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Releases: linuxserver/docker-grocy


14 Mar 22:04
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LinuxServer Changes:

Rebasing to alpine 3.11.
grocy Changes:

!! Important notice

If you run grocy in a subdirectory, you need to set a new config.php setting (BASE_PATH, see config-dist.php)

Stock fixes

  • Fixed purchase/consume/inventory problems when FEATURE_FLAG_STOCK_LOCATION_TRACKING was set to false
  • Fixed that products on the Location Content Sheet were not ordered by the product name

Shopping list improvements/fixes

  • Added an option to hide the month-calendar (in the shopping list settings / top right corner settings menu) (defaults to disabled, so please enable this option if you still want to have the month-calendar on the shopping list)
  • Optimized the new compact view (there was a little too much white space at the sides of the page)
  • Added an option to not switch to the new compact view on mobile devices automatically (in the shopping list settings / top right corner settings menu) (defaults to false, so no changed behavior when not configured) (thanks @Forceu)
  • Fixed that the "Shopping list to stock workflow" did not work when FEATURE_FLAG_STOCK_BEST_BEFORE_DATE_TRACKING was set to false

Recipe improvements/fixes

  • Optimized the ordering of the inputs on the recipe ingredient edit page (moved "Only check if a single unit is in stock" before the amount)
  • Variable ingredient amounts are now marked accordingly on the renedered recipe
  • After selecting a recipe on mobile devices, the page now automatically scrolls to the recipe card
  • Added the recipes base servings to be displayed on the recipe card and properly named the servings column in the recipes list/table (thanks @kriddles)
  • Added that recipe ingredients can now also be displayed grouped by the products product group (additionally to the ingredient group, new option in the recipes settings / top right corner settings menu) (defaults to false, so no changed behavior when not configured) (thanks @kriddles)
  • Fixed that when editing a recipe ingredient which had "Only check if a single unit is in stock" set, not any quantity unit could be picked and the amount stayed empty
  • Fixed that when reloading the "new recipe"-page (or when it gets auto-reloaded due to "Auto reload on external changes" is enabled), for each reload a new recipe was created
  • Fixed that the recipe "fullscreen card" was not correctly displayed
  • Fixed that nested recipes showed all ingredients of the nested recipes twice
  • Fixed that when displaying or consuming a recipe from the meal plan the serving amount was maybe wrong (was the one from the recipe instead the one from the meal plan entry) (thanks @kriddles)
  • Fixed that the stock fulfillment counts on the recipe card were maybe wrong if that recipe was also added to the meal plan (thanks @kriddles)
  • Fixed that the recipe page was reloaded when expanding a collapsed row on mobile (thanks @mikhail5555)

Meal plan improvements

  • Improved that all add-dialogs can be submitted by using ENTER and that the next input is automatically selected after selecting a recipe/product
  • Added an edit button to all types of meal plan entries
  • When adding a recipe, the serving amount is now prefilled with the one of the selected recipe (thanks @kriddles)
  • Fixed that the meal plan not used the full height on mobile devices

Calendar fixes

  • Fixed to only include events when the corresponding feature flag is enabled (e. g. don't show expiring products when FEATURE_FLAG_STOCK_BEST_BEFORE_DATE_TRACKING is set to false) (thanks @kriddles)
  • Fixed that the calendar not used the full height on mobile devices

API improvements/fixes

  • The endpoint /chores now also includes the chore name (new field chore_name) (thanks @DarienFord)

General & other improvements/fixes

  • Big backend performance improvements (thanks @zebardy)
  • Added a button to enable the device flash light on the camera barcode scanner popup (thanks @radim-ek)
  • Optimized the top navbar height and overall spacing to waste less space
  • Replaced the scan-mode-switch-button by a native button because it's less disturbing
  • Fixed that the "contextual time ago" of date/time pickers was not displayed
  • New translations: (thanks all the translators)


