Releases: layer5labs/meshery-extensions-packages
Meshery Extensions v0.7.145-1
What's New
🔤 General
🖌️ Designer
- Sync table action buttons with the catalog detail buttons @amitamrutiya (#3143)
- feat: add conditionally show playground action in catalog @amitamrutiya (#3144)
- [Chore]: Bump v0.14.116 @l5io (#3145)
- fix: comment not getting dropped at click position @aabidsofi19 (#3142)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Sync table action buttons with the catalog detail buttons @amitamrutiya (#3143)
- feat: add conditionally show playground action in catalog @amitamrutiya (#3144)
👨🏽💻 Contributors
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@aabidsofi19, @amitamrutiya and @l5io
Meshery Extensions v0.7.144-1
What's New
🔤 General
🖌️ Designer
- [Chore]: Bump v0.14.115 @l5io (#3140)
- allow going to idle from persistenceError in designActor @aabidsofi19 (#3141)
👨🏽💻 Contributors
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@aabidsofi19, @amitamrutiya and @l5io
Meshery Extensions v0.7.143-1
What's New
🔤 General
🖌️ Designer
- Create catalog design table into catalog modal @amitamrutiya (#3127)
- add open in playground button in the catalog detail @amitamrutiya (#3130)
- [Chore]: Bump v @l5io (#3139)
👨🏽💻 Contributors
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@amitamrutiya and @l5io
Meshery Extensions v0.7.142-2
What's New
🔤 General
🖌️ Designer
- remove options speedial @aabidsofi19 (#3138)
- increase save debounce to 3 secs @aabidsofi19 (#3137)
- Undo/Redo notification message changed @leecalcote (#3135)
- Remove logs @aabidsofi19 (#3136)
- clone design on open from tutorials @aabidsofi19 (#3134)
👨🏽💻 Contributors
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@aabidsofi19, @l5io and @leecalcote
Meshery Extensions v0.7.142-1
What's New
🔤 General
- No changes
👨🏽💻 Contributors
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
Meshery Extensions v0.7.141-1
What's New
🔤 General
🖌️ Designer
- fix zoom out hotkey @aabidsofi19 (#3133)
👨🏽💻 Contributors
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@aabidsofi19, @l5io and @leecalcote
Meshery Extensions v0.7.140-2
What's New
🔤 General
🖌️ Designer
- fix action permissions @aabidsofi19 (#3132)
- change the position of the share button from md screen @amitamrutiya (#3131)
👨🏽💻 Contributors
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@aabidsofi19, @amitamrutiya and @l5io
Meshery Extensions v0.7.140-1
What's New
🔤 General
🖌️ Designer
- update logo @aabidsofi19 (#3129)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- test: fix draw whiteboard @jerensl (#3126)
🧰 Maintenance
- test: fix draw whiteboard @jerensl (#3126)
👨🏽💻 Contributors
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@aabidsofi19, @jerensl, @l5io and @leecalcote
Meshery Extensions v0.7.139-1
What's New
🔤 General
🖌️ Designer
- add logo text @aabidsofi19 (#3124)
- position network label in center @aabidsofi19 (#3125)
- Design Save Issues and Read Only Mode @aabidsofi19 (#3097)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- ci: go deps sync not thrown an error @jerensl (#3123)
👨🏽💻 Contributors
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@aabidsofi19, @jerensl and @l5io
Meshery Extensions v0.7.138-1
What's New
🔤 General
- No changes
👨🏽💻 Contributors
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible: