title | subtitle | author | job | framework | highlighter | hitheme | widgets | mode | knit |
Patent Drafting Tips |
Experience Sharing |
Li |
revealjs |
highlight.js |
tomorrow |
selfcontained |
slidify::knit2slides |
Purpose for writing disclosures
.fragment Good Practice at IBM CRL
.fragment Key elements of a good disclosure
.fragment Tips for communicating with lawyer
.fragment An example
- Capitalize innovative ideas
# Ideas are cheap
- Protect key technology in our products
# There are so many competitors
- Establish authority in a field
#I truly know my products
- Develop patent assets
# What if my product do not sell
- Incentive
# Patent filing award & Platea award
# High impact patent award
# Patent asset award
- Patent Review Committee
# An attorney
# reviewer with >2 platea
# Master inventor
.fragment Small meetings to cook ideas irrelevant to projects
Many many ideas are patentable
.fragment Ways to improve productivity
Brain storming on ideas which can expand or change a project
.fragment Collaborations are the key
Cross team idea discussion
- Write as clear as possible
- Give as many examples as possible
- Clearly mark every elements on a figure/Table/Equation
- Carefully prepare search document (be professional and be clever)
<script> $('ul.incremental li').addClass('fragment') $('ol.incremental li').addClass('fragment') </script>
- Highlight claim points (less is more)