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45f00d1 · Apr 26, 2019


206 lines (171 loc) · 13.9 KB

File metadata and controls

206 lines (171 loc) · 13.9 KB

Cross Platform Editor / IDE Shortcuts

Pre-Requisites and Assumptions

  • You are using JetBrains Intellij as IDE and VIM as editor. These shortcuts will also supported on Visual Studio Code aka vscode in the future but this is not current the case at the time of writing.
  • You have installed the Intellij ideavim plugin.
  • You have a some basic level of experience with VIM editing, movement and VIM terminology.


Import Settings

Change directory to ~/dotfiles/scripts and invoke ./pack-settings. This will create an Intellij settings.jar inside the dotfiles dir. Now go to Intellij > Import Settings, pick-upsettings.jar and ensure that keymaps are selected for import and confirm the import.

Choose Right KeyMap

It is not possile to have the same keymap on both Windows/Linux/Mac due to different modifier keys. These keymappings have been optimized to work in same finger positions across MacOS and Windows keyboards. For example Cmd in Mac is usually at the Alt position in Windows keyboards. Hence the keymappings for windows uses Alt as a replacement for the Cmd key

There are currently two key-maps: TarunsMacOSKeyMap.xml and TarunsWinLinKeyMap.xml. (NOTE: TarunsWinLinKeyMap.xml is currenly under development). Depending on your OS, goto to the Intellij preferences and select the right keymap.

(Mac) Enabling Fn Keys instad of Touchbar

For Macbooks, the Fn keys don't show up in the touchbar and must be explicitly enabled for Intellij. See Also do the same for the Terminal app so that youc an use Fn Keys inside the terminal. It might be necessary to restart program after enabling this.

Open Preferences (via Cmd-,.), Navigate to Keymap and select Always show function keys. Please un-install the Karabiner Elements app as it prevents use of Shift key with Fn keys!! Use System Preferences > Keyboard > Modifier Keys in order to map Esc to Capslock.


  • Assume you have ideamvim installed and my dotfiles has been setup via setup/
  • For a given line, all shortcuts are applicable for GUI programs. Terminal programs due to legacy reasons cannot use Cmd or Alt modifiers effectively.
    • The (I) suffix means the shortcut is valid only in insert mode.
  • The (N) suffix means the shortcut is valid only in normal mode.
  • Traditional vi editing, navigation shortcuts are not covered here. Search Google for the truckload of VIM resources.
  • Also see ideavim referene at:
  • Currently the VIM Leader is configured as \\ (backslash). I did look into
  • using space as leader but that requires existing insert mode.

File Navigation

Action Shortcut Key (Mac) Shortcut (Win/Lin) VIM Shortcut
Goto Quick Definition (Preview) Cmd-D same gd
Goto Implementation with Choice Cmd-Shift-D same Ctrl-Shift-[
Goto 1rst Implmentation, Push stack CTRL-](N) same same
Pop stack CTRL-T(N) same same
Navigate Back Cmd-[ Alt-[ Ctrl-O
Navigate Forward Cmd-] Alt-] Ctrl-I
Navigate File Cmd-P Alt-P Ctrl-P
Navigate Class/Type Cmd-Shift-P Alt-Shift-P
Navigate Recent Files Ctrl-Shift-P same :b
Navigate Symbol Cmd-Ctrl-P Alt-Ctrl-P
Open File Structure/Outline Cmd-Shift-O Alt-Shift-O
Navigate Related/Linked File/Symb Cmd-Ctrl-O Alt-Ctrl-O :A
Navigate Call Hierarchy Cmd-Y Alt-Y NA
Navigate Super Method Cmd-Shift-Y Alt-Shift-Y NA
Navigate Sub Method Cmd-Shift-H Alt-Shift-H NA
Navigate Type Hierarchy Cmd-Ctrl-H Alt-Ctrl-H NA
Next Error Ctrl-, same ]q
Prev Error Ctrl-Shift-, same [q
Next Method Cmd-J Alt-J ]m
Prev Method Cmd-K Alt-K [m
Open File for Edit Cmd-O Open File :e
Navigate Last Edit Location Cmd-E Alt-E g;
Navigate Next Edit Location Cmd-Shift-E Alt-Shift-E g,

| Navigate Next Buffer/Tab | Ctrl-Tab | same | ]b | | Navigate Prev Buffer/Tab | Ctrl-Shift-Tab | same | [b |


