Three steps
- Step 1: Prepare your parser
- Step 2: Add a syntax completion server function to the parser
- Step 3: Run Emacs as your text editor to write a program text, to configure Emacs, and to type TAB for syntax completion
Two reference projects
In the following, we choose arith as an example of using YAPB for developing a syntax completion server for a very simple arithmetic expression language.
Initialize a Haskell project using Stack
$ stack new arith
$ cd arith
A list of files for a parser together with a main module
- for parser:
- for a driver for a syntax completion server
- app/Main.hs
$ ls app/*.hs app/ast/Expr.hs
app/Lexer.hs app/Main.hs app/Parser.hs app/Token.hs app/ast/Expr.hs
For a parser, you may refer to another tutorial on how to write a parser using YAPB. The exatcly same source code for the parser is used for computing syntax completion candidates.
- Token.hs, ast/Expr.hs, Lexer.hs, and Parser.hs
For a driver, you may use the following code as it is.
- Main.hs
module Main where
import CommonParserUtil
import Token
import Expr
import Lexer
import Parser
import EmacsServer
import SynCompInterface
import Control.Exception
import System.IO
main :: IO ()
main = do
emacsServer computeCand -- *main* calls *emacsServer* with *computeCand* as an argument.
computeCand :: String -> Bool -> IO [EmacsDataItem]
computeCand programTextUptoCursor isSimpleMode = ((do
-- The lexer and the parser are working
terminalList <- lexing lexerSpec programTextUptoCursor
ast <- parsing parserSpec terminalList
-- In case of no exception, the program text is successfully parsed
-- In case of *LexError*, there is an unacceptable lexical symbol. The exception is handled
-- by handleLexError.
`catch` \e -> case e :: LexError of _ -> handleLexError)
-- In case of *ParseError*, the driver calls *handleParseError* to start computing candidates
-- in the mode specified by *isSimpleMode*. The exception *e* contains all LALR(1) automaton
-- state information (automaton stack, action table, goto table, production rules) at the time
-- that the parsing stopped.
`catch` \e -> case e :: ParseError Token AST of _ -> handleParseError isSimpleMode e
To use the function of automatic computation of syntax completion candidates, the project must use YAPB >=0.1.1.
[package.yaml of arith]
main: Main.hs
- app/ast <====== To include ast/Expr.hs
- app
- -threaded
- -rtsopts
- -with-rtsopts=-N
- arith
- yapb >= 0.1.1 <====== Add a dependency on yapb-0.1.1!
Note that stack.yaml of arith needs a change to download yapb-0.1.1 from Hackage as follows.
[stack.yaml in arith]
- yapb-0.1.1
To use the function of automatic computation of syntax completion candidates, the project must use YAPB >=0.1.1.
$ stack clean
$ stack build
$ stack exec arith-exe <====== To start a server
You need to have three Emacs scripts: load.el, popup.el, and syntaxcompletion-mode.el. You can simply copy these three files from yapb/app/syntaxcompletion/examples/{load,popup,syntaxcompletion-mode}.el to your directory, say, app/example/.
Then run Emacs to open a program file, say, app/example/test1.arith. The following commands are available.
- M-x load-file, to enter load.el in the same directory (app/example/)
- M-x syntaxcomplete-mode for a simple mode
- M-x syntaxcomplete-mode-nested for a nested mode
Now you are assumed to edit the program text.
$ cat app/example/test1.arith
(2 + 3
- Move the cursor to the end of the program text, ( 2 + 3, and
- Press TAB to display candidates for syntax completion.
You must see a list of candidates in Emacs window as long as no problem happens.