English | 中文
本指南将介绍如何开发一个依赖配置进行加载的 metric 类型的插件。 该插件将上报发起 RPC 时,client 端发送请求到 server 端收到回复的耗时, 以及 server 端收到请求到回复 client 的耗时。 开发该插件需要实现以下三个子功能:
下面以 trpc-metrics-prometheus 为例,来介绍相关开发步骤。
plugins: # 插件配置
metrics: # 引用metrics
prometheus: # 启动prometheus
ip: # prometheus绑定地址
port: 8090 # prometheus绑定端口
path: /metrics # metrics路径
namespace: Development # 命名空间
subsystem: trpc # 子系统
rawmode: false # 原始模式,不会对metrics的特殊字符进行转换
enablepush: true # 启用push模式,默认不启用
gateway: http://localhost:9091 # prometheus gateway地址
password: username:MyPassword # 设置账号密码, 以冒号分割
job: job # job名称
pushinterval: 1 # push间隔,默认1s上报一次
const (
pluginType = "metrics"
pluginName = "prometheus"
type Config struct {
IP string `yaml:"ip"` // metrics monitoring address.
Port int32 `yaml:"port"` // metrics listens to the port.
Path string `yaml:"path"` // metrics path.
Namespace string `yaml:"namespace"` // formal or test.
Subsystem string `yaml:"subsystem"` // default trpc.
RawMode bool `yaml:"rawmode"` // by default, the special character in metrics will be converted.
EnablePush bool `yaml:"enablepush"` // push is not enabled by default.
Password string `yaml:"password"` // account Password.
Gateway string `yaml:"gateway"` // push gateway address.
PushInterval uint32 `yaml:"pushinterval"` // push interval,default 1s.
Job string `yaml:"job"` // reported task name.
type Plugin struct {
func (p *Plugin) Type() string {
return pluginType
func (p *Plugin) Setup(name string, decoder plugin.Decoder) error {
cfg := Config{}.Default()
err := decoder.Decode(cfg)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("trpc-metrics-prometheus:conf Decode error:%v", err)
return err
go func() {
err := initMetrics(cfg.IP, cfg.Port, cfg.Path)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("trpc-metrics-prometheus:running:%v", err)
return nil
func init() {
plugin.Register(pluginName, &Plugin{})
const (
sinkName = "prometheus"
func (s *Sink) Name() string {
return sinkName
func (s *Sink) Report(rec metrics.Record, opts ...metrics.Option) error {
if len(rec.GetDimensions()) <= 0 {
return s.ReportSingleLabel(rec, opts...)
labels := make([]string, 0)
values := make([]string, 0)
prefix := rec.GetName()
if len(labels) != len(values) {
return errLength
for _, dimension := range rec.GetDimensions() {
labels = append(labels, dimension.Name)
values = append(values, dimension.Value)
for _, m := range rec.GetMetrics() {
name := s.GetMetricsName(m)
if prefix != "" {
name = prefix + "_" + name
if !checkMetricsValid(name) {
log.Errorf("metrics %s(%s) is invalid", name, m.Name())
s.reportVec(name, m, labels, values)
return nil
func initSink(cfg *Config) {
defaultPrometheusPusher = push.New(cfg.Gateway, cfg.Job)
// set basic auth if set.
if len(cfg.Password) > 0 {
defaultPrometheusSink = &Sink{
ns: cfg.Namespace,
subsystem: cfg.Subsystem,
rawMode: cfg.RawMode,
enablePush: cfg.EnablePush,
pusher: defaultPrometheusPusher
// start up pusher if needed.
if cfg.EnablePush {
go pusherRun(cfg, defaultPrometheusPusher)
- prometheus # Add prometheus filter
func ClientFilter(ctx context.Context, req, rsp interface{}, handler filter.ClientHandleFunc) error {
begin := time.Now()
hErr := handler(ctx, req, rsp)
msg := trpc.Message(ctx)
labels := getLabels(msg, hErr)
ms := make([]*metrics.Metrics, 0)
t := float64(time.Since(begin)) / float64(time.Millisecond)
ms = append(ms,
metrics.NewMetrics("time", t, metrics.PolicyHistogram),
metrics.NewMetrics("requests", 1.0, metrics.PolicySUM))
metrics.Histogram("ClientFilter_time", clientBounds)
r := metrics.NewMultiDimensionMetricsX("ClientFilter", labels, ms)
_ = GetDefaultPrometheusSink().Report(r)
return hErr
func ServerFilter(ctx context.Context, req interface{}, handler filter.ServerHandleFunc) (rsp interface{}, err error) {
begin := time.Now()
rsp, err = handler(ctx, req)
msg := trpc.Message(ctx)
labels := getLabels(msg, err)
ms := make([]*metrics.Metrics, 0)
t := float64(time.Since(begin)) / float64(time.Millisecond)
ms = append(ms,
metrics.NewMetrics("time", t, metrics.PolicyHistogram),
metrics.NewMetrics("requests", 1.0, metrics.PolicySUM))
metrics.Histogram("ServerFilter_time", serverBounds)
r := metrics.NewMultiDimensionMetricsX("ServerFilter", labels, ms)
_ = GetDefaultPrometheusSink().Report(r)
return rsp, err
func init() {
filter.Register(pluginName, ServerFilter, ClientFilter)