06 Mar 21:55
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LinuxServer Changes:

Rebasing to alpine 3.11.
grocy Changes:

!! Important notice

If you run grocy in a subdirectory, you need to set a new config.php setting (BASE_PATH, see config-dist.php)

Stock fixes

  • Fixed purchase/consume/inventory problems when FEATURE_FLAG_STOCK_LOCATION_TRACKING was set to false
  • Fixed that products on the Location Content Sheet were not ordered by the product name

Shopping list improvements/fixes

  • Added an option to hide the month-calendar (in the shopping list settings / top right corner settings menu) (defaults to disabled, so please enable this option if you still want to have the month-calendar on the shopping list)
  • Optimized the new compact view (there was a little too much white space at the sides of the page)
  • Added an option to not switch to the new compact view on mobile devices automatically (in the shopping list settings / top right corner settings menu) (defaults to false, so no changed behavior when not configured) (thanks @Forceu)
  • Fixed that the "Shopping list to stock workflow" did not work when FEATURE_FLAG_STOCK_BEST_BEFORE_DATE_TRACKING was set to false

Recipe improvements/fixes

  • Optimized the ordering of the inputs on the recipe ingredient edit page (moved "Only check if a single unit is in stock" before the amount)
  • Variable ingredient amounts are now marked accordingly on the renedered recipe
  • After selecting a recipe on mobile devices, the page now automatically scrolls to the recipe card
  • Added the recipes base servings to be displayed on the recipe card and properly named the servings column in the recipes list/table (thanks @kriddles)
  • Added that recipe ingredients can now also be displayed grouped by the products product group (additionally to the ingredient group, new option in the recipes settings / top right corner settings menu) (defaults to false, so no changed behavior when not configured) (thanks @kriddles)
  • Fixed that when editing a recipe ingredient which had "Only check if a single unit is in stock" set, not any quantity unit could be picked and the amount stayed empty
  • Fixed that when reloading the "new recipe"-page (or when it gets auto-reloaded due to "Auto reload on external changes" is enabled), for each reload a new recipe was created
  • Fixed that the recipe "fullscreen card" was not correctly displayed
  • Fixed that nested recipes showed all ingredients of the nested recipes twice
  • Fixed that when displaying or consuming a recipe from the meal plan the serving amount was maybe wrong (was the one from the recipe instead the one from the meal plan entry) (thanks @kriddles)
  • Fixed that the stock fulfillment counts on the recipe card were maybe wrong if that recipe was also added to the meal plan (thanks @kriddles)
  • Fixed that the recipe page was reloaded when expanding a collapsed row on mobile (thanks @mikhail5555)

Meal plan improvements

  • Improved that all add-dialogs can be submitted by using ENTER and that the next input is automatically selected after selecting a recipe/product
  • Added an edit button to all types of meal plan entries
  • When adding a recipe, the serving amount is now prefilled with the one of the selected recipe (thanks @kriddles)
  • Fixed that the meal plan not used the full height on mobile devices

Calendar fixes

  • Fixed to only include events when the corresponding feature flag is enabled (e. g. don't show expiring products when FEATURE_FLAG_STOCK_BEST_BEFORE_DATE_TRACKING is set to false) (thanks @kriddles)
  • Fixed that the calendar not used the full height on mobile devices

API improvements/fixes

  • The endpoint /chores now also includes the chore name (new field chore_name) (thanks @DarienFord)

General & other improvements/fixes

  • Big backend performance improvements (thanks @zebardy)
  • Added a button to enable the device flash light on the camera barcode scanner popup (thanks @radim-ek)
  • Optimized the top navbar height and overall spacing to waste less space
  • Replaced the scan-mode-switch-button by a native button because it's less disturbing
  • Fixed that the "contextual time ago" of date/time pickers was not displayed
  • New translations: (thanks all the translators)


29 Feb 21:50
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LinuxServer Changes:

Rebasing to alpine 3.11.
grocy Changes:

New feature: Transfer products between locations and edit stock entries

  • New menu entry in the sidebar to transfer products (or as a shortcut in the more/context menu per line on the stock overview page)
  • New button "Stock entries" in the header of the stock overview page (or as a shortcut in the more/context menu per line) to show the detail stock entries behind each product
    • From there you can also edit the stock entries
  • (A huge THANK YOU goes to @kriddles for the work on this feature)

New feature: Scan mode

  • Just scan one product after another, no manual input required and audio feedback is provided
  • New switch-button on the purchase and consume page
  • When enabled
    • The amount will always be filled with 1 after changing/scanning a product
    • If all fields could be automatically populated (means for purchase the product has a default best before date set), the transaction is automatically submitted
      • If not, a warning is displayed and you can fill in the missing information
    • Audio feedback is provided after scanning and on success/error of the transaction
  • => Quick video demo:

New feature: Self produced products

  • To a recipe a product can be attached
    • This products needs a "Default best before date"
  • On using "Consume all ingredients needed by this recipe" and when it has a product attached, one unit of that product (per serving in purchase quantity unit) will be added to stock (with the proper price based on the recipe ingredients)
  • (Thanks @kriddles for the intial work on this)

New feature: Freeze/Thaw products

  • New product options "Default best before days after freezing/thawing" to set how the best before date should be changed on freezing/thawing
  • New location option "Is freezer" to indicate if the location is a freezer
  • => When moving a product from/to a freezer location, the best before date is changed accordingly
  • There is also a new sub feature flag FEATURE_FLAG_STOCK_PRODUCT_FREEZING to disable this if you don't need it (defaults to true)

Stock improvements/fixes

  • The productcard gets now also refreshed after a transaction was posted (purchase/consume/etc.) (thanks @kriddles)
  • The product field calories (kcal) now also allows decimal numbers
  • On the inventory page, "New amount" is now prefilled with the current stock amount of the selected product
  • Fixed that entering partial amounts was not possible on the inventory page (only applies if the product option "Allow partial units in stock" is enabled)
  • Fixed that on purchase a wrong minimum amount was enforced for products with enabled tare weight handling in combination with different purchase/stock quantity units
  • Fixed that the productcard did not load correctly when FEATURE_FLAG_STOCK_LOCATION_TRACKING was set to false (thanks @kriddles)
  • Fixed that the "Add as barcode to existing product" workflow did not work twice when not switching the page inbetween

Shopping list improvements/fixes

  • Added a compact view to have a better shopping list for shopping trips (new button "Compact view" in the header, additionally this is automatically enabled on mobile devices / when screen width is < 768 px)
  • It's now possible to filter for only undone (not striked through) items (new option in the "Filter by status" dropdown)
  • Fixed that when FEATURE_FLAG_SHOPPINGLIST_MULTIPLE_LISTS was set to false, the shopping list appeared empty after some actions

Recipe improvements

  • When consuming a recipe and if an ingredient is not in stock, but that product has any subproduct which is in stock, this gets now consumed (before consuming was not possible in that case)
  • When adding or editing a recipe ingredient, a dialog is now used instead of switching between pages (thanks @kriddles)

Meal plan improvements/fixes

  • It's now possible to add notes per day (in the dropdown of the add button in the header of each day column)
  • It's now possible to products directly (also in the dropdown of the add button in the header of each day column, maybe useful in combination with the new "Self produced products" feature)
  • Added that the calories per serving are now also shown
  • Added that the total costs and calories per day are displayed in the header of each day column
  • Added a new config.php setting MEAL_PLAN_FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK which can be used to start the meal plan on a different day (defaults to CALENDAR_FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK, so no changed behavior when not configured)
  • Fixed that when FEATURE_FLAG_STOCK_PRICE_TRACKING was set to false, prices were still shown (thanks @kriddles)
  • Fixed that the week costs were missing for the weeks 1 - 9 of a year

