+++ active = false
paper_link = "https://xyzconf.org/paper.pdf"
conf_link = "https://xyzconf.org"
award_link = "https://awesome-fellowship.org"
[[news]] kind = "award" date = "May 7, 2024" who = "Haofan Zheng, Tuan Tran, Roy Shadmon, and Owen Arden" award_name = 'Distinguished Artifact Award at DSN 2024 for "Decentagram: Highly-Available Decentralized Publish/Subscribe Systems"'
[[news]] kind = "any" date = "May 6, 2024" content = 'Tuan Tran defended his dissertation! Congratulations, Tuan!'
[[news]] kind = "any" date = "April 24, 2024" content = 'Roy Shadmon gave a presentation on Proximal Consensus and advanced to candidacy! Congratulations, Roy!'
[[news]] kind = "paper" date = "March 20, 2024" who = "Haofan Zheng, Tuan Tran, Roy Shadmon, and Owen Arden" paper_name = "Decentagram: Highly-Available Decentralized Publish/Subscribe Systems" paper_link = "https://github.com/lsd-ucsc/Decentagram/blob/main/cameraready.pdf" conf_name = "DSN 2024" conf_link = "https://dsn2024uq.github.io/cpaccepted.html"
[[news]] kind = "paper" date = "February 23, 2024" who = "Jonathan Castello, Patrick Redmond, and Lindsey Kuper" paper_name = "Inductive Diagrams for Causal Reasoning" conf_name = "OOPSLA 2024" paper_link = "https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3649830" conf_link = "https://2024.splashcon.org/"
[[news]] kind = "any" date = "January 15, 2024" content = "Associate Professor Mohsen Lesani has joined UC Santa Cruz and the LSD Lab. Welcome, Mohsen!"
[[news]] kind = "award" date = "September 6, 2023" who = "Gan Shen, Shun Kashiwa, and Lindsey Kuper" award_name = 'Distinguished Paper Award at ICFP 2023 for "HasChor: Functional Choreographic Programming for All (Functional Pearl)"'
[[news]] kind = "award" date = "July 19, 2023" who = "Reese Levine, Tianhao Guo, Mingun Cho, Alan Baker, Raph Levien, David Neto, Andrew Quinn, and Tyler Sorensen" award_name = 'Distinguished Artifact Award at ISSTA 2023 for "GPUHarbor: Testing GPU Memory Consistency at Large (Experience Paper)"'
[[news]] kind = "paper" date = "July 4, 2023" who = "Patrick Redmond and Lindsey Kuper" paper_name = "An Exceptional Actor System (Functional Pearl)" conf_name = "Haskell Symposium 2023" paper_link = "https://users.soe.ucsc.edu/~lkuper/papers/exceptional-actors-haskell23.pdf" conf_link = "https://icfp23.sigplan.org/home/haskellsymp-2023"
[[news]] kind = "paper" date = "May 18, 2023" who = "Gan Shen, Shun Kashiwa, and Lindsey Kuper" paper_name = "HasChor: Functional Choreographic Programming for All (Functional Pearl)" conf_name = "ICFP 2023" paper_link = "https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.00924" conf_link = "https://icfp23.sigplan.org/"
[[news]] kind = "paper" date = "May 2, 2023" who = "Reese Levine, Mingun Cho, Devon McKee, Andrew Quinn, and Tyler Sorensen" paper_name = "GPUHarbor: Testing GPU Memory Consistency at Large (Experience Paper)" conf_name = "ISSTA 2023" paper_link = "https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3597926.3598095" conf_link = "https://conf.researchr.org/home/issta-2023"
[[news]] kind = "paper" date = "May 1, 2023" who = "Tuan Tran, Faisal Nawab, Peter Alvaro, and Owen Arden" paper_name = "Unstick Yourself: Recoverable Byzantine Fault Tolerant Services" conf_name = "ICBC 2023" paper_link = "https://users.soe.ucsc.edu/~atran18/publications/Phoenix.pdf" conf_link = "https://icbc2023.ieee-icbc.org/"
