- DSettings: crash when calling getOption() if option doesn't exist (90ac734b)
- Cross-builds incorrectly, built packages contain paths from build architecture (8d32577a)
- linuxdeepin/dtkcore#10 (3f99873a)
- crash at application (d852a218)
- add DNotifySender (89bbcd7c)
- deepin-os-release support cpu model and other info query (cbeb47c9)
- failed build the deepin-os-release on Qt 5.7.1 (8bae8654)
- use main project c/cxx/ld flags on build deepin-os-release (86dbd507)
- DPathBuf: missing default constructor (74374cb4)
- support connan build (ba2d213f)
- add DRecentManager class. (a2defafd)
- can't get correct disk size in some case (20a12b62)
- update version number for expermimental (02b5d5c1)
- update symbols (f6c53cc4)
- add LIBDTKCORESHARED_EXPORT for windows (6fb1096f)
- changelog: update email format (cb09a0ca)
- add symbols (048de455)
- cmake link depends (cdfcff9e)
- better static lib support (99886406)
- read settings value failed (cf1c7698)
- set default should not use (146529f6)
- fix dtk-settings install path (1893cff3)
- develop package no install the "version.pri" file (5667b562)
- awk script failed (524a3fa6)
- set default build version for debian changelog (ec6e2a83)
- set its value only if VERSION is empty (1836000c)
- add hide support for group (e7e4fb66)
- add get option interface (d8682485)
- add group interface for DSettingsGroup (c876180f)
- support generate cmake with qt function (524b0559)
- config pkg config with dtk_module (137b9138)
- support qt module (17ca0de9)
- add the "version.pri" file (07aab9fd)
- remove build version from install path (3bf0bfb5)
- make version parser easier (6d3b4ead)
- set verion when build (9083dbd3)
- add .qmake.conf file (2890f643)
- add DtkCore and dtkcore_config.h headers (308a0cc4)
- DSettings: support set default value (5fe9bfd0)
- util: add dpinyin (128d7d67)
- add macro D_DECL_DEPRECATED (89e49868)