Calendar improvements

  • Improved that meal plan events in the iCal calendar export now contain a link to the appropriate meal plan week in the body of the event (thanks @kriddles)

Task fixes

  • Fixed that a due date was required when editing an existing task

API improvements/fixes

  • The endpoint /stock now includes also the product object itself (new field/property product) (thanks @gsacre)
  • The endpoint /stock/products/{productId}/entries can now include stock entries of child products (if the given product is a parent product and in addition to the ones of the given product) - new query parameter include_sub_products (defaults to false so no changed behavior when not supplied)
  • New endpoints for the new stock transfer & stock entry edit capabilities
  • Fixed that the route /stock/barcodes/external-lookup/{barcode} did not work, because the barcode argument was expected as a route argument but the route was missing it (thanks @mikhail5555 and @beetle442002)
  • Fixed the response type description of the /stock/volatile endpoint

General & other improvements/fixes

  • It's now possible to keep the screen on always or when a "fullscreen-card" (e. g. used for recipes) is displayed
    • New user options in the display settings menu in the top right corner (defaults to disabled)
  • Slightly optimized table loading & search performance (thanks @lwis)
  • Added that the currently active sidebar menu item is always in view
  • Reordered the sidebar menu items a little bit, grouped them by borders and made them a little smaller to waste less space
  • Changed/removed some animations (and replaced jQuery UI by Animate.css) to improve responsiveness
  • Fixed that also the first column (where in most tables only buttons/menus are displayed) in tables was searched when using the general search field
  • Fixed that the meal plan menu entry (sidebar) was not visible when the calendar was disabled (FEATURE_FLAG_CALENDAR) (thanks @lwis)
  • For integration: If a GET parameter closeAfterCreation is passed to the product edit page, the window will be closed on save (due to Browser restrictions, this only works when the window was opened from JavaScript) (thanks @Forceu)
  • Fixed that the file had wrong line endings (DOS instead of Unix)
  • Internal change: Demo mode is now handled via the setting MODE instead of checking the existence of the file data/demo.txt
  • There is now a RSS feed for the changelog, subscribe to get notified about new releases:
  • New translations: (thanks all the translators)


15 Feb 21:55
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LinuxServer Changes:

Rebasing to alpine 3.11.
grocy Changes:

New feature: Transfer products between locations and edit stock entries

  • New menu entry in the sidebar to transfer products (or as a shortcut in the more/context menu per line on the stock overview page)
  • New button "Stock entries" in the header of the stock overview page (or as a shortcut in the more/context menu per line) to show the detail stock entries behind each product
    • From there you can also edit the stock entries
  • (A huge THANK YOU goes to @kriddles for the work on this feature)

New feature: Scan mode

  • Just scan one product after another, no manual input required and audio feedback is provided
  • New switch-button on the purchase and consume page
  • When enabled
    • The amount will always be filled with 1 after changing/scanning a product
    • If all fields could be automatically populated (means for purchase the product has a default best before date set), the transaction is automatically submitted
      • If not, a warning is displayed and you can fill in the missing information
    • Audio feedback is provided after scanning and on success/error of the transaction
  • => Quick video demo:

New feature: Self produced products

  • To a recipe a product can be attached
    • This products needs a "Default best before date"
  • On using "Consume all ingredients needed by this recipe" and when it has a product attached, one unit of that product (per serving in purchase quantity unit) will be added to stock (with the proper price based on the recipe ingredients)
  • (Thanks @kriddles for the intial work on this)

New feature: Freeze/Thaw products

  • New product options "Default best before days after freezing/thawing" to set how the best before date should be changed on freezing/thawing
  • New location option "Is freezer" to indicate if the location is a freezer
  • => When moving a product from/to a freezer location, the best before date is changed accordingly
  • There is also a new sub feature flag FEATURE_FLAG_STOCK_PRODUCT_FREEZING to disable this if you don't need it (defaults to true)

