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day 30

Word Paraphrase (w/ POS) Paraphrase (English) rpt
6000 prevaricate vi.支吾其词,撒谎 evade the truth r0
6001 bathetic adj.平凡的,陈腐的 commonplace r3
6002 excruciate vt.折磨,使痛苦 inflict pain r2
6003 ramshackle adj.摇摇欲坠的 ready to collapse r1
6004 pedestrian adj.平庸无奇的,令人厌倦的 causing weariness r3
6005 champion v.支持 support as a champion r0
6006 agonize vt.折磨,使痛苦 agony r2
6007 wobble vi.摇晃,颤抖;v.犹豫不决 1. move or proceed unsteadily; 2. show uncertainty r1
6008 stodgy adj.平庸的,乏味的 dull r3
6009 advocate vt.支持,提倡 support r0
6010 harrow vt.折磨,使苦恼 distress; torment r2
6011 spurn vt.摈弃,拒绝 reject with distain r1
6012 defuse vt.抚慰,减轻 make less tense r2
6013 uphold vt.支持,赞成 support r0
6014 mediocre adj.平庸的;质量中等偏差的 moderate r3
6015 compendium n.摘要 a brief summary, abstract r1
6016 espouse vt.支持;拥护 support r0
6017 synopsis n.摘要,概要 outline; abstract or a summary r1
6018 propitiate v.抚慰,劝解 appease r2
6019 palliate vt.平息,减轻 less severe,intense r3
6020 raze vt.摧毁,粉碎 destroy completely r1
6021 crutch n./v.支撑,支柱 supports r0
6022 scrap vt.抛弃 get rid of r2
6023 conciliate v.平息,抚慰 lessen the anger r3
6024 friction n.摩擦;n.冲突,不和 1. rubbing; 2. clashing r1
6025 retribution n.报偿,报应 reward or punishment r2
6026 bolster n./v.支撑(物);v.鼓励,使有精力 1. provide support; 2. give a boost to r0
6027 mollify vt.平息,抚慰,缓和 calm r3
6028 retract vt.收回,否认 take back r0
6029 plebeian adj.平民的,社会下层的 belonging to low social rank r3
6030 mendacious adj.撒谎的,虚假的 lies r1
6031 retaliate v.报复,反击 pay back r2
6032 revenge n.报复,复仇/vt.为…复仇 retaliation r2
6033 rive v.撕开 tear apart r1
6034 asylum n.收容所,保护所 protection r0
6035 insipid adj.平淡的,无聊的 lacking interest r3
6036 glean v.收集 collect r0
6037 reciprocate vt.报答,回报 return r2
6038 rend vt.撕裂,猛拉 tear or split apart r1
6039 glossy adj.平滑的,有光泽的 smooth surface r3
6040 egalitarian adj.平等主义的 promoting equal rights r3
6041 bash vt.抨击,严厉批评 criticize harshly r2
6042 revoke vt.撤回,宣告无效 annul r1
6043 convert v.改变,转化 alter the physical nature r0
6044 recant vt.撤回,放弃,改变 recant r1
6045 kilter n.平衡 fitness r3
6046 assail vt.抨击,严厉批评 criticize harshly r2
6047 accommodate v.改变以适应新情况、新场景;vt.使和谐 make suitable; free of conflicts r0
6048 prostrate adj./vt.平躺(的)/使平躺;adj./v.衰弱的/使衰竭 1. lying flat; 2. reduce to extreme weakness r3
6049 refine vt.改善,改进 improve or perfect r0
6050 evacuate vt.撤离 empty or remove r1
6051 gripe vi.抱怨 dissatisfaction r2
6052 repine vi.抱怨,表达不满;vi.渴望 1. express discontent; 2. long for r2
6053 quiescent adj.平静的,静止的 inactive r3
6054 withdraw v.撤退 take back r1
6055 ameliorate vt.改善,改进 become better; improve r0
6056 querulous adj.抱怨的,爱发牢骚的 complaining r2
6057 gloat vi.幸灾乐祸,自鸣得意 self-satisfaction r3
6058 redeem v.改过自新 to make better r0
6059 repeal vt.撤销,废除(法律等) rescind or annul r1
6060 vouch v.担保,声称为真 give a guarantee r2
6061 showmanship n.擅长表演、展示的技巧 dramatically effective presentation r1
6062 yokel n.乡下人,天真纯朴的人 inhabitant of a rural area r3
6063 strike n.攻击;vt.击打;vt.袭击,攻击;vt.撞击 1. force or violence; 2. deliver a blow; 3. violent action; 4. forceful contact; r0
6064 burnish v.擦亮,磨光 make smooth or glossy r1
6065 qualm n.担忧,不安 uneasy feeling r2
6066 rustic n.乡下人;头脑简单的人;adj.乡村的;adj.粗俗的 1. awkward or simple person; 2. open areas with few buildings; 3.lacking polish r3
6067 jettison vt.放弃,拒绝接受(想法,计划等) get rid of r0
6068 efface vt.擦掉,抹去;使不明显 make indistinct r1
6069 misgiving n.担忧,疑虑 doubt r2
6070 fantasy n.幻想;vt.产生幻想 1. imaginative fiction; 2. form a mental picture r3
6071 renege v.放弃,摒弃 formally reject r0
6072 relinquish vt.放弃(职位、权力等) give up r0
6073 flatter vt.拍马屁,奉承,讨好 praise excessively r2
6074 fabulous adj.幻想中的,不真实的;adj.极好的 1. in the imagination; 2. extremely pleasing r3
6075 defray vt.支付 undertake the payment r1
6076 illusory adj.幻觉的,虚幻的 illusion r3
6077 remunerate vt.支付报酬,补偿 pay r1
6078 abandon v./n.放纵;v.放弃 1. freedom from constraint; 2. withdraw r0
6079 naysay vt.拒绝,否认 oppose,deny r2
6080 puerile adj.幼稚的,不成熟的 immature r3
6081 impudent adj.放肆大胆的,无礼的 boldness or disregard r0
6082 prevaricate vi.支吾其词,撒谎 evade the truth r1
6083 stonewall v.拒绝(合作),阻挠 uncooperative, obstructive r2
6084 disavow vt.拒绝承认,否认 disclaim; not true r2
6085 libertine n.放荡不羁者 without moral restraint r0
6086 champion v.支持 support as a champion r1
6087 banter n./v.幽默、打趣的(地)谈话 humored r3
6088 solemnity n.庄严,严肃 solemn r3
6089 licentious adj.放荡的,性欲强的 lacking restraint r0
6090 dilatory adj.拖延的,磨蹭的 cause delay; procrastination r2
6091 advocate vt.支持,提倡 support r1
6092 preface n.序言 a preliminary statement r3
6093 filibuster n./v.拖延议事 for the purpose of delaying legislative action r2
6094 uphold vt.支持,赞成 support r1
6095 dissolute adj.放荡的,无节制的 restraint; indulging r0
6096 espouse vt.支持;拥护 support r1
6097 prologue n.序言 the preface r3
6098 rakish adj.放荡的,行为不检点的 lowered moral character r0
6099 dawdle v.拖拖拉拉 slowly r2
6100 crutch n./v.支撑,支柱 supports r1
6101 deportation n.放逐 removal from a country r0
6102 condign adj.应得的,恰当的 deserved r3
6103 detain vt.拘留,扣留 hold; keep r2
6104 bolster n./v.支撑(物);v.鼓励,使有精力 1. provide support; 2. give a boost to r1
6105 merited adj.应得的,理所当然的 what is called for r3
6106 autonomy n.政治上的独立;n.自我主导的自由,(尤其是)精神独立 1. self-governing; 2. independence r0
6107 travesty n./v.拙劣的、嘲弄性模仿 exaggerated imitation r2
6108 retract vt.收回,否认 take back r1
6109 expediency n.应急手段,权宜之计 doing convenient r3
6110 posture v.故作姿态,装模作样 assume a pretended attitude r0
6111 sinecure n.拿钱不干事的职务;闲差事 requires little or no work r2
6112 detritus n.废品,碎屑,遗骸 product of disintegration, destruction; debris r3
6113 asylum n.收容所,保护所 protection r1
6114 poseur n.故作姿态、不真诚的人 an affected or insincere person r0
6115 abiding adj.持久的 enduring r2
6116 glean v.收集 collect r1
6117 emulate vt.效仿 excel through imitation r0
6118 debris n.废墟 discarded useless material r3
6119 dissent vi.持异议,不同意;n.反对正统 1. differ; 2. departure accepted r2
6120 convert v.改变,转化 alter the physical nature r1
6121 enmity n.敌意 mutual hatred r0
6122 rescind vt.废除,取消 make void r3
6123 constitute v.指派,任命;v.构成 1. appoint to an office; 2. make up r2
6124 animus n.敌意 spiteful malevolent enmity r0
6125 ration vt.按比例分配 share or portion r2
6126 adjourn vi.延期,休会 suspend r3
6127 accommodate v.改变以适应新情况、新场景;vt.使和谐 make suitable; free of conflicts r1
6128 rancor n.敌意,深仇 ill will r0
6129 moratorium n.延期,暂缓实行 suspension r3
6130 cavil v.挑剔,吹毛求疵 quibble r2
6131 refine vt.改善,改进 improve or perfect r1
6132 adversary n.敌手,对手 resists; enemy r0
6133 fastidious adj.挑剔的,极仔细的,追求完美的 meticulous attention to detail r2
6134 prolong v.延长,拖延 lengthen in extent r3
6135 ameliorate vt.改善,改进 become better; improve r1
6136 protract v.延长,拖长 prolong r3
