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day 1

Word Paraphrase (w/ POS) Paraphrase (English) rpt
200 clan n.(有共同爱好的)团体,帮派 united by a common interest r0
201 equivocate vi.(带有欺骗目的地)模棱两可地说,说谎话 equivocal r1
202 disinter vt.(从墓地里)掘出 take out r2
203 deploy v.(有目的地)展开;调度,部署 spread out r0
204 palpitation n.(有节奏的)舒张收缩 an expanding and contracting r0
205 salvage vt.(从灾难中)抢救 save from loss r2
206 gild vt.(带欺骗性地)修改,润色 deceptively attractive r1
207 dictate vt.(仗着地位、权力)下令 request r2
208 bruit v.(未经证实地)散播(消息) make the subject of common talk without authority r0
209 acerbic adj.(心情、心境或者语调)尖酸的 cause hurt feeling r1
210 parrot vt.(机械地)模仿,复制 imitate,without understanding r0
211 parody n.(以嘲笑原作作者的)模仿作品,恶搞;v.模仿(以嘲弄) 1. imitated for; 2. copy r2
212 beseech v.(急切地)恳求 beg r1
213 authority n.(某领域的)权威人士;n.管辖权,控制 1. a high level of knowledge; 2. lawful control r0
214 backslide vi.(情况等)倒退,变坏 revert to a worse condition r1
215 coerce vt.(以武力)强制 achieve by force r2
216 vehement adj.(情感)强烈的,热情的 great depth of feeling r1
217 prohibitive adj.(价格高得)抑制购买的 discourage purhcase r2
218 surmise n.(根据不足的)推测,揣测;v.推测 1. a thought based on scanty evidence; 2. form a noion from scanty evidence r0
219 cede vt.(根据条约)放弃,割让 surrender possession of r0
220 mercurial adj.(情绪)善变的 changeableness of mood r1
221 calligraphy n.(优美的)书法 elegant handwriting r2
222 repertoire n.(技术、设备或原料等的)详单 complete list r1
223 escalate v.(使)(战争等)升级,扩大 increase r2
224 rampant adj.(植物)生长茂盛的;adj.猖獗的,不受限制的 1. growing thickly; 2. occuring without restraint r0
225 renounce vt.(正式地)放弃 give up r0
226 debark v.(使)下船(飞机,车等);卸(客,货) unload from a ship or an airplane r2
227 indemnity n.(损害,伤害等的)保险赔偿 compensation r1
228 paroxysm n.(政治、社会领域的)大动荡 disturbance r1
229 crescendo n.(渐强之后到达的)顶峰 peak r0
230 list v.(使)倾斜 at an angle r2
231 amenity n.(环境、设备等的)舒适,人性化;n.融洽,和谐 1. comfort; 2. pleasant or agreeable r0
232 wizen v.(使)凋谢,(使)枯萎;adj.凋谢的,枯萎的 1. become wrinkled; 2. dried up r2
233 regimen n.(政治上的)统治 lawful control r1
234 coagulate v.(使)凝结,(使)变稠 clot r2
235 apostle n.(政策或思想等的)信奉者,支持者 actively supports r1
236 immature adj.(生理、心理)未完全发展的,未发育成熟的 lacking complete growth r0
237 diverge vt.(使)分叉,散开;vi.分歧 1. differnent directions from central point; 2. diffenert;differ r2
238 lugubrious adj.(故作夸张的)悲哀的 mournful r1
239 tether vt.(用绳、铁链)栓系,束缚 fasten or restrain r0
240 dent vt.(数量、程度上)削弱 make smaller r1
241 bifurcate v.(使)分成两支 divide into two branched r2
242 wheedle v.(用花言巧语)诱惑,哄骗 persuade by flattery r0
243 implode v.(使)剧烈收缩,(使)坍缩,(使)内爆 collapse inward r2
244 considerable adj.(数量上)可观(而值得注意)的;adj.值得考虑的,重要的 1. sufficiently large in size; 2. a school specializing in fine arts r1
245 slant n.(看待问题、思考的)角度,看法;adj.倾斜的 1. way of looking; 2. slanting direction r0