Action Shortcut Key (Mac) Shortcut (Win/Lin) VIM Shortcut
Complete Word Forward Cmd-/ Alt-/ Ctrl-N
Complete Word Backward Cmd-Shift-/ Alt-Shift-/ Ctrl-P
Complete Word Backward Cmd-Shift-/ Alt-Shift-/ same
Extend Selection Cmd-T Alt-T
Shrink Selection Cmd-Shift-T Alt-Shift-T
Reformat Code Cmd-Shift-M Alt-Shift-M gg=G(N)
Reformat Code (with options) Ctrl-Shift-M
Commemnt (Line Comment) Ctrl-/ same same or gcc
Commemnt (Block Comment) Ctrl-Shift-/ same same or motion gcc
Optimize Imports Ctrl-Shift-O same
Paste from buffers Cmd-Shift-V Alt-Shift-V [a-z]p (register paste)
Delete till beg of line Ctrl-U(I) same(I) same(I)
Delete till beg of word Ctrl-W(I) same(I) same(I)
Insert char below cursor Ctrl-E(I) same(I) same(I)
Insert char above cursor Ctrl-Y(I) same(I) same(I)

Find / Search / Replace

Action Shortcut Key (Mac) Shortcut (Win/Lin) VIM Shortcut
Find Cmd-F Alt-F /(N)
Next Occurence Cmd-G Alt-G n(N)
Prev Occurence Cmd-Shift-G Alt-Shift-G N(N)
Find in Path Cmd-Shift-F Alt-Shift-F :Ag
Replace Cmd-L Alt-L :s
Replace In Path Cmd-Shift-L Alt-Shift-L :args, :argdo
Preview Usages (References) Cmd-U Alt-U
Find Usages (References) Cmd-Shift-U Alt-Shift-U
Show Recent Find Usages (Popup) Cmd-Ctrl-U Alt-Ctrl-U
Search Everywhere Double Shift same

Information / Documentation

Action Shortcut Key (Mac) Shortcut (Win/Lin) VIM Shortcut
Show Parameter Info Cmd-I Alt-I <Leder>i(N)
Show Expression Info Cmd-Shift-I Alt-Shift-I <Leder>I(N)
Quick Docu Lookup F1 same K(N)
External Docu Lookup Shift-F1 same gK(N)

Build / Run / Debug

Action Shortcut Key (Mac) Shortcut (Win/Lin) VIM Shortcut
Build Projct Cmd-B B Alt-B B <Leader>bb(N)
Build Module Cmd-B M Alt-B M <Leader>bm(N)
ReBuild Project Cmd-B R Alt-B R <Leader>br(N)
Run Last F9 same <Leader>xx
Run Configure S-F9 same <Leader>X
Run with Coverage Ctrl-F9 same <Leader>xc
Debug Last F10 same <Leader>dd
Debug Configure S-F10 same <Leader>D
Debug Attach to Process Ctrl-F10 same <Leader>da
(Attach only works for Go atm)
Toggle Line Breakpoint Ctrl-S-B same same
Toggle Method Breakpoint Cmd-S-B Alt-S-B same
Step Over F6 same same
Force Step Over Ctrl-F6 same same
Step Into F5 same same
Force Step Into Ctrl-F5 same same
Step Out F7 same same
Resume F8 same same


Action Shortcut Key (Mac) Shortcut Key (Win/Lin) Action VIM
Generate get/set/etc Popup Cmd-N Alt-N
New Class/File/Resource Popup Cmd-Shift-N Alt-Shift-N
Surround with (try/etc)Popup Cmd-Shift-S Alt-Shift-S Use surround plugin


Action Shortcut Key (Mac) Shortcut Key (Win/Lin)
Smart Code Completion Ctrl+ Shift+ Space same
Show Intention Action Popup Cmd-Enter Alt-Enter
Complete Statement Cmd-Shift-Enter Alt-Shift-Enter


  • Make f2 shortcuts for ide bookmarks for convenience.
  • Add standard shortcut key for Context Info (very useful)
  • Other breakpoint actions, including field watches
  • Switching Buffers, Choosing diff Buffer buffers in both vim and intellij
  • Structural movement shorcuts
  • Panel shortcuts (sidebar/run/debug panels, etc)
  • Structural Search/Replace and introduce shortuts
  • map backspace to most recent buffer
  • refactor: extract parameter shortcut was initially assinged to meta-alt-p