6137 lithe adj.敏捷的,轻盈的;adj.柔软的 1. grace; 2. easily bent r0
6138 excavate v.挖掘,挖空 dig out r2
6139 redeem v.改过自新 to make better r1
6140 perceptive adj.敏锐的 able to sense slight differences r0
6141 founder n.建立者;vi.完败 1. one establishes; 2. fail utterly r3
6142 caustic adj.挖苦讽刺的,刻薄的 marked by incisive sarcasm r2
6143 strike n.攻击;vt.击打;vt.袭击,攻击;vt.撞击 1. force or violence; 2. deliver a blow; 3. violent action; 4. forceful contact; r1
6144 profligate adj./n.挥金如土的,挥霍的;n.败家子 1. recklessly wasteful; 2. people who spend money freely r2
6145 jettison vt.放弃,拒绝接受(想法,计划等) get rid of r1
6146 admonish v.建议;v.责备 1. give advice; 2. reprove gently r3
6147 acute adj.敏锐的;adj.(程度、影响)极强的 1. keen discernment; 2. extreme r0
6148 proponent n.建议者,支持者 supporter r3
6149 renege v.放弃,摒弃 formally reject r1
6150 succor vt.救援,援助 aid r0
6151 prodigal adj.挥霍的;n.败家子 1. reckless spendthrift; 2. someone who spends money freely r2
6152 extravagant adj.挥霍的;adj.过度的,不必要的 1. spending money freely; 2. beyond normal limit r2
6153 construct v.建造,建立;v.创造,想出 1. appoint to an office; 2. make up r3
6154 pedagogical adj.教学的;教师的 relating to a teacher or education r0
6155 relinquish vt.放弃(职位、权力等) give up r1
6156 usher v.开启 beginning r3
6157 spendthrift n.挥霍着,败家子;adj.挥霍的,不节俭的 1. spends improvidently; 2. spending money freely; r2
6158 abandon v./n.放纵;v.放弃 1. freedom from constraint; 2. withdraw r1
6159 mentor vt.教导,指导 give advice r0
6160 inaugurate vt.开始 begin r3
6161 foil vt.挫败 prevent from being successful r2
6162 impudent adj.放肆大胆的,无礼的 boldness or disregard r1
6163 doctrinaire adj.教条主义的,照本宣科的 strongly held opinions r0
6164 libertine n.放荡不羁者 without moral restraint r1
6165 commencement n.开始;n.毕业典礼 1. a start; 2. the ceremonies for conferring degrees r3
6166 indoctrinate vt.教育,灌输思想 instruct r0
6167 fabricate vt.捏造 make up r2
6168 concoct v.捏造,编造 invent to deceive someone r2
6169 embark vi.开始从事 start r3
6170 pedagogue n.教育者,老师 a person who giving formal instruction r0
6171 licentious adj.放荡的,性欲强的 lacking restraint r1
6172 donor n.捐赠人,给体 donates r2
6173 pluck n.敢于面对困难的勇气 resourceful courage r0
6174 dissolute adj.放荡的,无节制的 restraint; indulging r1
6175 persiflage n.打趣 teasing r3
6176 chaff v.开玩笑 make jokes r3
6177 rakish adj.放荡的,行为不检点的 lowered moral character r1
6178 mash vt.捣碎 puply mass r2
6179 disseminate vt.散播,传播 spread; promulgate r0
6180 exhort vt.敦促,力劝 urge r0
6181 deportation n.放逐 removal from a country r1
6182 hagiographic adj.捧为圣人一般的,过分谄媚的 overly or insincerely flattering r2
6183 inception n.开端,开始 beginning r3
6184 array n.排列,阵列;vt.排列,摆放 1. arrangement; 2. arrange or display r2
6185 outset n.开端,开始 beginning r3
6186 awe n./v.敬畏 dread, veneration and wonder r0
6187 autonomy n.政治上的独立;n.自我主导的自由,(尤其是)精神独立 1. self-governing; 2. independence r1
6188 supplant vt.排挤,篡夺…的位置 usurp the place of r2
6189 obeisance n.敬礼,尊重 respect,submission r0
6190 posture v.故作姿态,装模作样 assume a pretended attitude r1
6191 aberrant adj.异常的,非常规的 deviating r3
6192 excrete vt.排泄 discharge r2
6193 heresy n.异教,和普遍观点相悖的说法 controversial or unorthodox opinion r3
6194 untold adj.数不清的 numerous r0
6195 poseur n.故作姿态、不真诚的人 an affected or insincere person r1
6196 rehearsal n.排练,彩排 practicing in preparation r2
6197 blackmail n./vt.敲诈,勒索 extortion of money r0
6198 emulate vt.效仿 excel through imitation r1
6199 heretical adj.异教的,异端邪说的 departure standards r3