+ The select comes in three types: Outlined, Filled, and Standard. To + specify the variant, pass a value to the variant prop. +
++ If not specified, the default variant of the select if outlined. +
++ There are 3 size option for the select component: autowidth, small, + and fullWidth. Depending on the size of the select, different prop + can be passed to the component. +
++ An autoWidth option is passed to the component to enable this + attribute +
++ To generate small select, pass a size prop with a value of small +
++ The select will expand the full width of its parent when passed + fullWidth prop +
++ Additional props such as error, required, and disabled can be passed + to the select component to customize its behavior. +
++ NOTE: +
++ When the select component is marked as required, an asterisk is + added to the label to indicate this to the user. It is recommended + to use this feature in conjunction with the label for better + clarity. +