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day 26

Word Paraphrase (w/ POS) Paraphrase (English) rpt
5200 browbeat v.恐吓 intimidate r1
5201 malign adj.恶意的;vt.诽谤 1. cause suffering; 2. utter injuriously r0
5202 lush adj.多产的 producing abundantly r3
5203 serpentine adj.弯曲的 winding r2
5204 sturdy adj.强健的,结实的 strength r2
5205 tamper v.恶意窜改,损害 mischievously r0
5206 fecund adj.多产的,肥沃的 fruitful r3
5207 cow v.恐吓,威胁 frighten with threats r1
5208 redundant adj.多余的,冗余的 exceeding necessary r3
5209 obligatory adj.强制性的 compulsory r2
5210 macabre adj.恐怖的 horror of death r1
5211 miscreant n.恶棍,罪犯 behaves criminally r0
5212 lurid adj.恐怖的,令人反感的 causing revulsion r1
5213 mandatory adj.强制的 forcing compliance r2
5214 malignant adj.恶毒的,邪恶的 having a desire to cause someone pain r0
5215 superfluous adj.多余的,过剩的 exceeding sufficient r3
5216 dread n.恐惧 fear r1
5217 malodorous adj.恶臭的 unpleasant smell r0
5218 volatile adj.多变的 rapid change r3
5219 hale adj.强壮的,健壮的 free from infirmity or illness r2
5220 porous adj.多孔可渗透的 admitting the passage of liquid r3
5221 castigate vt.强烈(公开)指责 criticize harshly and publicly r2
5222 fetid adj.恶臭的 offensive smell r0
5223 trepidation n.恐惧,战栗 apprehension r1
5224 cellular adj.多孔的 porous r3
5225 decry vt.强烈反对,否定 strong disapproval r2
5226 noisome adj.恶臭的;adj.非常令人厌恶的 1. offensive smell; 2. objectionable r0
5227 recuperate v.恢复(健康或力量),康复 revcover health r1
5228 resilience n.恢复能力 ability to recover quickly r1
5229 versatile adj.多才多艺的,全能的 different things r3
5230 diabolic adj.恶魔一般的 devil r0
5231 fascinate vt.强烈吸引,使入迷 hold an intense interest r2
5232 boon n.恩惠,福利 benefit r1
5233 repentant adj.悔过的 feeling sorrow r0
5234 thrill n.强烈的兴奋感,快感;v.使兴奋,使激动 1. a pleasurably intense stimulation; 2. cause excitement r2
5235 diversity n.多样性 variety multiformity r3
5236 timely adj.恰到好处的,合乎时宜的 appropriate r1
5237 penitent adj.悔过的 regretful r0
5238 underscore vt.强调 to emphasize r2
5239 paranoid adj.多疑的,对他人极端恐惧和怀疑的 extreme fear or distrust r3
5240 apt adj.恰当的,合适的;adj.聪明的 1. suitable; 2. intelligent and responsive r1
5241 euphonious adj.悦耳的 pleasing to the ear r0
5242 accentuate v.强调 noticeable r2
5243 multifarious adj.多种多样的 many and various r3
5244 entreat vt.恳求 ask urgently r1
5245 dulcet adj.悦耳的,令人愉悦的 melodious r0
5246 foreground vt.强调,重视 indicate the importance r2
5247 officious adj.多管闲事的 thrusting oneself r3
5248 nocturnal adj.夜间的 in the night r3
5249 plaintive adj.悲伤的 expressing suffering r0
5250 incriminate vt.归罪于 accuse of a crime r2
5251 supplicate v.恳求,乞求 make a request in earnest or urgent manner r1
5252 importune vt.恳求,迫切请求 urgent manner r1
5253 mournful adj.悲伤的 expressing sorrow r0
5254 inculpate vt.归罪于 incriminate r2
5255 monolithic adj.大一统的 single, uniform r3
5256 deterioration n.恶化;堕落 sinking r1
5257 somber adj.悲伤的,不愉快的 lacking in cheer r0
5258 tycoon n.大亨,巨头 a person of rank, power, or influence r3
5259 pillory v.当众嘲弄 expose to public contempt r2
5260 pessimistic adj.悲观的 taking the gloomist possible view r0
5261 matriculate v.录取 adimit or be admitted r2
5262 squeamish adj.恶心的,晕船的 affected with nausea r1
5263 edifice n.大厦,大建筑物;n.基础,基本框架 1. massive structure; 2. basic form r3
5264 gust n.情感爆发 sudden intense expression r0
5265 chromatic adj.彩色的 relating to color r2