246 nauseate v.(使)厌恶,(使)作呕 cause disgust r2
247 embroider v.(时常伴有夸张和想象内容地)详细说明 give elaborate account r1
248 fad n.(短暂的)流行,时尚 popular for a short time r0
249 gaffe n.(社交上)失礼,失态 social blunder r0
250 diminish v.(使)变小,(使)减少;v.轻视,贬低 1. smaller; less; 2. lessen; belittle r2
251 shifty adj.(显得)狡诈的,(显得)欺诈的 deceitful character r1
252 mellifluous adj.(曲调)优美的 smooth and sweet r1
253 metamorphose vt.(使)变形 change r2
254 abysmal adj.(程度)很深的;极端的 immeasurably great r0
255 simpleton n.(缺乏常识的)笨蛋 lacking in common sense r0
256 blur v.(使)变得朦胧,(使)变得不清楚;v.使不易理解 1. become vague; 2. make unclear r2
257 issue n.(有争议的)话题,议题;v.(使)流出 1. matter that is in dispute; 2. flow out r1
258 grieve vt.(使)感到悲伤 deep sadness r2
259 equable adj.(脾气、性情)温和的 serene r0
260 clan n.(有共同爱好的)团体,帮派 united by a common interest r1
261 smirk vi.(自鸣得意地)笑 offensively self-satisfied r0
262 gush v.(使)感情强烈外溢 exaggerated display r2
263 deploy v.(有目的地)展开;调度,部署 spread out r1
264 inch v.(使)慢慢移动 move slowly r2
265 scruple n.(良心上的)不安 unseasy feeling about the rightness r0
266 palpitation n.(有节奏的)舒张收缩 an expanding and contracting r1
267 mutate v.(使)改变,(使)变异 undergo mutation r2
268 suffuse vt.(色彩等)弥漫,染遍,充满 spread through r0
269 bruit v.(未经证实地)散播(消息) make the subject of common talk without authority r1
270 latitude n.(行动或言论)自由 freedom r0
271 proselytize v.(使)改变信仰 change riligious faith r2
272 parrot vt.(机械地)模仿,复制 imitate,without understanding r1
273 authority n.(某领域的)权威人士;n.管辖权,控制 1. a high level of knowledge; 2. lawful control r1
274 insular adj.(观念,想法等)孤立狭隘的 narrow provincial viewpoint r0
275 blight v.(使)枯萎;v.损害 1. affect with blight; 2. impair r2
276 surmise n.(根据不足的)推测,揣测;v.推测 1. a thought based on scanty evidence; 2. form a noion from scanty evidence r1
277 discreet adj.(言行)谨慎的 good judgment and restraint r0
278 gall vt.(使)焦躁,激怒 irritate r2
279 cede vt.(根据条约)放弃,割让 surrender possession of r1
280 temperate adj.(言行举止)有分寸的;adj.有节制的 1. avoiding extremes; 2. restraint r0
281 ossify v.(使)硬化,(使)僵化 hardened conventional and opposed to change r2
282 rampant adj.(植物)生长茂盛的;adj.猖獗的,不受限制的 1. growing thickly; 2. occuring without restraint r1
283 trenchant adj.(言辞)一针见血的 articulate r0
284 scuff v.(使)磨损 roughened by wear r2
285 renounce vt.(正式地)放弃 give up r1
286 vitriolic adj.(言辞)刻薄的 scathing r0
287 distend v.(使)膨胀 expand r2
288 crescendo n.(渐强之后到达的)顶峰 peak r1
289 dilate v.(使)膨胀,扩大 enlarge; expand; wide r2
290 blatant adj.(让人生厌地)惹人注目的 noticeable r0
291 amenity n.(环境、设备等的)舒适,人性化;n.融洽,和谐 1. comfort; 2. pleasant or agreeable r1
292 grandiloquent adj.(语言等)浮夸的 extravagantly; bombastic r0
293 dilapidate v.(使)荒废 ruin r2
294 discursive adj.(谈话内容)杂乱的 without order r0
295 veer v.(使)转向,(使)改变航线 change direction r2
