteful malevolent enmity r2
6525 meditate vt.思索,沉思 focus one's thoughts on r3
6526 airtight adj.无瑕疵的 no flaw r1
6527 precocious adj.早熟的 before the usual r0
6528 sloth n.怠惰,懒惰 disinclination to action r3
6529 inanimate adj.无生命的 not living r1
6530 rancor n.敌意,深仇 ill will r2
6531 sleek adj.时髦的,优美的 attractive r0
6532 adversary n.敌手,对手 resists; enemy r2
6533 avid adj.急切渴望的 enthusiasm r3
6534 pallid adj.无生气的,缺乏活力的;adj.苍白无血色的 1. lacking radiance,vitality; 2. pale r1
6535 chic adj.时髦的,潮的 being in the latest fashion r0
6536 lithe adj.敏捷的,轻盈的;adj.柔软的 1. grace; 2. easily bent r2
6537 bootless adj.无用的 useless r1
6538 incandescent adj.明亮灿烂的;adj.热情饱满的,感情强烈的 1. bright; 2. zeal r0
6539 agape adj.急切盼望的 eagerly awaiting r3
6540 simile n.明喻 a figure of speech comparing to unlike things r0
6541 perceptive adj.敏锐的 able to sense slight differences r2
6542 splutter v.急切而不清楚地说 speak hastily and incoherently r3
6543 insensible adj.无知觉的 lost consciousness r1
6544 torrential adj.急流的 rapidstreams r3
6545 acute adj.敏锐的;adj.(程度、影响)极强的 1. keen discernment; 2. extreme r2
6546 overt adj.明显的,公开的 open r0
6547 haphazard adj.无秩序的,无目标的 lack of plan, order, or direction r1
6548 succor vt.救援,援助 aid r2
6549 restive adj.急躁的,忧虑的 imaptience or uneasiness r3
6550 palpable adj.明显的,易觉察的 obvious r0
6551 willy-nilly adj.无秩序的,随意的 without order r1
6552 green adj.无经验的 deficient; experience r1
6553 grudge n.怨恨,仇恨 ill will r3
6554 pedagogical adj.教学的;教师的 relating to a teacher or education r2
6555 levelheaded adj.明智的 sensible r0
6556 resent v.怨恨,憎恨 angry or upset r3
6557 monotonous adj.无聊的 tediously unvarying r1
6558 mentor vt.教导,指导 give advice r2
6559 judicious adj.明智的,慎重的 judgement; prudent r0
6560 prudent adj.明智的;adj.小心谨慎的,审慎的 1. wise; 2. circumspection r0
6561 humdrum adj.无聊的,乏味的 lacking excitement r1
6562 doctrinaire adj.教条主义的,照本宣科的 strongly held opinions r2
6563 browbeat v.恐吓 intimidate r3
6564 plodding n.无聊的,单调乏味的 dull and monotonous r1
6565 indoctrinate vt.教育,灌输思想 instruct r2
6566 cow v.恐吓,威胁 frighten with threats r3
6567 dingy adj.昏暗的;肮脏的 darkened; dirty r0
6568 intemperate adj.无节制的,极端的,不温和的 not temperate r1
6569 macabre adj.恐怖的 horror of death r3
6570 pedagogue n.教育者,老师 a person who giving formal instruction r2
6571 coma n.昏迷,深度无知觉 a state of profound unconsciousness r0
6572 desultory adj.无计划的,无目的的 lacking plan r1
6573 pluck n.敢于面对困难的勇气 resourceful courage r2
6574 lurid adj.恐怖的,令人反感的 causing revulsion r3
6575 ductile adj.易受影响的 easily led r0
6576 jejune adj.无趣乏味的 not interesting r1
6577 vulnerable adj.易受攻击的,脆弱的 open to attack r0
6578 disseminate vt.散播,传播 spread; promulgate r2
6579 dread n.恐惧 fear r3
6580 bland adj.无趣的 dull r1
6581 exhort vt.敦促,力劝 urge r2
6582 trepidation n.恐惧,战栗 apprehension r3
6583 dupe n.易受骗的人;vt.欺骗 1. easily deceived; 2. deceive r0
6584 awe n./v.敬畏 dread, veneration and wonder r2
6585 vapid adj.无趣的,乏味的 lacking interest r1
6586 fickle adj.易变的 likely to change r0
6587 recuperate v.恢复(健康或力量),康复 revcover health r3
6588 obeisance n.敬礼,尊重 respect,submission r2
6589 labile adj.易变的,不稳定的 unstable r0
6590 deadpan n.无趣的,无生气的,不活泼的 impassively r1
6591 resilience n.恢复能力 ability to recover quickly r3
6592 supple adj.易弯曲的,柔软的 bent; pliant r0
6593 boon n.恩惠,福利 benefit r3
6594 trivial adj.无足轻重的,不重要的 little importance r1
6595 untold adj.数不清的 numerous r2
6596 incessant adj.无间断的 without interruption r1
6597 timely adj.恰到好处的,合乎时宜的 appropriate r3
6598 blackmail n./vt.敲诈,勒索 extortion of money r2
6599 pliable adj.易弯曲的,柔软的;adj.易受影响的,温顺的 1. suppple; 2. easily influenced r0