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Exercises: Software Security I


For today's exercises, you need a Linux environment installed either directly on your hardware, or in a virtual machine. Moreover, you need a C compiler to build the challenge executables.

sudo apt install build-essential    # on Debian, Ubuntu, etc.
sudo pacman -S base-devel           # on Arch Linux, Manjaro, etc.

To compile the programs, you can run the command make in this directory. Some of the operations require root permissions using sudo (so check the Makefile if you do not trust us).

Exercise 1: Time-of-check to Time-of-use (TOCTOU)

In this exercise, we explore so-called TOCTOU vulnerabilities. Quoting from the Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) 367:

The software checks the state of a resource before using that resource, but the resource's state can change between the check and the use in a way that invalidates the results of the check. This can cause the software to perform invalid actions when the resource is in an unexpected state.

This weakness can be security-relevant when an attacker can influence the state of the resource between check and use. This can happen with shared resources such as files, memory, or even variables in multithreaded programs.

In our case we will exploit such a vulnerability to print the contents of a file that should only be accessible by the root user.

Background: User IDs in Unix

In Unix systems each user has a user id, a number that identifies this user. The id of a user can be retrieved using the id command:

$ id --user alice
$ id --user root

Moreover, each file is owned by a user. For example, the file print_user_id is owned by the user alice with the user id 1000 (see above):

$ ls -l print_user_id
-rwxr-xr-x 1 alice users 16K 18. Okt 14:43 print_user_id

When a user executes a program, then user ids are associated with the process.

$ ./print_user_id
Real user id: 1000
Effective user id: 1000

One distinguishes between the real and the effective user id. The real user id is always the id of the user that executes the program. The effective user id specifies which permissions the program actually has, and might be different.

Consider the following example, where a program needs more permissions than the user executing it has: The passwd program can change a users password, and, therefore, needs to update the operating systems user database. Normal users, however, do not have permissions to do this.

If the SUID bit of a program is set, then the effective user id is set to the id of the owner of the file.

$ sudo chown root print_user_id
$ sudo chmod u+s print_user_id
$ ls -l print_user_id
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root users 16K 18. Okt 14:43 print_user_id
$ ./print_user_id
Real user id: 1000
Effective user id: 0

Exploiting a TOCTOU Vulnerability

You are given the program toctou and the corresponding source code toctou.c. The program accepts a file name as command line parameter, displays some information about that file and prints its content.

$ ./toctou dummy_file.txt
Real user id: 1000
Effective user id: 0
Selected file: dummy_file.txt
Testing access
File has size 7
Printing file now:

Your goal is to use the program to read the content of the file flag.txt, which belongs to the root user and is not readable by other users:

$ ls -l flag.txt
-rw------- 1 root root 15 17. Okt 09:43 flag.txt

Luckily, the toctou program is owned by the root user and has the SUID bit set. Hence, when run, the effective user id is set to 0 and it has the permission to access the file flag.txt.

$ ls -l toctou
-rwsr-sr-x 1 root root 17K 18. Okt 14:43 toctou

Unfortunately, toctou uses the function access to verify that the executing user, i.e., the user belonging to the real user id, has permissions to view the file.

Your task: Trick the toctou program into printing the file flag.txt even though the check should prevent it.

Hint 1

Use the time windows between the calls to access and open to change the file that toctou is accessing.

Hint 2

You can use the command ln -s <name of file> <name of link> to create symbolic links to arbitrary files.

Exercise 2: Buffer Overflows

In the C programming language, an array is basically a pointer to the first element of the array. In particular, no information about the length is stored and it is not checked that an accessed index lies within the bounds of the buffer. If more data is written into a buffer than it has capacity, then the additional data overwrites whatever is stored behind the buffer in memory.

In this exercise we explore the concept of a Stack-based Buffer Overflow (CWE-121), where the buffer is an array that has been statically allocated on the stack.

Background: Stack Layout

To remind you of the typical stack layout, consider the following two functions:

void foo() {
    char blubb[8];
    int answer;
    answer = bar();
    printf("The answer is %d\n", answer);
    return 42;

int bar() {
    int six = 6;
    int seven = 7;
    return six * seven;

The function foo has two local variables blubb and answer which are stored on the stack. Then it makes a call to the other function bar and creates a new stack frame: In order to remember where to continue the execution of the program after bar has returned, the return address, i.e., the address of the next instruction after the call, is stored on the stack. Then the current base pointer (rbp, also called frame pointer) is saved to the stack, and rbp is updated to point to the current top of the stack. Finally, the stack pointer (rsp) is advanced to allocate space for the local variables of the function bar.

