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149 lines (99 loc) · 4.84 KB


Slider Library in Vanilla JS. Support exponential scale.


  1. download and include ldSlider JS / CSS:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="ldrs.js"></script>

you an use a CDN, such as, from jsDelivr:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//[email protected]/dist/ldrs.min.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//[email protected]/dist/ldrs.min.js"/>
  1. create a new ldslider instance for using ldSlider's API:

    ldrs = new ldslider(configs); ldrs.set(value);


<div class="ldrs"></div>
<script> ldrs = new ldslider({root: document.querySelector('.ldrs')}); </script>

You can also use an input box to initialize ldslider:

<input class="ldrs" data-class="form-control">
<script> ldrs = new ldslider({root: document.querySelector('.ldrs')}); </script>

In this case, a new div will be created and inserted before the input element, inherits all classes of the input element. The input element's type will be set to hidden.

You can use an optional data-class attribute in input to define the classes of the input element.


  • set(value, forceNotify): set slider's value
    • if forceNotify set to true, Notify listeners if value is changed.
    • value is a number with number slider, and is {from, to} object with range slider.
  • get(): get slider's value. return number with number slider, and {from,to} object with range slider.
  • setConfig(config): update slider's config.
  • on("change", cb(value)): listen to value change.
    • value parameter in cb is a number with number slider and {from,to} object with range slider.
  • edit(v): toggle input box on (v = true) or off (v = false). auto swtich if v is undefined. this only works if you init ldrs over input element.
  • update(): update ui. useful when your slider is out of place ( sometimes due to toggle display and set value when widget is not visible.)


  • root: when the range slider kicks in.
  • range: true if it's a range slider.
  • min: minimal value
  • max: maximal value
  • step: each step when dragging
  • from: default value
  • to: default value for alternative pointer. ( only effective in range slider )
  • exp: setup exponential scale.
    • exp.percent: when slider to move this percent ...
    • exp.value: ... the value should be map to this percent.
    • for example:
      • {output: 0.9, input: 0.1} lets the slider to output 90% from min to max when slider is in the 10% position.
      • {output: 0.5, input: 0.5} equals to linear scale.
  • label: custom label.
    • label.min - text for showing in minimal value label
    • label.max - text for showing in maximal value label
    • label.ptr(v) - function that convert v ( value ) to the returned customized string that representing v.

Decorating Classes

Add following css classes to decorate your range slider:

  • up - force all tips toward up.
  • - small size slider
  • ldrs.lg - large size slider
  • - adjust slider size based on context font size
  • - adjust slider size based on context font size, while make it smaller
  • - adjust slider size based on context font size, while make it larger

Some quick and useful tweaks:

  • gap between bar and tips:
    • .ldrs { height: 34px; }
    • .ldrs .hint { top: 0; }
    • .ldrs .bar { top: 18px; }
    • .ldrs .ptr { top: 15px; }

Restyling with CSS Variable

Default colorschema of ldslider can be changed with CSS variables by adding tone class along with ldrs class:

<div class="ldrs tone"> ... </div>

There are four variables:

  • --fg: foreground color.
  • --bg: background color.
  • --text: active text color.
  • --text-muted: muted text color.

Here is an example with blue slider bar and yellow active text:

.ldrs.tone {
  --fg: #09f
  --bg: #eee
  --text: #ff0
  --text-muted: #aaa

DOM Structure

      .line.p     //- indicator line for chosen value
      .line.lock  //- indicator line for lock value
      .hint.p     //- chosen value pointer


To provide a more consistent visual effect, ldslider embeds a number font directly in CSS:

We expect to replace this with a more compact font file crafted exclusively for ldslider.

The font-family value in ldrs.css is set to ldrs-default-font only for convenience.