5266 venom n.恶意,恶毒的用心 desire to cause pain r1
5267 quaff vt.大口地喝 drink heartily r3
5268 catharsis n.情绪的宣泄、释放 elimination of a complex r0
5269 civility n.彬彬有礼 politeness r2
5270 libelous adj.恶意中伤的,诽谤的 libel r1
5271 fulminate v.大声斥责 thunderous denunciation r3
5272 jolt vt.惊吓 unpleasant surprise r0
5273 malicious adj.恶意的 deliberately harmful r1
5274 urbane adj.彬彬有礼的,文雅的 polite r2
5275 trumpet v.大声说出或宣告 make known r3
5276 consternation n.惊愕,恐慌,恐惧 paralyzing dismay r0
5277 cavalier n.彬彬有礼的绅士;adj.傲慢的 1. a courtly gentleman; 2. having a feeling of superiority r2
5278 fiasco n.大失败 complete failure r3
5279 malevolent adj.恶意的,恶毒的 vicious r1
5280 malign adj.恶意的;vt.诽谤 1. cause suffering; 2. utter injuriously r1
5281 ramification n.影响,结果 result r2
5282 exodus n.大批离去 departure r3
5283 rite n.惯例,仪式 prescribed form r0
5284 forsake vt.彻底放弃,抛弃 renounce r2
5285 invidious adj.惹人反感的;adj.羡慕嫉妒恨的 1. cause discontent; 2. resentment of another's possessions r0
5286 tamper v.恶意窜改,损害 mischievously r1
5287 deluge n.大暴雨;n.大量 1. drenching rain; 2. great flow r3
5288 hodgepodge n.大杂烩 mixture, dissimilar r3
5289 nettle vt.惹怒 arouse anger r0
5290 vaporize vt.彻底消灭 destroy r2
5291 miscreant n.恶棍,罪犯 behaves criminally r1
5292 malignant adj.恶毒的,邪恶的 having a desire to cause someone pain r1
5293 montage n.大杂烩 collection r3
5294 jovial adj.愉快的 good-humored by jollity and conviviality r0
5295 fathom vt.彻底理解,弄懂 come to understand r2
5296 malodorous adj.恶臭的 unpleasant smell r1
5297 blithe adj.愉快高兴的;adj.无忧无虑的;漫不经心的 1. happy, lighthearted; 2. having freedom from worries r0
5298 medley adj.大杂烩,混合物 mixture r3
5299 presage n.征兆;v.预示,预言 1. a warning of future event; 2. foretell or predict r2
5300 havoc n.大混乱 out of order r3
5301 fetid adj.恶臭的 offensive smell r1
5302 fateful adj.意义重大的 momentous r0
5303 subjugate vt.征服,镇压 bring under control r2
5304 serendipity n.意外发现珍奇(或称心)事物的本领 by accident r0
5305 noisome adj.恶臭的;adj.非常令人厌恶的 1. offensive smell; 2. objectionable r1
5306 calamity n.大灾难 disastrous event r3
5307 unavailing adj.徒劳的,无果的 producing no results r2
5308 diabolic adj.恶魔一般的 devil r1
5309 accidental adj.意外发生的,偶然的 unexpectedly r0
5310 perambulate v.徒步穿越,走过 travel over r2
5311 catastrophe n.大灾难;n.彻底的失败 1. a tragedy; 2. utter failure r3
5312 repentant adj.悔过的 feeling sorrow r1
5313 intrepid adj.大胆的 resolute fearlessness r3
5314 volition n.意志,自愿选择的行为 making one's own choices r0
5315 seemly adv.得体的,遵守礼节的 following the established traditions r2
5316 audacious adj.大胆的,(但往往)愚勇的 fearlessly recklesssly r3
5317 decorous adj.得体端正的 refined society and good taste r2
5318 jibe vi.意见一致 agree r0
5319 penitent adj.悔过的 regretful r1
5320 daredevil adj./n.大胆鲁莽的(人) foolishly r3
5321 euphonious adj.悦耳的 pleasing to the ear r1
5322 piddling adj.微不足道的 so trifling or trivial r2
5323 discord n.意见不一致,不和谐 lack agreement harmony r0
5324 subtle adj.微妙的,难以感知的 difficult to perceive r2
5325 dulcet adj.悦耳的,令人愉悦的 melodious r1
5326 pandemic adj.大范围流行的 widespread r3
5327 dissension n.意见不合 difference; disagreement r0
5328 spate n.大量 large number r3
5329 plaintive adj.悲伤的 expressing suffering r1
5330 puny adj.微小的,弱小的 weak r2
5331 brash adj.愚勇的,鲁莽的 bold r0
5332 cornucopia n.大量 an overflowing store r3
5333 mournful adj.悲伤的 expressing sorrow r1
5334 fatuous adj.愚笨的,昏庸的 foolish r0
