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Slavicin Jidelna Api

Using selenium to order lunch in my school canteen. I made an android app that is using this api!

REST API usage

First, you must login with your canteen credentials. If you don't do that, all the endpoints will give you HTTP error 401 Unauthorized. You have 10 attempts of incorrect passwords.

  • /login
    • POST
      • needs request body: {"username": "johndoe0", "password": "secretpassword420"}
      • returns status code 200 and sets a authid cookie if everything went ok [//]: # (Hello)

So now you have a magic cookie! Now you can use all other endpoints. All endpoints should return HTTP code 200 if everything went out smoothly, otherwise it should give you an http error with a nice message in response body.

  • /menu
    • GET
      • returns list of days that have menus - CantryMenu ( see data models )
    • GET with query parameter date, for example date=2020-02-27
      • returns one CantryMenu for specified date
    • POST
      • used to order or cancel a dinner
      • needs request body, here is example: {"action": "order"|"cancel", "date":"2020-05-26", "menuNumber":"1"}
  • /settings
    • GET
      • used to retrieve your settings, for example auto ordering settings
      • returns json of UserSettings (see data models)
    • POST
      • used to update your settings
      • request body: json of UserSettings (see data models)

Data models

All serialized as JSON.


    type: String,
    menuNumber: Int,
    name: String,
    allergens: List<Int>,
    status: String
    date: String,
	val menus: List<Dinner>


    loveList: List<Int>,
    blackList: List<Int>

    randomOrders: Boolean,
    prefferedMenuNumber: Int,
    allergens: AllergensConfig,
    orderUncomplying: Boolean

    orderAll: Boolean,
    orderDaysInAdvance: Int

    enable: Boolean,
    config: AutoorderConfig,
    requestConfig: AutoorderRequestConfig

    autoorder: AutoorderSetting

How it works

Cherrypy server does api things. The API requests comes to it, and it fullfils them by querying and sending order requests atour canteen site with selenium.

How it fullfils the basic tasks

It creates a work distributor (BrowserWorkDistributor) of n workers (you can specify that in When a user sends an API request, it the cherrypy handler creates a Job, which is then distributed using the BrowserWorkDistributor.

The distributor choses the best suitable worker for the job, by selecting one that doesn't have anything to do. If all workers are doing something, it adds the job to the least busy worker's job queue.

Each Worker fires up a firefox browser when initialized. It has a queue, so you can assign any number of Job you want using the function do_job

Workers make use of the module jidelna_webapp_handler, which is just a helper that uses selenium functions of a browser/webdriver you pass to it. It has the basic functions of interaction with our canteen web app, like login, logout, get menu and such.

Running it with Docker

You need Docker, docker-compose

  1. Chose base image name, e.g. my-jidelna-base

  2. Edit Server/Dockerfile and Automatic/Dockerfile , change the FROM to FROM my-jidelna-base

  3. Build your image releases

    • docker build -t my-jidelna-base:latest .
    • docker build -t my-jidelna-server:latest -f Server/Dockerfile .
    • docker build -t my-jidelna-scheduler:latest -f Automatic/Dockerfile .
  4. Edit docker compose image name in docker-compose.yml from to my-jidelnaserver

  5. Run it: docker-compose up, or in background: docker-compose up -d

Running it without Docker


  • python3
    • comes by default in linux distros
  • postgresql database
    • Setup your database and a user with a password, and then configure the DB connection file (see configuration)
    • Or if you want to run it locally using the default db.conf creds, you can just run the script setup-tools/ to create database and user
  • python modules: cherrypy, selenium, schedule
    • debian one liner: sudo apt install python3-cherrypy3 python3-selenium python3-schedule
  • firefox
    • debian install: sudo apt install firefox-esr
  • geckodriver
    • download the latest and add it to path
    • or just do sudo cp setup-tools/geckodriver /usr/bin && sudo chmod 777 /usr/bin/geckodriver
  • Czech locale
    • sudo echo "cs_CZ.UTF-8 UTF-8" >> /etc/locale.gen && locale-gen
  • this repository: just do a git clone, then cd to the repo dir, and do the configuration stuff


You can write environment variables right into your system environment or to the .env file. If you wanna use the file, you can copy a template from setup tools. cp setup-tools/example.env .env

  1. You must specify your ip adress/host name in the env vars HOST and PORT. Next specify if you want to show tracebacks in error request responses in env var REQUEST_SHOW_ERRORS.

  2. Specify your postgresql database connection string in envvar DB_CONF

  3. Specify how many workers you want in var NUM_OF_WORKERS,

  4. and if you want headless browsers in var HEADLESS


just run with python 3


Run at boot (systemd)

  1. set the working dir in the example service at setup-tools/jidelna.example.service
  2. sudo cp setup-tools/jidelna-app.example.service /etc/systemd/system/jidelna-app.service
  3. sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  4. sudo systemctl enable jidelna-app.service
  5. sudo systemctl start jidelna-app.service
  6. Look at the systemd logs. sudo journalctl -u jidelna-app.service