Releases: kubecost/cost-analyzer-helm-chart
Releases · kubecost/cost-analyzer-helm-chart
What's Changed
- Fix for ui/Kai Uh Oh! error on cloud costs page
What's Changed
- Fix cloud cost filter consistency
- Fix container request-sizing pod name display
- Fix container request-sizing csv download to export all rows
- Fix GPU savings showing idle load balancer as a GPU resource
- GPU Optimization savings estimate in overview
- Fix saved reports
Uh Oh! Something went wrong
errors - Fix consistency when sharing namespace overhead costs
- Fix Discrepancy in estimated savings
- Fix GPU feature gate
- Fix GPU utilization showing when no GPU exists
- Fix DataDog costs not displaying properly
- Fix container right-sizing parameters for table/csv download
- Bump cluster controller v0.16.11 (cherry-pick #3795)
- Bump modeling 0.1.19 fix cve-2024-12254 (cherry-pick #3775)
What's Changed
- fix cloud cost filter consistency
- fix container request-sizing pod name display
- fix container request-sizing csv download to export all rows
- fix GPU savings showing idle load balancer as a GPU resource
- GPU Optimization savings estimate in overview
- bump modeling 0.1.19 fix cve-2024-12254 (cherry-pick #3775) by @gcp-cherry-pick-bot in #3798
What's Changed
- Fix saved reports
Uh Oh! Something went wrong
errors - Fix consistency when sharing namespace overhead costs
- Fix Discrepancy in estimated savings
- Fix GPU feature gate
- Fix GPU utilization showing when no GPU exists
- Fix DataDog costs not displaying properly
- Fix cotainer right-sizing parameters for table/csv download
- Fix issues running aggregator container in air-gapped/no-internet systems
- Fix issues with load-balancer costs being incorrect
- Add kubecost version to the diagnostics endpoint data
- UI: prevent quantile request-sizing with hourly data
- UI: add consistent units to request-sizing csv
- Change default window for all profiles to 3d for cluster right-sizing
Helm Changes
- bump to kiwigrid 1.28.1 (cherry-pick #3764) by @gcp-cherry-pick-bot in #3767
- add init container for updating ca trust (#3763) by @mittal-ishaan in #3770
Full Changelog: v2.5.0...v2.5.1
- Fix aggregator image revision 3
What's Changed
- Fix aggregator image revision 2
- Fix issues running aggregator container in air-gapped/no-internet systems.
- Fix issues with load-balancer costs being incorrect.
- Add kubecost version to the diagnostics endpoint data.
- UI: prevent quantile request-sizing with hourly data
- UI: add consistent units to request-sizing csv
- Change default window for all profiles to 3d for cluster right sizing
Helm Changes
- bump to kiwigrid 1.28.1 (cherry-pick #3764) by @gcp-cherry-pick-bot in #3767
- add init container for updating ca trust (#3763) by @jessegoodier in #3770
Full Changelog: v2.5.0...v2.5.1-rc.0
2.5.x is considered a Production release and will continue to recieve bug fixes and patches until the next production release.
This release is focused on GPU Savings, Turbonomic integration beta, UI consistency with date pickers, as well as many bug fixes.
For federated (multi-cluster) installations, the Primary Kubecost cluster must be upgraded prior to upgrading agent (secondary) clusters. Agent upgrades are only required to support additional GPU metrics.
Note that 2.5.4 should be upgraded to directly from all previous releaes as there are a few important bug fixes since 2.5.0
Major Features
- GPU Savings
- Turbonomic Integration
Minor Features
- UI Consistency with date pickers.
- Updated logos and branding to reflect IBM acquisition.
- Add GPU Max usage and GPU Sharing collection to agent, and output to allocation API.
- Fix a nil panic on recommendations endpoint.
- Fix an issue with assets labels for the network asset type are showing node labels that are non-network related.
- Update dependencies from go-migrate-duckdb library to fix CVE.
- Fix UI empty state for tables across the user interface.
- Fix an issue allowing for negative values in allocations.
- Fix an issue with accumulation on hourly windows in allocations.
- Fix an issue allowing requestSizingV2 to return more than one recommendation.
- Fix an issue with sharing by namespace distributing incorrectly.
- Fix an issue with allocations trends inaccuracy.
- Fix an issue with the overview not always matching the allocations page for idle.
- Fix an issue causing agent to get HTTP 500 error on /metrics endpoint with duplicate label/annotation.
- Fix an issue where container information was not showing on the allocations page.
- Fix an issue causing oracle clusters to get a crash loop when installing the agent.
- Fix an issue with accounts not always showing correctly in Assets view.
- Fix cost metadata to be more accurate for oracle cloud provider.
- Update kubectl cost to mitigate vulnerabilities in dependencies.
- Fix an issue causing HTTP 500 in multi-cluster diagnostics.
- Fix log level of critical object store outage in the agent to always be error instead of certain conditions allowing warning.
- Fix an issue with ‘uh oh’ showing on allocations page due to an error in /topline endpoint.
- Fix an issue with Assets autocompletion when label filter is set.
- Fix allocation summary efficiency not matching full allocations api.
- Fix an issue where allocations totals row shows shared costs when sharing is disabled.
- Fix an issue with datadog plugin error on database monitoring costs.
- Fix an issue with cloud reports not saving properly.
- Fix an issue with budgets “view breakdown” not matching export output.
- Fix an issue with container right-sizing CPU/Memory columns using inconsistent units.
- Fix an issue filtering by project on the assets page.