5335 mite n.微小的东西,很少的钱 small object r2
5336 slew n.大量,许多 large amount r3
5337 somber adj.悲伤的,不愉快的 lacking in cheer r1
5338 inept adj.愚笨的,荒谬的;adj.不称职的,无能力的 1. lack of judgment; 2. incompetent r0
5339 vestige n.微小的遗迹,小痕迹 smallest trace r2
5340 peck n.大量;v.(不情愿地)小口咬 1. a considerable amount; 2. eat in small bites r3
5341 oaf n.愚蠢的人 a stupid person r0
5342 pessimistic adj.悲观的 taking the gloomist possible view r1
5343 harbor vt.心怀,牢记 keep in one's mind r2
5344 obtuse adj.愚钝的 absorb ideas readily r0
5345 buoyant adj.心情好的 showing a good mood r2
5346 teeming adj.大量的 covered with great numbers r3
5347 gust n.情感爆发 sudden intense expression r1
5348 upbeat adj.心情好的;adj.给人希望的,象征好运的 1. a good mood; 2. inspire hope r2
5349 palatable adj.感到愉悦满足的 pleasure or contentment r0
5350 catharsis n.情绪的宣泄、释放 elimination of a complex r1
5351 legion adj.大量的 numerous r3
5352 sanity n.心智健全,神智正常 healthy condition r2
5353 abundant adj.大量的 great plenty r3
5354 jolt vt.惊吓 unpleasant surprise r1
5355 exult vi.感到欢喜 rejoice r0
5356 indispensable adj.必不可少的,不可或缺的 impossible to do without r2
5357 flush adj.大量的;vi.冲洗 1. abundance; 2. pour liquid r3
5358 reel vi.感到眩晕 from being twirled around r0
5359 consternation n.惊愕,恐慌,恐惧 paralyzing dismay r1
5360 rite n.惯例,仪式 prescribed form r1
5361 crow vi.感到高兴 joy or triumph r0
5362 throng v./n.大量聚集 crowed in great numbers r3
5363 requisite n.必需品/adj.必不可少的,必备的 necessary r2
5364 cherubic adj.天使般可爱的 chubby and rosy r3
5365 invidious adj.惹人反感的;adj.羡慕嫉妒恨的 1. cause discontent; 2. resentment of another's possessions r1
5366 sensuality n.感官享乐 pursuit of fleshly pleasures r0
5367 brook v.忍受,容许 tolerate r2
5368 nettle vt.惹怒 arouse anger r1
5369 melodramatic adj.感情夸张的,伤感的 exaggeratedly emotional r0
5370 nirvana n.天堂 a state of utter perfection and happiness r3
5371 penance n.忏悔 regret r2
5372 jovial adj.愉快的 good-humored by jollity and conviviality r1
5373 providential adj.天意的,幸运(的) happeing as divine intervention r3
5374 effusive adj.感情泛滥的/溢于言表的;感情表达不节制的/过度的;过分多情的 unrestrained in emotional expression r0
5375 bustle n.忙乱,喧闹;vi.(快速地)行走,奔忙 1. noisy, energetic; 2. move briskly r2
5376 hive n.忙碌之地;v.储备,积累 1. activity; 2. store up r2
5377 ingenuous adj.天真淳朴的 lacking cunning r3
5378 blithe adj.愉快高兴的;adj.无忧无虑的;漫不经心的 1. happy, lighthearted; 2. having freedom from worries r1
5379 fester v.感染,溃烂,腐烂 corrupt r0
5380 pointer n.忠告,建议 a useful suggestion or hint r2
5381 naïve adj.天真纯朴的 lacking wordly experience r3
5382 euphoria n.感觉极其愉快 overwhelming usually pleasurable r0
5383 fateful adj.意义重大的 momentous r1
5384 fidelity n.忠诚 being faithful r2
5385 pall vi.失去兴趣 interest attraction r3
5386 complaisance n.愿意顺从,讨好,彬彬有礼 disposition to comply, affability r0
5387 serendipity n.意外发现珍奇(或称心)事物的本领 by accident r1
5388 allegiance n.忠诚 devotion or loyalty r2
5389 collapse v./n.失败 be unsuccessful r3
5390 eleemosynary adj.慈善的 charity r0
5391 accidental adj.意外发生的,偶然的 unexpectedly r1
5392 volition n.意志,自愿选择的行为 making one's own choices r1
5393 drawl v.慢吞吞地说 speak slowly r0
5394 devout adj.忠诚的 allegiance r2
5395 bombast n.夸大的言辞 pompous speech r3
5396 largesse n.慷慨 liberality r0
5397 staunch adj.忠诚的,坚定的 steadfast in loyalty r2
5398 hyperbole n.夸张 exaggeration used for emphasis r3
5399 jibe vi.意见一致 agree r1