High priority:
- Get rid of distinction between run and construct
- Put bi/tri information in base class preprocessing rules
- Rooted formulation: identify S... and exploit
- Bug in multi-threading: cutCount = 0
- If there is only one root node => use rooted separation...
- Encapsulate connected components separation in NodeCut class (argument x_values not needed)
- Unit test: solution is an entire connected component in the input graph
- If #separated cuts drops below threshold stop separating in the root node!
New preprocessing rules:
- Look at biconnected components
- Diamond with two pos nodes at center and one corner with deg 2
- Positive deg 1 nodes, merge those (if they have a score below LB!)
Low priority:
- More sophisticated branching rules (favor y-vars)
- Use rooted formulation in unrooted call backs (addLocal)
- Handle components inside callbacks (get rid of enumeration functionality)
- Only do min cut separation on nodes i that are not part of non-zero component containing the root
- Remove NodeCut::_root
Not done:
- Construct local h at every call! Slower...
- Branch on stars... cplex does a better job
- Break ties: smallest deg[i] - posDeg[i]
- adapt make check to Heinz executable. Test different things. remove dimacs exectuables altogether