The css structure we use is based upon bem ( (
The folder structure should be:
- scss:
- blocks
- elements
- modifiers
- config
- _colours.scss
- _fonts.scss
- _grid.scss
- _mixins.scss
- _modifiers.scss
- _retina.scss
- _sprite.scss
- _typography.scss
- _variables.scss
- pages
- plugins
- blocks
Blocks - Contains all blocks & subsequently any elements & any modifiers.
Elements - Elements of a block. These are elements that cannot exist by themselves outside of their associated block.
Modifiers - Block/element specific modifiers.
Config - Generic, global level configuration.
Pages - Page specific overrides go here ONLY as a last resort (use blocks where possible).
Plugins - Syles supporting javascript plugins.
A block is a stand-alone element. It's an independent component of the page which in theory could be used many times in the same page.
The block name describes its purpose ("What is it?" — menu or button), not its state ("What does it look like?" — red or big). (see
A block should look like the following:
* /blocks/_block-name.scss
.block-name {
properties ...
The naming convention is to use hyphen case - e.g.
Good names:
Bad names:
The above are bad as they represent Appearance rather than Context
An element is dependent upon a parent block.
It is not intended to be used outside of the block.
Not all components are elements - only those that cannot live outside of a block.
The element name describes its purpose ("What is this?" — item, text, etc.), not its state ("What type, or what does it look like?" — red, big, etc.). (see
An element should look like the following:
* /blocks/_block-name.scss
.block-name {
@import 'elements/block-name__item';
* /blocks/elements/_block-name__item.scss
&.__item {
properties ...
The name of the element extends the block using double underscores "__":
Note: the last item is an example of nested elements. Elements may nest infinitely within each other.
The above are bad as they represent Appearance rather than Context
An entity that defines the appearance, state, or behavior of a block or element.
The modifier name describes its appearance ("What size?" or "Which theme?" and so on — size_s or theme_islands), its state ("How is it different from the others?" — disabled, focused, etc.) and its behavior ("How does it behave?" or "How does it respond to the user?" — such as directions_left-top).
The modifier name is separated from the block or element name by a single underscore (_). (see
The name of the modifier extends the block or element using a single underscores "_":
There are 2 types of modifier:
- boolean (a modifier is on or off) - e.g. block-name_disabled, block-name__element_disabled
- key/value (used when there are variations of a modifier) - e.g. block-name_size_large, block_name__element_size_small
There should only be one key/value modifier ever used on one component at a time.
* /blocks/modifiers/_modifier-name.scss
&_modifier-name {
* /blocks/_block-name.scss
.block-name {
@import 'modifiers/block-name';
@import 'elements/block-name__item';
* /blocks/elements/_block-name__item.scss
&.__item {
@include '../modifiers/_block-name__item.scss';