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+## Transcript
+We code in many different languages,
+but ironically, we all code in the same language: English.
+The function names and the language keywords, are all in English
+But not everyone knows English.
+In fact, most of the world doesn't.
+Do we have to exclude them from programming?
+This is Lamdu.
+Lamdu is a programming language where the code is stored as a data structure.
+One of the benefits of that this approach enables is that code is isn't in any specific natural language.
+The user can choose to view the code in any natural language that they like,
+it's just a display preference.
+This is how it works:
+Even though Lamdu has a text-like UI the code is stored as a data structure.
+When referring to the function sum, a textual language would actually store the text "sum" in the code.
+In Lamdu, it's referred internally by a unique identifier.
+The identifier corresponds to the function definition,
+which also doesn't store the name "sum", but instead points to a name object.
+The name object stores the name in several languages.
+Let's see how it looks like Lamdu.
+If we press "enter" on the call to "sum", it opens up the "sum" function.
+The "enter" key on its name in its definition would open the name object.
+By the way, we currently support English, Italian and Hebrew.
+To further illustrate the mechanism,
+let's rename this function to have a different name: "total".
+The "create new" option means that there is no existing name object called "total".
+Note that when we selected the new name it also appears in the call site of the function originally called "sum".
+Unlike textual programming languages, in Lamdu renaming the function is a single change in the data structure.
+I'd like to give a mention to some related works.
+There are actually quite a few non-english programming languages,
+each still targetting a specific natural language though.
+And there are also block languages like MIT's Scratch,
+which have supported localization for a while.
+But it doesn't have user-given function names.
+The only project we're aware of, which looks similar to what we do, was Intentional Software's.
+This is their demo from more than 20 years ago:
+"Or if the project is international,
+we could have a translated name in the national alphabet displayed in Unicode"
+But from what we've heard, that project has been discontinued and never publicly released.
+Lamdu on the other hand, is an open-source project, and everything we've demonstrated is already available.
+But it's not ready for production just yet.
+Creating a non-textual programming language with its development environment in unison is no small feat,
+and since starting almost 10 years ago, we did code a significant part of it.
+But there's still more work ahead before it can be useful for production.
+Localization is just a small part of Lamdu.
+We've previously made presentations about Steady Typing and its Live Programming aspects,
+which you can watch if you want to learn more.
+Our goal is to make a useful programming language that is delightful to use.
+Lamdu is currently coded in Haskell, and the long term plan is to make it self-hosted.
+If you share our goal, we would really love help.
+I'd like to thank Giovanni Ziulianni for contributing the Italian translation.
+If you'd like to see your language supported as well, it's pretty easy to add a language if you know it. We would really love that contribution too.
+Thanks for watching!
diff --git a/videos/assets/english-world.svg b/videos/assets/english-world.svg
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+digraph {
+ bgcolor="black"
+ edge [color="#cccccc"]
+ node [style="filled" fontcolor="white" color=invis]
+ node [fillcolor="#77ff77", fontcolor="black"]
+ num_0 [label="0"]
+ num_1 [label="1"]
+ num_3 [label="3"]
+ num_100 [label="100"]
+ node [fillcolor="#ff77ff", fontcolor="black"]
+ sum [label="#d77be9df"]
+ filter [label="#d7dafdd0"]
+ range [label="#193690a4"]
+ mod [label="#bbf3f11c"]
+ equals [label="#f16474a9"]
+ var [label="#82678453"]
+ node [fillcolor="white"]
+ filter_args, range_args, equals_args, mod_args [label="{}"]
+ node [fillcolor="#ffdddd"]
