In the beginning, you initialize a haskell Stack project.
$ stack new parser
$ cd parser
To use the function of automatic computation of syntax completion candidates, the project must use YAPB >=0.1.1.
[package.yaml of arith]
main: Main.hs
- app/ast <====== To include ast/Expr.hs
- app
- -threaded
- -rtsopts
- -with-rtsopts=-N
- arith
- yapb >= 0.1.1 <====== Add a dependency on yapb-0.1.1!
Note that stack.yaml of arith needs a change to download yapb-0.1.1 from Hackage as follows.
[stack.yaml in arith]
- yapb-0.1.1
For your own parser, you have to write Token.hs, Lexer.hs, ast/Expr.hs, Parser.hs, and Main.hs.
$ ls app/*.hs app/ast/*.hs
app/Lexer.hs app/Main.hs app/Parser.hs app/Token.hs app/ast/Expr.hs
How to write those files are explained in the followin.
module Token(Token(..)) where
import Prelude hiding(EQ)
import TokenInterface
-- What you need to write for your own parser!!
data Token =
deriving (Eq, Show)
tokenStrList :: [(Token,String)]
tokenStrList =
[ (END_OF_TOKEN, "$"),
(OPEN_PAREN, "("), (CLOSE_PAREN, ")"),
(IDENTIFIER, "identifier"), (INTEGER_NUMBER, "integer_number"),
(ADD, "+"), (SUB, "-"), (MUL, "*"), (DIV, "/"),
(EQ, "="), (SEMICOLON, ";")
-- Just copy the following as it is!!
findTok tok [] = Nothing
findTok tok ((tok_,str):list)
| tok == tok_ = Just str
| otherwise = findTok tok list
findStr str [] = Nothing
findStr str ((tok,str_):list)
| str == str_ = Just tok
| otherwise = findStr str list
instance TokenInterface Token where
toToken str =
case findStr str tokenStrList of
Nothing -> error ("toToken: " ++ str)
Just tok -> tok
fromToken tok =
case findTok tok tokenStrList of
Nothing -> error ("fromToken: " ++ show tok)
Just str -> str
module Lexer(lexerSpec) where
import Prelude hiding (EQ)
import CommonParserUtil
import Token
-- Utility functions
mkFn :: Token -> (String -> Maybe Token)
mkFn tok = \text -> Just tok
skip :: String -> Maybe Token
skip = \text -> Nothing
-- Your lexer specification
lexerSpec :: LexerSpec Token
lexerSpec = LexerSpec
endOfToken = END_OF_TOKEN,
lexerSpecList =
[ ("[ \t\n]", skip),
("[0-9]+" , mkFn INTEGER_NUMBER),
("\\(" , mkFn OPEN_PAREN),
("\\)" , mkFn CLOSE_PAREN),
("\\+" , mkFn ADD),
("\\-" , mkFn SUB),
("\\*" , mkFn MUL),
("\\/" , mkFn DIV),
("\\=" , mkFn EQ),
("\\;" , mkFn SEMICOLON),
("[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*" , mkFn IDENTIFIER)
module Expr where
-- What you need to write for your own parser!!
data AST =
ASTSeq { fromAstSeq :: [Expr] } -- Expr Sequence: Expr1; ... ; Exprn
| ASTExpr { fromAstExpr :: Expr }
instance Show AST where
showsPrec p _ = (++) "AST ..."