The following drawing illustrates the stack layout:

.                                 .  0xff...ff (high addresses)
.                                 .                                                   .
.                                 .                                                   .
.                                 .                                                   .
|                                 |                                                   |
+---------------------------------+ <--+                                              |
|                                 |    |                                              | Stack Frame of the
|  Local Variables of the Caller: |    |                                              |
|                                 |    |                                              | function `foo`
|    char[8] blubb;               |    |                                              |
|    int answer;                  |    |                                              |
|                                 |    |                                              |
+---------------------------------+    |                                            --+--
|         Return Address          |    |                                              |
|  (address of the printf call)   |    |                                              |
+---------------------------------+    |                                              |
|     Saved Base Pointer (rbp)    |----+                                              |
+---------------------------------+ <--- current rbp (Base Pointer)                   | Stack Frame of the
|                                 |                                                   |
|  Local Variables of the Callee  |                                                   | function `bar`
|                                 |                                                   |
|    int six;                     |                                                   |
|    int seven;                   |                                                   |
|                                 |                                                   |
+---------------------------------+ <--- rsp (Stack Pointer)                        --+--
.                                 .
.                                 .
.     Unallocated Stack Space     .
.                                 .
.                                 .  0x00...00 (low addresses)

Part 1: Overflowing a Buffer

Now consider the following program overflow1.c:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <unistd.h>

void win() {

void vuln() {
    uint64_t x = 0x42;
    char name[32];

    printf("Please enter your name: ");
    read(0, name, 320);
    printf("Hello %s!\n", name);

    printf("x == %lx\n", x);
    if (x == 0x1337) {

int main() {
    setbuf(stdin, NULL);
    setbuf(stdout, NULL);

The vuln function asks you to input your name and then prints a greeting. There is also a local variable x which is initialized with the value 0x42 and never modified. At the end of the function, the program checks whether x has obtained the value 0x1337, which clearly should never happen. If the check would pass, then the function win would be executed.

Your task: Find a way to change the variable and execute win.

To feed raw bytes to the program you can use, e.g., python or echo and connect its output with a pipe to the program's input:

python -c "import os; os.write(1, b'foobar_\xc0\xff\xee')" | ./overflow1
echo -en "foobar_\xc0\xff\xee" | ./overflow1

Part 2: Changing the Control Flow

Now we have modified the program a bit (overflow2.c):

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <unistd.h>

void win() {

void vuln() {
    char name[32];

    printf("win is located at %p\n", win);
    printf("Please enter your name: ");
    read(0, name, 320);
    printf("Hello %s!\n", name);

int main() {
    setbuf(stdin, NULL);
    setbuf(stdout, NULL);

The goal is still to execute the win function, but the program does not contain a call to win anymore. Hence, instead of overwriting a local variable, you need to overwrite the programs return address with the address of the function win.

Your tasks:

  1. Find the address of the function win in the binary program.
  2. Find the offset of the return address relative to the beginning of the buffer name.
  3. Exploit the buffer overflow with a payload that overwrites the return address with the address of win.

You can use the command objdump -M intel -d <name of executable> to disassemble binaries. In the disassembly you can find the required address and the location of the buffer name relative to the base pointer.

Bonus Part 3: Executing Shellcode

In overflow3.c the win function has disappeared. Luckily, the stack is now executable, so we can inject our own code into the name buffer and execute it.

We want to use the syscall execve to spawn a shell so that we can execute arbitrary commands.

execve("/bin/sh", {NULL}, {NULL});

You can find information on execve on its manpage of the C wrapper function and in the syscall reference.

Try to understand the following shellcode which executes the systemcall:

# store b'/bin/sh\0' on the stack
mov rax, 0x68732f6e69622f
push rax
# load a pointer to the string into rdi
mov rdi, rsp
# store a NULL pointer on the stack
xor rax, rax
push rax
# load a pointer to the null pointer into rsi and rdx
mov rsi, rsp
mov rdx, rsp
# load the syscall number of execve into rax
mov rax, 0x3b
# execute the syscall

You can for example use the Online Assembler (remember to select "x64") to assemble the shellcode to obtain executable machine code.

To complete the exploit, we still need the address where we want to jump, i.e., the address of the shellcode inside the name buffer. The program is nice enough to print the address of name to us, and if you run it with the command setarch $(uname -m) -R ./overflow3, then ASLR is disabled and the address stays the same in each execution.

(python -c "import os, struct; os.write(1, b'<write your payload here>)"; cat) | setarch $(uname -m) -R ./overflow3

If everything works, you should land in a newly spawned shell (the cat is necessary to prevent the shell from getting immediately closed again). Try executing commands.


See here for example solutions.