Stock improvements/fixes

  • The productcard gets now also refreshed after a transaction was posted (purchase/consume/etc.) (thanks @kriddles)
  • The product field calories (kcal) now also allows decimal numbers
  • On the inventory page, "New amount" is now prefilled with the current stock amount of the selected product
  • Fixed that entering partial amounts was not possible on the inventory page (only applies if the product option "Allow partial units in stock" is enabled)
  • Fixed that on purchase a wrong minimum amount was enforced for products with enabled tare weight handling in combination with different purchase/stock quantity units
  • Fixed that the productcard did not load correctly when FEATURE_FLAG_STOCK_LOCATION_TRACKING was set to false (thanks @kriddles)
  • Fixed that the "Add as barcode to existing product" workflow did not work twice when not switching the page inbetween

Shopping list improvements/fixes

  • Added a compact view to have a better shopping list for shopping trips (new button "Compact view" in the header, additionally this is automatically enabled on mobile devices / when screen width is < 768 px)
  • It's now possible to filter for only undone (not striked through) items (new option in the "Filter by status" dropdown)
  • Fixed that when FEATURE_FLAG_SHOPPINGLIST_MULTIPLE_LISTS was set to false, the shopping list appeared empty after some actions

Recipe improvements

  • When consuming a recipe and if an ingredient is not in stock, but that product has any subproduct which is in stock, this gets now consumed (before consuming was not possible in that case)
  • When adding or editing a recipe ingredient, a dialog is now used instead of switching between pages (thanks @kriddles)

Meal plan improvements/fixes

  • It's now possible to add notes per day (in the dropdown of the add button in the header of each day column)
  • It's now possible to products directly (also in the dropdown of the add button in the header of each day column, maybe useful in combination with the new "Self produced products" feature)
  • Added that the calories per serving are now also shown
  • Added that the total costs and calories per day are displayed in the header of each day column
  • Added a new config.php setting MEAL_PLAN_FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK which can be used to start the meal plan on a different day (defaults to CALENDAR_FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK, so no changed behavior when not configured)
  • Fixed that when FEATURE_FLAG_STOCK_PRICE_TRACKING was set to false, prices were still shown (thanks @kriddles)
  • Fixed that the week costs were missing for the weeks 1 - 9 of a year

Calendar improvements

  • Improved that meal plan events in the iCal calendar export now contain a link to the appropriate meal plan week in the body of the event (thanks @kriddles)

Task fixes

  • Fixed that a due date was required when editing an existing task

API improvements/fixes

  • The endpoint /stock now includes also the product object itself (new field/property product) (thanks @gsacre)
  • The endpoint /stock/products/{productId}/entries can now include stock entries of child products (if the given product is a parent product and in addition to the ones of the given product) - new query parameter include_sub_products (defaults to false so no changed behavior when not supplied)
  • New endpoints for the new stock transfer & stock entry edit capabilities
  • Fixed that the route /stock/barcodes/external-lookup/{barcode} did not work, because the barcode argument was expected as a route argument but the route was missing it (thanks @mikhail5555 and @beetle442002)
  • Fixed the response type description of the /stock/volatile endpoint

General & other improvements/fixes

  • It's now possible to keep the screen on always or when a "fullscreen-card" (e. g. used for recipes) is displayed
    • New user options in the display settings menu in the top right corner (defaults to disabled)
  • Slightly optimized table loading & search performance (thanks @lwis)
  • Added that the currently active sidebar menu item is always in view
  • Reordered the sidebar menu items a little bit, grouped them by borders and made them a little smaller to waste less space
  • Changed/removed some animations (and replaced jQuery UI by Animate.css) to improve responsiveness
  • Fixed that also the first column (where in most tables only buttons/menus are displayed) in tables was searched when using the general search field
  • Fixed that the meal plan menu entry (sidebar) was not visible when the calendar was disabled (FEATURE_FLAG_CALENDAR) (thanks @lwis)
  • For integration: If a GET parameter closeAfterCreation is passed to the product edit page, the window will be closed on save (due to Browser restrictions, this only works when the window was opened from JavaScript) (thanks @Forceu)
  • Fixed that the file had wrong line endings (DOS instead of Unix)
  • Internal change: Demo mode is now handled via the setting MODE instead of checking the existence of the file data/demo.txt
  • There is now a RSS feed for the changelog, subscribe to get notified about new releases:
  • New translations: (thanks all the translators)


