There are two scripts to update your Esri Maritime Chart Server (MCS) Extension for ArcGIS Server. NOAA's Office of Coast Survey (OCS) deploys ENC S-57 excahnge sets on a weekly schedule. This batch script will keep the MCS service and viewer up-to-date and synced with the latest available ENCs through OCS' webiste - United State Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) deploys inland ENCs (IENC) on a weekly schedule. The python script will keep the MCS service and viewer up-to-date and synced with the latest available ENCs through the USACE website.
Clone this repository to the directory folder you will plan to run the script for updating your MCS from, i.e. c:\scripts
For batch file:
- You must have ArcGIS Server and ArcGIS for Maritime: Server installed.
- wget.exe wget can be replaced with some other tool to download internet resources
- WZUNIZIP (WinZip Command Line Support Add-On) WinZip Command Line Support Add-On can be replaced with 7zip tools For python script: Must have Python 2.7 installed - has not been tested with Python 3.4
Set the following variables to your local environment. sd (script directory) - This is the directory the .bat file is within td (temp directory) - This is the directory where the ENCs are downloaded to ENCROOT - Variable assigning ENC_ROOT zipUrl - Sets the zip download from NOAA's external chart download site logfile - Sets the logfile path serverdirectory - Set this to your local directory on ArcGIS Server that points to your MCS datasets folder. This can be ommitted or used depending if you need to deploy the script to multiple servers that have different "datasets" paths.
Set MCS_ENC_autoupdate.bat file as a scheduled task through Windows Task Scheduler to run on whatever schedule you need. Set file as a scheduled task through Windows Task Scheduler to run on whatever schedule you need.
Leland Snyder