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Smooth Push

A smooth, gesture-based toast notification component for React Native.

Smooth Push Preview


  • 🎨 Beautiful, minimal design with translucent effect
  • 👆 Gesture support (swipe to dismiss)
  • 🎯 Highly customizable
  • 💫 Smooth animations
  • 📱 iOS and Android support
  • 🌓 Light/Dark mode compatible


npm install smooth-push

Required Dependencies

This package requires the following peer dependencies:

npm install react-native-reanimated react-native-gesture-handler


1. Configure Reanimated

Add Reanimated's Babel plugin to your babel.config.js:

plugins: [

2. Wrap Your App with GestureHandlerRootView and import SmoothPushProvider

In your app's root component (usually App.js or _layout.tsx), wrap your entire app with GestureHandlerRootView:

import { GestureHandlerRootView } from "react-native-gesture-handler";
import { SmoothPushProvider } from "smooth-push";

export default function App() {
  return (
    <GestureHandlerRootView style={{ flex: 1 }}>
      <SmoothPushProvider />
      {/* Your app components go here */}

3. Use SmoothPushProvider in Your App

Now you can use the show function to display toast notifications:

import { show } from "smooth-push";
// Basic usage
  toastType: "success",
  message: "Operation completed successfully",
// With custom configuration
  toastType: "error",
  message: "Something went wrong",
  config: {
    duration: 3000,
    position: "bottom",
    offset: 40,


You can customize the toast notifications in two ways:

  1. Default configuration through the SmoothPushProvider
  2. Per-notification configuration when calling show()

Provider Configuration

    duration: 5000,
    position: "top",
    offset: 60,
    maxWidth: 400,
    blurIntensity: 50,
    containerStyle: {},
    textStyle: {},
    onPress: () => {},
    onClose: () => {},

Available Options

Property Type Default Description
duration number 6000 Duration in milliseconds before auto-dismiss
position 'top' | 'bottom' 'top' Toast position on screen
offset number 60 Distance from top/bottom edge
maxWidth number 400 Maximum width of toast
blurIntensity number 50 Intensity of blur effect
containerStyle ViewStyle {} Custom styles for container
textStyle TextStyle {} Custom styles for text
onPress () => void undefined Callback when toast is pressed
onClose () => void undefined Callback when toast is dismissed
swipeThreshold number -55 Threshold for swipe to dismiss
stickColor string "#ffcad4" Color of the bottom indicator stick


type SmoothPushType = "success" | "error" | "none";

interface NotificationConfig {
  duration?: number;
  position?: "top" | "bottom";
  offset?: number;
  maxWidth?: number;
  blurIntensity?: number;
  containerStyle?: ViewStyle;
  textStyle?: TextStyle;
  onPress?: () => void;
  onClose?: () => void;
  swipeThreshold?: number;
  stickColor?: string;

interface ShowNotification {
  toastType: SmoothPushType;
  message: string;
  config?: NotificationConfig;




Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.