31 Jan 09:04
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LinuxServer Changes:

Rebasing to alpine 3.11.
grocy Changes:

New feature: Transfer products between locations and edit stock entries

  • New menu entry in the sidebar to transfer products (or as a shortcut in the more/context menu per line on the stock overview page)
  • New button "Stock entries" in the header of the stock overview page (or as a shortcut in the more/context menu per line) to show the detail stock entries behind each product
    • From there you can also edit the stock entries
  • (A huge THANK YOU goes to @kriddles for the work on this feature)

New feature: Scan mode

  • Just scan one product after another, no manual input required and audio feedback is provided
  • New switch-button on the purchase and consume page
  • When enabled
    • The amount will always be filled with 1 after changing/scanning a product
    • If all fields could be automatically populated (means for purchase the product has a default best before date set), the transaction is automatically submitted
      • If not, a warning is displayed and you can fill in the missing information
    • Audio feedback is provided after scanning and on success/error of the transaction
  • => Quick video demo:

New feature: Self produced products

  • To a recipe a product can be attached
    • This products needs a "Default best before date"
  • On using "Consume all ingredients needed by this recipe" and when it has a product attached, one unit of that product (per serving in purchase quantity unit) will be added to stock (with the proper price based on the recipe ingredients)
  • (Thanks @kriddles for the intial work on this)

New feature: Freeze/Thaw products

  • New product options "Default best before days after freezing/thawing" to set how the best before date should be changed on freezing/thawing
  • New location option "Is freezer" to indicate if the location is a freezer
  • => When moving a product from/to a freezer location, the best before date is changed accordingly
  • There is also a new sub feature flag FEATURE_FLAG_STOCK_PRODUCT_FREEZING to disable this if you don't need it (defaults to true)

Stock improvements/fixes

  • The productcard gets now also refreshed after a transaction was posted (purchase/consume/etc.) (thanks @kriddles)
  • The product field calories (kcal) now also allows decimal numbers
  • On the inventory page, "New amount" is now prefilled with the current stock amount of the selected product
  • Fixed that entering partial amounts was not possible on the inventory page (only applies if the product option "Allow partial units in stock" is enabled)
  • Fixed that on purchase a wrong minimum amount was enforced for products with enabled tare weight handling in combination with different purchase/stock quantity units
  • Fixed that the productcard did not load correctly when FEATURE_FLAG_STOCK_LOCATION_TRACKING was set to false (thanks @kriddles)
  • Fixed that the "Add as barcode to existing product" workflow did not work twice when not switching the page inbetween

Shopping list improvements/fixes

  • Added a compact view to have a better shopping list for shopping trips (new button "Compact view" in the header, additionally this is automatically enabled on mobile devices / when screen width is < 768 px)
  • It's now possible to filter for only undone (not striked through) items (new option in the "Filter by status" dropdown)
  • Fixed that when FEATURE_FLAG_SHOPPINGLIST_MULTIPLE_LISTS was set to false, the shopping list appeared empty after some actions

Recipe improvements

  • When consuming a recipe and if an ingredient is not in stock, but that product has any subproduct which is in stock, this gets now consumed (before consuming was not possible in that case)
  • When adding or editing a recipe ingredient, a dialog is now used instead of switching between pages (thanks @kriddles)