toAstSeq :: [Expr] -> AST
toAstSeq exprs = ASTSeq exprs
toAstExpr :: Expr -> AST
toAstExpr expr = ASTExpr expr
data Expr =
Lit { fromLit :: Int }
| Var { fromVar :: String }
| BinOp { kindFromBinOp :: BinOpKind,
leftOpFromBinOp :: Expr,
rightOpFromBinOp :: Expr }
| Assign { lhsFromAssign :: String,
rhsFromAssign :: Expr }
data BinOpKind = ADD | SUB | MUL | DIV
-- Optional: for pretty printing an AST
pprintAst :: AST -> String
pprintAst (ASTSeq exprs) =
let insSemicolon [] = ""
insSemicolon [str] = str
insSemicolon (str:strs) = str ++ "; " ++ insSemicolon strs
in insSemicolon (map pprint exprs)
pprintAst (ASTExpr expr) = pprint expr
pprint :: Expr -> String
pprint (Lit i) = show i
pprint (Var v) = v
pprint (BinOp Expr.ADD left right) =
"(" ++ pprint left ++ " + " ++ pprint right ++ ")"
pprint (BinOp Expr.SUB left right) =
"(" ++ pprint left ++ " - " ++ pprint right ++ ")"
pprint (BinOp Expr.MUL left right) =
"(" ++ pprint left ++ " * " ++ pprint right ++ ")"
pprint (BinOp Expr.DIV left right) =
"(" ++ pprint left ++ " / " ++ pprint right ++ ")"
pprint (Assign x expr) =
"(" ++ x ++ " = " ++ pprint expr ++ ")"
module Parser where
import CommonParserUtil
import Token
import Expr
-- | Utility
rule prodRule action = (prodRule, action, Nothing )
ruleWithPrec prodRule action prec = (prodRule, action, Just prec)
-- Your parser specification
parserSpec :: ParserSpec Token AST
parserSpec = ParserSpec
startSymbol = "SeqExpr'",
parserSpecList =
rule "SeqExpr' -> SeqExpr" (\rhs -> get rhs 1),
rule "SeqExpr -> SeqExpr ; AssignExpr"
(\rhs -> toAstSeq (
fromAstSeq (get rhs 1) ++ [fromAstExpr (get rhs 3)]) ),
rule "SeqExpr -> AssignExpr" (\rhs -> toAstSeq [fromAstExpr (get rhs 1)]),
rule "AssignExpr -> identifier = AssignExpr"
(\rhs -> toAstExpr (Assign (getText rhs 1) (fromAstExpr (get rhs 3))) ),
rule "AssignExpr -> AdditiveExpr" (\rhs -> get rhs 1),
rule "AdditiveExpr -> AdditiveExpr + MultiplicativeExpr"
(\rhs -> toAstExpr (
BinOp Expr.ADD (fromAstExpr (get rhs 1)) (fromAstExpr (get rhs 3))) ),
rule "AdditiveExpr -> AdditiveExpr - MultiplicativeExpr"
(\rhs -> toAstExpr (
BinOp Expr.SUB (fromAstExpr (get rhs 1)) (fromAstExpr (get rhs 3))) ),
rule "AdditiveExpr -> MultiplicativeExpr" (\rhs -> get rhs 1),
rule "MultiplicativeExpr -> MultiplicativeExpr * PrimaryExpr"
(\rhs -> toAstExpr (
BinOp Expr.MUL (fromAstExpr (get rhs 1)) (fromAstExpr (get rhs 3))) ),
rule "MultiplicativeExpr -> MultiplicativeExpr / PrimaryExpr"
(\rhs -> toAstExpr (
BinOp Expr.DIV (fromAstExpr (get rhs 1)) (fromAstExpr (get rhs 3))) ),
rule "MultiplicativeExpr -> PrimaryExpr" (\rhs -> get rhs 1),
rule "PrimaryExpr -> identifier" (\rhs -> toAstExpr (Var (getText rhs 1)) ),
rule "PrimaryExpr -> integer_number"
(\rhs -> toAstExpr (Lit (read (getText rhs 1))) ),
rule "PrimaryExpr -> ( AssignExpr )" (\rhs -> get rhs 2)
baseDir = "./",
actionTblFile = "action_table.txt",
gotoTblFile = "goto_table.txt",
grammarFile = "prod_rules.txt",
parserSpecFile = "mygrammar.grm",
genparserexe = "yapb-exe"
module Main where
import CommonParserUtil
import Lexer
import Terminal
import Parser
import Expr
import System.IO
main :: IO ()
main = do
fileName <- readline "Enter your file: "
case fileName of
"exit" -> return ()
line -> doProcess line
doProcess line = do
text <- readFile line
putStrLn "Lexing..."
terminalList <- lexing lexerSpec text
putStrLn "Parsing..."
exprSeqAst <- parsing parserSpec terminalList
putStrLn "Pretty Printing..."
putStrLn (pprintAst exprSeqAst)
readline msg = do
putStr msg
hFlush stdout
readline' = do
ch <- getChar
if ch == '\n' then
return ""
do line <- readline'
return (ch:line)
Now you are ready to run the arith parser. For testing, assume you write two examples, oneline.arith and multiline.arith.
1 + 2 - 3 * 4 / 5
x = 123;
x = x + 1;
y = x;
y = y - 1 * 2 / 3;
z = y = x
Run the arith parser by stack.
$ stack exec parser-exe
Enter your file: app/example/oneline.arith
Pretty Printing...
((1 + 2) - ((3 * 4) / 5))
$ stack exec parser-exe
Enter your file: app/example/multiline.arith
Pretty Printing...
(x = 123); (x = (x + 1)); (y = x); (y = (y - ((1 * 2) / 3))); (z = (y = x))
This parser builder system leaves a .hash file after an automaton is generated from a grammar. This is useful for not generating the automation repetitedly for the same grammar.
However, the presence of the hash file could mislead the system in case, for example, a given grammar is not LALR(1) because of such as shift/reduce confict, so no automaton is generated, but the hash file is generated.
A simple work around is to just delete the hash file and return your parser (possibly after fixing your grammar to make it LALR(1)). Then the system will generate an automaton.