296 immature adj.(生理、心理)未完全发展的,未发育成熟的 lacking complete growth r1
297 surfeit v./n.(使)过量,(使)饮食过度 supply excess r2
298 tether vt.(用绳、铁链)栓系,束缚 fasten or restrain r1
299 agility n.(身手)敏捷 quickness, ease and grace r0
300 agonize v.(使)非常痛苦 deep sadness r2
301 wheedle v.(用花言巧语)诱惑,哄骗 persuade by flattery r1
302 sneer vt.(轻蔑地)嘲笑 scornful r0
303 satiate vt./adj.(使)饱足(的),过分满足(的) satisfy fully r2
304 slant n.(看待问题、思考的)角度,看法;adj.倾斜的 1. way of looking; 2. slanting direction r1
305 blasé adj.(过度放纵之后)厌倦享乐的,腻烦的 apathetic r0
306 pious adj.(信仰上)虔诚的 showing devotion to divine worship r2
307 idolatrize vt.(通常盲目)崇拜 admires intensely r0
308 fad n.(短暂的)流行,时尚 popular for a short time r1
309 gaffe n.(社交上)失礼,失态 social blunder r1
310 enthrall vt.(像用魔咒般)吸引 hold the attention r2
311 placate v.(通过让步以)平息抚慰 lessen the anger r0
312 frothy adj.(内容等)欢乐轻佻、不严肃的 gaily frivolous r2
313 abysmal adj.(程度)很深的;极端的 immeasurably great r1
314 demonstrate vt.(通过证据)证明,表明 make clear by using examples r0
315 simpleton n.(缺乏常识的)笨蛋 lacking in common sense r1
316 sidestep vt.(通过逃避而)不遵守 avoid having to comply with r0
317 repose n.(劳作后的)休息/vi.休息;n.平静,宁静 1. take a rest; 2. freedom from storm r2
318 equable adj.(脾气、性情)温和的 serene r1
319 inventory n.(包含要点的)简介 short statement r2
320 extrapolate vt.(通过逻辑)推断 form an opinion through reasoning r0
321 harangue v./n.(发表)长篇大论 long pompous r2
322 smirk vi.(自鸣得意地)笑 offensively self-satisfied r1
323 berate v.(长时间)严厉指责 scold vehemently r0
324 scruple n.(良心上的)不安 unseasy feeling about the rightness r1
325 grit n.(面对困难时所表现出来的)毅力 endure pain or hardship r0
326 abstemious adj.(吃喝等)有节制的,节俭的 restraint food or alcohol, sparing r2
327 chagrin n.(因为失败、出糗而导致的)不安,焦虑 distress of mind r2
328 suffuse vt.(色彩等)弥漫,染遍,充满 spread through r1
329 dissonance n.(音调)不和谐,刺身;不一致,分歧 disagreeable, discord r0
330 boggle v.(因为怀疑、恐惧)犹豫 hesitate r2
331 latitude n.(行动或言论)自由 freedom r1
332 ambrosial adj.(食物)特别美味的;香的 extremely pleasing r0
333 insular adj.(观念,想法等)孤立狭隘的 narrow provincial viewpoint r1
334 arrogance n.傲慢,自大 overbearing pride r0
335 procrastinate v.(因为懒散)拖延 put off r2
336 discreet adj.(言行)谨慎的 good judgment and restraint r1
337 chicanery n.诡计多端,欺骗 deception r0
338 contrite adj.(因为有罪孽或过错而感到)后悔悲痛的 showing sorrow and remorse r2
339 doodle vi(无目的地)乱涂乱画;vi.漫无目的地打发时光 1. aimlessly; 2. aimless activity r0
340 temperate adj.(言行举止)有分寸的;adj.有节制的 1. avoiding extremes; 2. restraint r1
341 jaundice n.(因嫉妒或厌世而产生的)偏见 bias r2
342 emigrate vi移民,移居海外 leave r0
343 trenchant adj.(言辞)一针见血的 articulate r1
344 verdant adj.(因长满植物而)翠绿的,郁郁葱葱的 green with vegatation r2
345 harass vt.烦扰 irritate persistently r0
346 vitriolic adj.(言辞)刻薄的 scathing r1
347 discrepancy n.(在事实和宣称之间的)差异或矛盾 divergence, disagreement r2
