Word | Paraphrase (w/ POS) | Paraphrase (English) | rpt | |
21200 | pinpoint | adj.非常精确的;v.精确定位或确认 | 1. located with extreme precision; 2. identify with precision | r6 |
21201 | chary | adj.非常谨慎的 | cautious | r6 |
21202 | crucial | adj.非常重要的,决定性的 | extremely significant | r6 |
21203 | precipitous | adj.非常陡峭的;adj.匆忙的 | 1. very steep; 2. acting with careless speed | r6 |
21204 | exuberant | adj.非常高兴的,热情洋溢的 | joyously unrestrained | r6 |
21205 | heterodox | adj.非正统的,异端的 | unorthodox opinions | r6 |
21206 | trespass | vi.非法侵入;违反,冒犯 | enter unlawfully; offense | r6 |
21207 | malfeasance | n.非法行为 | illegal behavior | r6 |
21208 | masquerade | n.面具,伪装;vi.伪装,掩饰 | 1. display insincere; 2. disguise | r6 |
21209 | pinnacle | n.顶峰 | the highest point | r6 |
21210 | summit | n.顶点 | highest point | r6 |
21211 | acme | n.顶点,极点 | highest | r6 |
21212 | crest | n.顶部,浪尖,山顶 | the top | r6 |
21213 | meek | adj.顺从的 | submissive | r6 |
21214 | compliant | adj.顺从的 | submissive | r6 |
21215 | amenable | adj.顺从的,服从的 | yield, submit | r6 |
21216 | tenacious | adj.顽固的,不屈不挠的 | persistent | r6 |
21217 | diehard | adj.顽固的,保守的n.顽固的人,保守的人 | determined, devoted/ opposes change and refuses new ideas | r6 |
21218 | pertinacious | adj.顽固的,固执地坚持的 | sticking to an opinion | r6 |
21219 | hardy | adj.顽强的 | able to withstand | r6 |
21220 | hard-bitten | adj.顽强的,经受得住困境、压力的 | able to withstand | r6 |
21221 | recalcitrant | adj.顽抗的,不顺从的 | recalcitrant | r6 |
21222 | prognosis | n.预兆 | a declaration that something will happen in the future | r6 |
21223 | portentous | adj.预兆性的,凶兆的 | showing a sign of evil | r6 |
21224 | preempt | v.预先占有 | seize before others | r6 |
21225 | predestine | vt.预先注定 | in advance | r6 |
21226 | premeditate | v.预先考虑 | consider beforehand | r6 |
21227 | preclude | v.预先阻止 | make impossible in advance | r6 |
21228 | forestall | vt.预先阻止 | prevent beforehand | r6 |
21229 | project | v.预测,预计 | estimate based on present data or trends | r6 |
21230 | prescience | n.预知,先见 | knowledge of actions before they occur | r6 |
21231 | foreshadow | vt.预示 | prefigure | r6 |
21232 | herald | vt.预示,预兆 | indication of beforehand | r6 |
21233 | forebode | v.预示,预兆 | show signs | r6 |
21234 | adumbrate | vt.预示着 | give a slight indication | r6 |
21235 | divination | n.预言 | foretelling future | r6 |
21236 | soothsayer | n.预言家 | predicts future | r6 |
21237 | augur | n.预言家/vt.预言 | tell beforehand | r6 |
21238 | apocalyptic | adj.预言的,启示的;adj.重要的,转折点的 | 1. prophetic; 2. major turning | r6 |
21239 | prophetic | adj.预言的,预示的 | foretelling | r6 |
21240 | harbinger | n.预言者 | presages | r6 |
21241 | premeditate | v.预谋 | think about beforehand | r6 |
21242 | vaccinate | v.预防接种疫苗 | produce immunity | r6 |
21243 | bellwether | n.领导者,带头人 | one that takes the lead | r6 |
21244 | pigment | n.颜料;v.给…上颜色 | 1. a subsance that imparts a color; 2. to color with | r6 |
21245 | perquisite | n.额外的好处 | something given in addition to what is originally expected | r6 |
21246 | subvert | vt.颠覆 | overturn | r6 |
21247 | personable | adj.风度翩翩的,吸引人的 | attractive | r6 |
21248 | hurricane | n.飓风般的事物,引起动荡的事物 | resembling a hurricane | r6 |
21249 | waft | v.飘荡,漂浮 | float | r6 |
21250 | ravenous | adj.食量大的,贪食的;贪婪的 | having a huge appetite | r6 |
21251 | potable | n.饮品,尤指有酒精饮料;adj.适于饮用的 | 1. a beverage; 2. suitable for drinking | r6 |
21252 | balm | n.香油,止痛膏;安慰物 | soothe | r6 |
21253 | sycophant | n.马屁精 | flatter | r6 |
21254 | toady | n./v.马屁精;拍马屁 | flatters, gaining favors | r6 |
21255 | slapdash | adj.马虎的 | careless | r6 |
21256 | dissipate | vt.驱散;vt.浪费 | 1. drive away; ; 2. disperse | r6 |
21257 | chase | v.驱赶 | force out | r6 |
21258 | ostracize | vt.驱逐 | exclude | r6 |
21259 | oust | vt.驱逐 | drive out | r6 |
21260 | banish | vt.驱逐出境 | leave a country | r6 |
21261 | humbug | n.骗子 | deceptive | r6 |
21262 | charlatan | n.骗子,装懂的人 | a person who makes fraudulent | r6 |
21263 | quack | n.骗子医生,江湖郎中 | pretender | r6 |
21264 | commotion | n.骚乱 | an agitated disturbance | r6 |
21265 | convulsion | n.骚乱 | a violent disturbance | r6 |
21266 | tumult | n.骚动,暴动 | disorderly disturbance | r6 |
21267 | turmoil | n.骚动,混乱 | agitation, commotion | r6 |
21268 | supercilious | adj.高傲的,傲慢的 | haughty | r6 |
21269 | aloof | adj.高冷的 | distant | r6 |
21270 | plateau | n.高原;n.稳定时期,平台期 | 1. raised above area or land; 2. a stable level | r6 |
21271 | stature | n.高度,身高;n.才干,水平 | .1. height; 2. quality or status | r6 |
21272 | premium | adj.高端的 | of superior high quality | r6 |
21273 | dignified | adj.高贵庄严的 | serious, formal | r6 |
21274 | furtive | adj.鬼鬼祟祟的;秘密的 | stealth | r6 |
21275 | apparition | n.鬼魂,幽灵 | ghostly figure | r6 |
21276 | charisma | n.魅力,吸引力 | charm | r6 |
21277 | temerity | n.鲁莽,冒失 | foolhardy; recklessness | r6 |
21278 | headlong | adj.鲁莽的,草率的 | without deliberation | r6 |
21279 | dovish | adj.鸽派的,爱好和平的 | live in peace | r6 |
21280 | numb | adj.麻木的,无感情的 | devoid of emotion | r6 |
21281 | torpid | adj.麻木的,没有知觉的 | lacking in sensation | r6 |
21282 | lackluster | adj.黯淡无光泽的 | lacking brightness | r6 |
21283 | abet | v.鼓励 | encourage | r6 |
21284 | embolden | vt.鼓励,使大胆 | instill courage | r6 |
21285 | hortative | adj.鼓励的 | exhortation | r6 |
21286 | applause | n.鼓掌;认可 | approval | r6 |