Meal plan improvements/fixes

  • It's now possible to add notes per day (in the dropdown of the add button in the header of each day column)
  • It's now possible to products directly (also in the dropdown of the add button in the header of each day column, maybe useful in combination with the new "Self produced products" feature)
  • Added that the calories per serving are now also shown
  • Added that the total costs and calories per day are displayed in the header of each day column
  • Added a new config.php setting MEAL_PLAN_FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK which can be used to start the meal plan on a different day (defaults to CALENDAR_FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK, so no changed behavior when not configured)
  • Fixed that when FEATURE_FLAG_STOCK_PRICE_TRACKING was set to false, prices were still shown (thanks @kriddles)
  • Fixed that the week costs were missing for the weeks 1 - 9 of a year

Calendar improvements

  • Improved that meal plan events in the iCal calendar export now contain a link to the appropriate meal plan week in the body of the event (thanks @kriddles)

Task fixes

  • Fixed that a due date was required when editing an existing task

API improvements/fixes

  • The endpoint /stock now includes also the product object itself (new field/property product) (thanks @gsacre)
  • The endpoint /stock/products/{productId}/entries can now include stock entries of child products (if the given product is a parent product and in addition to the ones of the given product) - new query parameter include_sub_products (defaults to false so no changed behavior when not supplied)
  • New endpoints for the new stock transfer & stock entry edit capabilities
  • Fixed that the route /stock/barcodes/external-lookup/{barcode} did not work, because the barcode argument was expected as a route argument but the route was missing it (thanks @mikhail5555 and @beetle442002)
  • Fixed the response type description of the /stock/volatile endpoint

General & other improvements/fixes

  • It's now possible to keep the screen on always or when a "fullscreen-card" (e. g. used for recipes) is displayed
    • New user options in the display settings menu in the top right corner (defaults to disabled)
  • Slightly optimized table loading & search performance (thanks @lwis)
  • Added that the currently active sidebar menu item is always in view
  • Reordered the sidebar menu items a little bit, grouped them by borders and made them a little smaller to waste less space
  • Changed/removed some animations (and replaced jQuery UI by Animate.css) to improve responsiveness
  • Fixed that also the first column (where in most tables only buttons/menus are displayed) in tables was searched when using the general search field
  • Fixed that the meal plan menu entry (sidebar) was not visible when the calendar was disabled (FEATURE_FLAG_CALENDAR) (thanks @lwis)
  • For integration: If a GET parameter closeAfterCreation is passed to the product edit page, the window will be closed on save (due to Browser restrictions, this only works when the window was opened from JavaScript) (thanks @Forceu)
  • Fixed that the file had wrong line endings (DOS instead of Unix)
  • Internal change: Demo mode is now handled via the setting MODE instead of checking the existence of the file data/demo.txt
  • There is now a RSS feed for the changelog, subscribe to get notified about new releases:
  • New translations: (thanks all the translators)


25 Jan 21:51
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LinuxServer Changes:

Rebasing to alpine 3.11.
grocy Changes:

Stock fixes

  • Fixed that product specific quantity unit conversions (product overrides) were also displayed on the product edit page of other products with the same stock quantity unit

Recipe fixes

  • Fixed that recipes were displayed without ingredients if the total recipe count was > 100

Shopping list improvements

  • Added a new sub feature flag FEATURE_FLAG_SHOPPINGLIST_MULTIPLE_LISTS to disable multiple shopping lists if you only need one (defaults to true, so no changed behavior when not configured)

Chores improvements

  • Added a new period type "yearly" (for yearly schedules)
  • Added a "period interval" option per chore to have more flexible schedules (possible for the daily/weekly/monthly/yearly schedules, means "schedule this chore only every x days/weeks/months" to have for example biweekly schedules)

General & other improvements

  • New Input shorthands for date fields to increase/decrease the date by 1 month/year (shift + arrow keys, see the full list here)


11 Jan 21:51
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LinuxServer Changes:

Rebasing to alpine 3.11.
grocy Changes:

Stock fixes

  • Fixed that product specific quantity unit conversions (product overrides) were also displayed on the product edit page of other products with the same stock quantity unit

Recipe fixes

  • Fixed that recipes were displayed without ingredients if the total recipe count was > 100

Shopping list improvements

  • Added a new sub feature flag FEATURE_FLAG_SHOPPINGLIST_MULTIPLE_LISTS to disable multiple shopping lists if you only need one (defaults to true, so no changed behavior when not configured)

Chores improvements

  • Added a new period type "yearly" (for yearly schedules)
  • Added a "period interval" option per chore to have more flexible schedules (possible for the daily/weekly/monthly/yearly schedules, means "schedule this chore only every x days/weeks/months" to have for example biweekly schedules)

General & other improvements

  • New Input shorthands for date fields to increase/decrease the date by 1 month/year (shift + arrow keys, see the full list here)


04 Jan 21:48
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LinuxServer Changes:

Rebasing to alpine 3.11.
grocy Changes:

Stock fixes

  • Fixed that product specific quantity unit conversions (product overrides) were also displayed on the product edit page of other products with the same stock quantity unit

Recipe fixes

  • Fixed that recipes were displayed without ingredients if the total recipe count was > 100

Shopping list improvements

  • Added a new sub feature flag FEATURE_FLAG_SHOPPINGLIST_MULTIPLE_LISTS to disable multiple shopping lists if you only need one (defaults to true, so no changed behavior when not configured)

Chores improvements

  • Added a new period type "yearly" (for yearly schedules)
  • Added a "period interval" option per chore to have more flexible schedules (possible for the daily/weekly/monthly/yearly schedules, means "schedule this chore only every x days/weeks/months" to have for example biweekly schedules)

General & other improvements

  • New Input shorthands for date fields to increase/decrease the date by 1 month/year (shift + arrow keys, see the full list here)


28 Dec 21:43
Choose a tag to compare

LinuxServer Changes:

Rebasing to alpine 3.11.
grocy Changes:

Stock fixes

  • Fixed that product specific quantity unit conversions (product overrides) were also displayed on the product edit page of other products with the same stock quantity unit

Recipe fixes

  • Fixed that recipes were displayed without ingredients if the total recipe count was > 100

Shopping list improvements

  • Added a new sub feature flag FEATURE_FLAG_SHOPPINGLIST_MULTIPLE_LISTS to disable multiple shopping lists if you only need one (defaults to true, so no changed behavior when not configured)

Chores improvements

  • Added a new period type "yearly" (for yearly schedules)
  • Added a "period interval" option per chore to have more flexible schedules (possible for the daily/weekly/monthly/yearly schedules, means "schedule this chore only every x days/weeks/months" to have for example biweekly schedules)

General & other improvements

  • New Input shorthands for date fields to increase/decrease the date by 1 month/year (shift + arrow keys, see the full list here)


20 Dec 21:30
Choose a tag to compare

LinuxServer Changes:

Rebasing to alpine 3.11.
grocy Changes:

Stock fixes

  • Fixed that product specific quantity unit conversions (product overrides) were also displayed on the product edit page of other products with the same stock quantity unit

Recipe fixes

  • Fixed that recipes were displayed without ingredients if the total recipe count was > 100

Shopping list improvements

  • Added a new sub feature flag FEATURE_FLAG_SHOPPINGLIST_MULTIPLE_LISTS to disable multiple shopping lists if you only need one (defaults to true, so no changed behavior when not configured)

Chores improvements

  • Added a new period type "yearly" (for yearly schedules)
  • Added a "period interval" option per chore to have more flexible schedules (possible for the daily/weekly/monthly/yearly schedules, means "schedule this chore only every x days/weeks/months" to have for example biweekly schedules)

General & other improvements

  • New Input shorthands for date fields to increase/decrease the date by 1 month/year (shift + arrow keys, see the full list here)