348 slump n./v/暴跌,急剧下降 decline suddenly r0
349 blatant adj.(让人生厌地)惹人注目的 noticeable r1
350 shrink vi.(在数量或价值方面)降低,减少 reduced r2
351 elevate vt.(在道德、智力、文化水平上)提升;vt.使兴奋 1. improve; 2. raise spirits r2
352 grandiloquent adj.(语言等)浮夸的 extravagantly; bombastic r1
353 trickle vi.一滴一滴地流,缓慢地流 fail in drops r0
354 peep n.一瞥 a brief look r0
355 discursive adj.(谈话内容)杂乱的 without order r1
356 damn vt.(在道德上)谴责 morally wrong or evil r2
357 agility n.(身手)敏捷 quickness, ease and grace r1
358 leer vi.一瞥,斜眼看 sidelong r0
359 signal adj.(在重要性、成就方面)非同寻常;v.给出信号 1. standing above; 2. direct or notify; r2
360 cluster n.一群人 small number of persons r0
361 sneer vt.(轻蔑地)嘲笑 scornful r1
362 overshadow v.(在重要性上)超越,超过 exceed in importance r2
363 concord n.一致,和睦 accord r0
364 blasé adj.(过度放纵之后)厌倦享乐的,腻烦的 apathetic r1
365 counterpart n.(地位、功能)对等的人或物 same function or characteristics r2
366 accord n.一致;vi.相符合,相一致;vt.授予,给予 1. consistency; 2. in harmony; 3. grant or give r0
367 idolatrize vt.(通常盲目)崇拜 admires intensely r1
368 abject adj.(地位、身份)悲惨、凄凉的;adj.卑微的,讨好的 1. low state; 2. humble r2
369 placate v.(通过让步以)平息抚慰 lessen the anger r1
370 consensus n.一致同意 general agreement r0
371 nerve n.(坚强的)意志,勇气;vt.给予勇气,鼓励 1. power of endurance; 2. give courage r2
372 unanimous adj.一致同意的 having the consent of all r0
373 demonstrate vt.(通过证据)证明,表明 make clear by using examples r1
374 resonant adj.(声音)洪亮的,共鸣的 strong in tone r2
375 sidestep vt.(通过逃避而)不遵守 avoid having to comply with r1
376 delicacy n.(外貌、结构等)精致 fineness r2
377 compatible adj.一致的,能共存的 in harmony r0
378 purvey v.(大量)供给,供应 supply r2
379 cascade n.一连串,大量 rushing forth in quantity r0
380 extrapolate vt.(通过逻辑)推断 form an opinion through reasoning r1
381 panacea n.万能药,万灵药 a remedy for all ills r0
382 inclement adj.(天气等)恶劣的;adj.无情的,严酷的 1. lacking mildness; 2. unmerciful r2
383 berate v.(长时间)严厉指责 scold vehemently r1
384 subliminal adj.下意识的,潜在意识的 below perception r0
385 grit n.(面对困难时所表现出来的)毅力 endure pain or hardship r1
386 svelte adj.(女人)体态苗条的,优雅的 slim r2
387 scurvy adj.下流的,让人鄙视的 contemptible r0
388 galvanize vt.(好似用电击)刺激 stimulate; excite r2
389 dissonance n.(音调)不和谐,刺身;不一致,分歧 disagreeable, discord r1
390 ambrosial adj.(食物)特别美味的;香的 extremely pleasing r1
391 awash adj.(如洪水般)泛滥的 filled, covered overrun r2
392 subordinate adj.下级的;次要的;vt.征服 1. lower rank; 2. under one's control r0
393 arrogance n.傲慢,自大 overbearing pride r1
394 ratify vt.(官方地)认可,批准 official acceptance r2
395 descend v.下降;v.世代相传 1. downward; 2. pass by inheritance r0
396 chicanery n.诡计多端,欺骗 deception r1
397 indulgent adj.(对己)放纵的,(对他人)纵容的 given to indulgence r2
398 subside vi.下陷,下沉,减弱 tend downward r0
399 doodle vi(无目的地)乱涂乱画;vi.漫无目的地打发时光 1. aimlessly; 2. aimless activity r1