- Fix an issue with Multi-cluster diagnostics returning false positives when SSO is enabled.
- Fix an issue with slow response on allocation api with no aggregate set.
- Fix an issue with inconsistent drill-down in cloud costs.
Helm Changes
- #3605 Add Instance AllowLists for cluster-sizing.
- #3591 Add ingestion configuration for standard (global) discount.
- #3635 Add routes for savings recommendations allow list validation API.
- #3647 Add new tmp directory for new base image requirements on frontend container.
- #3645 Add resource reference files for kubecostProductConfigs.savingsRecommendationsAllowLists.
- #3651 Increase prometheus.server.retention to 97h.
- #3658 Remove helm rollout restarter, replaced with config hash restarter.
- #3642 Add new container costs and resources endpoints to nginx.
- #3660 Enhance Pod utilization Grafana dashboard with GPU Utilization widget.
- #3670 Add aggregator custom labels template.
- #3673 Add federated storage warning.
- #3563 Update version compatibility matrix.
- #3534 Add node selector and affinity to cluster controller.
- #3680 Begins CI testing with K8s 1.31. Bumps patches for all other versions in the matrix. Rolls forward for compatibility of 2.4 by one version.
- #3684 Add /diagnostic/nodeCount endpoint to nginx routes.
- #3622 Make basic-health image configurable.
- #3585 Add missing container security context in prometheus server statefulset.
- #3679 Allow defining resources for cluster controller.
- #3676 Add option for additional chart labels in values.
- #3678 Add annotations to all controllers.
- #3704 Add gpuUtilization endpoints to nginx routes.
- #3708 Add support for multiple simultaneous plugins.
- #3711 Add nginx routes for /savings/gpuUtilization/topline endpoint.
- #3710 Add cost model image tag as an environment variable.
- #3714 Update ISSUE_Guidelines to redirect to
- #3717 Add logLevel as a helm value property of kubecostModel instead of extraEnv.
- #3716 Fix proper handling of a list of values for imagePullSecrets.
- #3700 Add kubeRBACProxy property to support querying in cluster prometheus in openshift.
- #3694 Delete many deprecated templates/values.
- #3719 Add nginx routes for gpu recommendations endpoints.
- #3723 Add additional aggregation options to endpoint configuration.
- #3725 Update comments about OIDC RBAC groups.
- #3706 Add turbonomic secret.
- #3728 Add nginx routes for topline endpoint.
- #3735 Improve comments in extraScrapeConfigs.
- #3739 Update endpoint configuration for savings/gpuWorkloadUtilization.
Helm Fixes
- #3621 Use instead of dockerhub due to rate limiting for k8s-sidecar
- #3637 Fix diagnostics and federatedStorageConfig
- #3732 Fix turbonomic integration environment variables.
- #3741 Fix upstream chainguard dependency failures.
- #3742 Fix link to
- #3721 Fix openshift values to default with in-cluster prometheus.
Dependency Updates
- #3724 Bump kubecost modeling 0.1.18
- #3621 k8s-sidecar moved to ghcr instead of dockerhub
- #3662 Bump network-costs to 0.17.6
- #3652 Bump Cluster Controller 0.16.9
- #3741 move all chainguard references back to default upstream image locations.
Helm Chart Comparison Report kubecost/[email protected] to kubecost/[email protected]
CVE by Severity
Severity | Count | Prev Count | Difference |
critical | 0 | 0 | +0 |
high | 0 | 0 | +0 |
medium | 14 | 16 | -2 |
low | 66 | 70 | -4 |
Image Name | Status | Before Repo | After Repo | Before Tag | After Tag |
kubecost-modeling | Changed | | | v0.1.16 | v0.1.18 |
cost-model | Changed | | | prod-2.4.3 | prod-2.5.0-rc.4 |
frontend | Changed | | | prod-2.4.3 | prod-2.5.0-rc.4 |
prometheus | Unchanged | | | v2.55.1 | v2.55.1 |
k8s | Unchanged | alpine | alpine | 1.26.9 | 1.26.9 |
k8s-sidecar | Unchanged | | | 1.28.0 | 1.28.0 |
grafana | Unchanged | grafana | grafana | 11.3.1 | 11.3.1 |
Unchanged CVEs
CVE ID | Severity | Affected Images |
CVE ID | Severity | Affected Images |
CVE-2021-3997 | medium | cost-model |
CVE-2023-30571 | medium | cost-model |
CVE-2024-35325 | medium | cost-model |
CVE-2024-50602 | medium | k8s-sidecar |
CVE-2024-52533 | medium | cost-model |
CVE-2024-9287 | medium | kubecost-modeling |
CVE ID | Severity | Affected Images |
CVE-2019-12900 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2022-27943 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2022-29458 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2022-3219 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2022-41409 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2022-4899 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2023-2953 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2023-32636 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2023-36191 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2023-4156 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2023-45322 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2023-45918 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2023-50495 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2024-0232 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2024-2511 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2024-34459 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2024-41996 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2024-4741 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2024-51744 | low | grafana |
CVE-2024-5535 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2024-7264 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2024-9143 | low | grafana, k8s-sidecar |
CVE-2024-9681 | low | cost-model |
Added CVEs
No CVEs found.
Removed CVEs
CVE ID | Severity | Affected Images |
CVE ID | Severity | Affected Images |
CVE-2024-49766 | medium | kubecost-modeling |
CVE-2024-49767 | medium | kubecost-modeling |
CVE ID | Severity | Affected Images |
CVE-2024-51744 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2024-9143 | low | kubecost-modeling |