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sftpserver is a skeletal SFTP server written using Paramiko

This project exists to serve as a starting point / demonstration of how to build an SFTP server or as something to be used in tests. As such the goal is to not provide a full featured sftp server.

This was initially a simple fork of @rspivak's sftpserver, which in turn was an adaptation of the code from Paramiko's tests. However, I updated it further to demonstrate the use of different threaded and forked modes of operation after Martin Haack reached out to me with some questions.


$ pip install git+


# run sftpserver with defaults (serving current dir, at
# localhost:3373, in threaded mode, with log level set to DEBUG)

$ python -m sftpserver

# run sftpserver with defaults (serving dir /tmp, at
# localhost:3373, in forked mode, using server key /tmp/test_rsa.key)

$ sftpserver -r /tmp -k /tmp/test_rsa.key -l DEBUG -m forked

Generating a test private key:

$ openssl genrsa -out server.key.pem 4096               # generate a private key

Connecting with a Python client to our server:

>>> import paramiko
>>> pkey = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file('/tmp/test_rsa.key')
>>> transport = paramiko.Transport(('localhost', 3373))
>>> transport.connect(username='admin', password='admin', pkey=pkey)
>>> sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport)
>>> sftp.listdir('.')
['', '']