+ apply_sum, apply_filter, apply_range, apply_equals, apply_mod [label="apply"]
+ lam [label="λ #82678453" fillcolor="#ffffaa"]
+ apply_sum -> sum
+ apply_sum -> apply_filter
+ apply_filter -> filter
+ apply_filter -> filter_args
+ filter_args -> apply_range
+ filter_args -> lam
+ apply_range -> range
+ apply_range -> range_args
+ range_args -> num_1
+ range_args -> num_100
+ lam -> apply_equals
+ apply_equals -> equals
+ apply_equals -> equals_args
+ equals_args -> apply_mod
+ equals_args -> num_0
+ apply_mod -> mod
+ apply_mod -> mod_args
+ mod_args -> var
+ mod_args -> num_3
diff --git a/videos/assets/non-english-world.svg b/videos/assets/non-english-world.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bbda3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/videos/assets/non-english-world.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,6035 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3c6c88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/videos/assets/tech-tree.dot
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+digraph {
+ rankdir=LR
+ bgcolor="#dddddd"
+ node [style="filled" fontcolor="white" color=invis]
+ node [fillcolor="#9977cc"]
+ goal_edu [label="Useful for\nTeaching"]
+ goal_research [label="Useful for\nResearch"]
+ goal_dev [label="Useful for\nProduction"]
+ goal_frontend [label="Useful for\nFront-end"]
+ selfhost [label="Self\nHosting"]
+ node [style="filled,rounded" fontcolor="white" color=invis shape=rect]
+ node [fillcolor="#66bbaa"]
+ anim [label="Animation\nEngine" shape=diamond]
+ momentu [label="UI\nframework"]
+ hypertypes [label="AST\nframework"]
+ deltum [label="Versioned\nDatabase"]
+ cache [label="Caching\nMechanism"]
+ node [fillcolor="#77bb66"]
+ projedit [label="Projectional\nEditing"]
+ typcheck [label="Type\nChecker"]
+ transpile_js [label="JS\nTranspiler"]
+ steady [label="Steady\nTyping" shape=diamond]
+ sugar [label="Syntax\nSugaring" shape=diamond]
+ layout [label="Responsive\nLayout" shape=diamond]
+ i18n [label="Localization\nSupport" shape=diamond]
+ wytiwys [label="WYTIWYS" shape=diamond]
+ naming [label="Auto-\nnaming" shape=diamond]
+ syntax [label="UX/Syntax\nDesign"]
+ node [fillcolor="#bbaa33"]
+ live [label="Live\nProgramming"]
+ lib_base [label="Standard Library\nin Lamdu"]
+ i18n_content [label="Localization\nContent"]
+ node [fillcolor="#cc7777"]
+ backrefs [label="Back-references\nIndex"]
+ testing [label="Unit Testing\nSystem" shape=diamond]
+ typedit [label="Type\nEditing"]
+ langfull [label="Missing\nLanguage Features"]
+ compiler [label="Native Code\nCompiler"]
+ merge [label="Merging\nand branches" shape=diamond]
+ lib_graphics [label="Graphics\nLibrary"]
+ lib_math [label="Math & DSP Lib\nfor Lamdu"]
+ lib_plot [label="Diagrams Library\nfor Lamdu"]
+ codehub [label="Online\nCode Hub"]
+ ffi_c [label="C FFI"]
+ anim -> momentu
+ cache -> steady
+ deltum -> projedit
+ deltum -> merge
+ deltum -> testing
+ deltum -> backrefs
+ momentu -> layout
+ momentu -> projedit
+ momentu -> wytiwys
+ projedit -> live
+ projedit -> steady
+ projedit -> i18n
+ projedit -> typedit
+ projedit -> wytiwys
+ typcheck -> steady
+ transpile_js -> live
+ hypertypes -> typcheck
+ hypertypes -> sugar
+ hypertypes -> compiler
+ typedit -> langfull
+ langfull -> selfhost
+ compiler -> selfhost
+ compiler -> ffi_c
+ projedit -> lib_base
+ projedit -> naming
+ i18n -> i18n_content
+ lib_base -> lib_graphics
+ lib_base -> lib_math
+ lib_graphics -> lib_plot
+ lib_graphics -> selfhost
+ langfull -> lib_math
+ merge -> codehub
+ projedit -> syntax
+ syntax -> sugar
+ projedit -> layout
+ momentu -> i18n
+ i18n_content -> goal_edu
+ live -> goal_edu
+ lib_graphics -> goal_edu
+ projedit -> goal_edu
+ lib_math -> goal_research
+ lib_plot -> goal_research
+ compiler -> goal_research
+ transpile_js -> goal_frontend
+ lib_graphics -> goal_frontend
+ codehub -> goal_dev
+ ffi_c -> goal_dev
+ langfull -> goal_dev
+ testing -> goal_dev
diff --git a/videos/assets/world.svg b/videos/assets/world.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06d29e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/videos/assets/world.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,8552 @@