[[news]] kind = "paper" date = "April 29, 2023" who = "Nathan Liittschwager, Stelios Tsampas, Jonathan Castello, and Lindsey Kuper" paper_name = "CRDTs, Coalgebraically (Early Ideas)" conf_name = "CALCO 2023" conf_link = "https://coalg.org/calco-mfps-2023/calco/"
[[news]] kind = "paper" date = "April 22, 2023" who = "Yanwen Xu, Ang Li, and Tyler Sorensen" paper_name = "Redwood: Flexible and Portable Heterogeneous Tree Traversal Workloads" conf_name = "ISPASS 2023" conf_link = "https://ispass.org/ispass2023/"
[[news]] kind = "paper" date = "April 3, 2023" who = "Tim Goodwin, Andrew Quinn, and Lindsey Kuper" paper_name = "What goes wrong in serverless runtimes? A survey of bugs in Knative Serving" conf_name = "SESAME 2023" paper_link = "https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3592533.3592806" conf_link = "https://sesame23.github.io/"
[[news]] kind = "award" date = "March 29, 2023" who = "Reese Levine, Tianhao Guo, Mingun Cho, Alan Baker, Raph Levien, David Neto, Andrew Quinn, and Tyler Sorensen" award_name = 'Distinguished Paper Award and Distinguished Artifact Award at ASPLOS 2023 for "MC Mutants: Evaluating and Improving Testing for Memory Consistency Specifications"'
[[news]] kind = "paper" date = "March 22, 2023" who = "Reese Levine, Tianhao Guo, Mingun Cho, Alan Baker, Raph Levien, David Neto, Andrew Quinn, and Tyler Sorensen" paper_name = "MC Mutants: Evaluating and Improving Testing for Memory Consistency Specifications" conf_name = "ASPLOS 2023" paper_link = "https://reeselevine.github.io/assets/pdf/mc_mutants.pdf" conf_link = "https://asplos-conference.org/"
[[news]] kind = "paper" date = "February 8, 2023" who = "Patrick Redmond, Gan Shen, Niki Vazou, and Lindsey Kuper" paper_name = "Verified Causal Broadcast with Liquid Haskell" conf_name = "IFL 2022" paper_link = "https://arxiv.org/abs/2206.14767" conf_link = "https://ifl22.github.io/"
[[news]] kind = "award" date = "January 20, 2023" who = "Tyler Sorensen" award_name = 'NSF CAREER Award for "Composable Memory Consistency Models for Heterogeneous Systems"' award_link = "https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2239400"
[[news]] kind = "award" date = "August 10, 2022" who = "Priyanka Mondal, Maximilian Algehed, and Owen Arden" award_name = "CSF 2022 Distinguished paper award" award_link = "https://www.ieee-security.org/TC/CSF2022/"
[[news]] kind = "paper" date = "August 07, 2022" who = "Priyanka Mondal, Maximilian Algehed, and Owen Arden" paper_name = "Applying consensus and replication securely with FLAQR" conf_name = "CSF 2022" paper_link = "https://doi.org/10.1109/CSF54842.2022.9919637" conf_link = "https://www.ieee-security.org/TC/CSF2022/"
[[news]] kind = "any" date = "June 8, 2022" content = "Kamala Ramasubramanian defended her dissertation! Congratulations, Kamala!"
[[news]] kind = "paper" date = "May 02, 2022" who = "Tuan Tran, Haofan Zheng, Peter Alvaro, and Owen Arden" paper_name = "Payment Channels Under Network Congestion" conf_name = "ICBC 2022" paper_link = "https://doi.org/10.1109/ICBC54727.2022.9805547" conf_link = "https://youtu.be/-tKiZImrgBA"
[[news]] kind = "award" date = "January 27, 2022" who = "Lindsey Kuper" award_name = 'NSF CAREER Award for "Building Reliable Distributed Systems with Refinement Types"' award_link = "https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2145367"
[[news]] kind = "any" date = "January 20, 2022" content = 'Thomas H. Austin and Cormac Flanagan received the Most Influential POPL Paper Award for "Multiple facets for dynamic information flow" (POPL 2012). Congratulations, Tom and Cormac!'
[[news]] kind = "paper" date = "September 15, 2021" who = "Tyler Sorensen, Lucas F. Salvador, Hari Raval, Hugues Evrard, John Wickerson, Margaret R. Martonosi, and Alastair F. Donaldson" paper_name = "Specifying and Testing GPU Workgroup Progress Models" conf_name = "OOPSLA 2021" paper_link = "https://users.soe.ucsc.edu/~tsorensen/files/oopsla2021b.pdf"
[[news]] kind = "paper" date = "September 15, 2021" who = "Dan Iorga, Alastair F. Donaldson, Tyler Sorensen, and John Wickerson" paper_name = "The Semantics of Shared Memory in Intel CPU/FPGA Systems" conf_name = "OOPSLA 2021" paper_link = "https://users.soe.ucsc.edu/~tsorensen/files/oopsla2021a.pdf"
[[news]] kind = "paper" date = "September 10, 2021" who = "Patrick Redmond, Gan Shen, and Lindsey Kuper" paper_name = "Toward Hole-Driven Development in Liquid Haskell" conf_name = "HATRA 2021" paper_link = "https://users.soe.ucsc.edu/~lkuper/papers/typed-holes-lh-hatra21.pdf"
[[news]] kind = "paper" date = "September 10, 2021" who = "Gan Shen and Lindsey Kuper" paper_name = "Toward SMT-Based Refinement Types in Agda" conf_name = "HATRA 2021" paper_link = "https://users.soe.ucsc.edu/~lkuper/papers/refinement-types-agda-hatra21.pdf"
[[news]] kind = "paper" date = "August 27, 2021" who = "Jun Zhang, Robert Ferydouni, Aldrin Montana, Daniel Bittman, and Peter Alvaro" paper_name = "3MileBeach: A Tracer with Teeth" conf_name = "SOCC 2021" paper_link = "https://aleckdarcy.github.io/3MileBeach_A_Tracer_with_Teeth.pdf" conf_link = "https://acmsocc.org/2021/"
[[news]] kind = "paper" date = "June 04, 2021" who = " Haofan Zheng, and Owen Arden" paper_name = "Secure Distributed Applications the Decent Way" conf_name = "ASSS 2021" paper_link = "https://doi.org/10.1145/3457340.3458304" conf_link = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=da3NJQaH4Ys"
[[news]] kind = "any" date = "May 21, 2021" content = "Peter Alvaro was promoted to Associate Professor. Congratulations, Peter!"
[[news]] kind = "paper" date = "May 03, 2021" who = " Haofan Zheng, Tuan Tran, and Owen Arden" paper_name = "Total Eclipse of the Enclave: Detecting Eclipse Attacks From Inside TEEs" conf_name = "ICBC 2021" paper_link = "https://doi.org/10.1109/ICBC51069.2021.9461081" conf_link = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yXk8BPSlMg"
[[news]] kind = "any" date = "January 13, 2021" content = "Professor Cormac Flanagan has been named an ACM Fellow. Congratulations, Cormac!"
[[news]] kind = "paper" date = "Oct. 20, 2020" who = "Kyle Kingsbury and Peter Alvaro" paper_name = "Elle: Inferring Isolation Anomalies from Experimental Observations" paper_link = "https://people.ucsc.edu/~palvaro/elle_vldb21.pdf" conf_name = "VLDB '21" conf_link = "https://vldb.org/2021/"
[[news]] kind = "paper" date = "Oct. 1, 2020" who = "Stephen Freund and Cormac Flanagan" paper_name = "The Anchor Verifier for Blocking and Non-Blocking Concurrent Software" paper_link = "https://2020.splashcon.org/details/splash-2020-oopsla/32/The-Anchor-Verifier-for-Blocking-and-Non-Blocking-Concurrent-Software" conf_name = "OOPSLA '20" conf_link = "https://2020.splashcon.org/track/splash-2020-oopsla"
[[news]] kind = "paper" date = "Oct. 1, 2020" who = "Tyler Sorensen, Esin Tureci, Jake Kirkham and Margaret R. Martonosi" paper_name = "Foundations of Empirical Memory Consistency Testing" paper_link = "https://2020.splashcon.org/details/splash-2020-oopsla/102/Foundations-of-Empirical-Memory-Consistency-Testing" conf_name = "OOPSLA '20" conf_link = "https://2020.splashcon.org/track/splash-2020-oopsla"
[[news]] kind = "paper" date = "Oct. 1, 2020" who = "Yiyun Liu, James Parker, Patrick Redmond, Lindsey Kuper, Michael Hicks and Niki Vazou" paper_name = "Verifying Replicated Data Types with Typeclass Refinements in Liquid Haskell" paper_link = "https://2020.splashcon.org/details/splash-2020-oopsla/92/Verifying-Replicated-Data-Types-with-Typeclass-Refinements-in-Liquid-Haskell" conf_name = "OOPSLA '20" conf_link = "https://2020.splashcon.org/track/splash-2020-oopsla"
[[news]] kind = "any" date = "Oct. 1, 2020" content = "We launched the LSD Lab website!"