This project would not have been possible without the LANE Boys beinging able to stand on the shoulders of giants:
A replacement firmware designed primarily for the Walkera Devo series RC Transmitters. Great project to study RC transmitter architecture.
er9x/ersky9x radio firmware. This is how it all started. Thanks!
Open Source ARM Cortex M microcontroller library. Light-weight, easy to use, not too much abstraction. Just works!
Make truely open Schematics and Circuit Boards with this easy to use software.
MDL allowed us to get a reasonable modern UI with little skills required. No complicated tool chain, just JS and CSS required.
The icon font was especially helpful to get consistent looking icons. Super!
Need to make your web-app work offline? Unbelievably easy with this brilliant project!
A nice and easy to use library of CSS spinners.
Fantastic compiler. Any platform. Just works.
Powerful debugger and programmer. Excellent out-of-the-box experience and soooo configurable.
Excellent value for money micro-controllers. Their ST-Link debugger comes on inexpensive Nucleo boards and works great even for programming the Nordic MCU.
Great 2.4 GHz Radio, decent software stack, fair price. Thanks for opening up your SDK and documentation in the recent years!
Makes cheap Orange Pi boards work!
Normally we use Python for scripts and utilities. But since Node.js was needed for using Webpack anyway, we used it instead. Worked great thanks to the library support at npm.
Web front-end development has become surprisingly complicated -- tool-wise -- in the last years. Thanks due to the guide at survivejs we were able get Webpack do what we needed without having to spend a lot of time.
Great to find mistakes in the editor before you see them in the console log of your browser.
Pity that this functionality isn't in the Javascript Date library. Thanks for scratching an itch.
Brilliant library to enable interactive re-ordering of lists. Super-simple to use, yet powerful.
Old-skool client-side routing library that allowed us to make a single page web-app. Surely considered outdated, but just right for our needs.
Great on-line tool to make all the different flavors of icons needed to get a modern web-app integrated on various platforms.
The MDN was extremely helpful to brush up on the latest web technologies. The articles are concise and link to references.
Have a programming-related problem? This excellent community sure has it solved already.
Just like Google was in the beginning.
Extremely useful website to decide which of the hot new web technologies can be actually used.
The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller. What a pleasure to use!