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195 lines (158 loc) · 4.95 KB


This repository aims to manage Monitoring Mixins and libraries for Jsonnet. Monitoring mixin is a set of Prometheus rules and Grafana dashboards.


As a project template

To use this repository as a project template, fork and clone it. See usage section below.

As a library and mixin

To use libraries and mixins in this repository, install packages you need with jsonnet-bundler.

$ cd your-project
$ jb init
$ jb install
$ jb install

Directory structure

# dist contains generated rules and dashboards.
# Deploy these files to each environment.
├── dist
│   ├── project-foo
│   │   ├── alerts.yml
│   │   ├── dashboards
│   │   └── rules.yml
│   └── project-k8s
│       └── ...
# env contains config for each environment.
# environment is a logical unit such a `prod`, `dev`, `service1-in-eks` or `service2-in-gke`.
# mixin.libsonnet is the entry point of mixin for each environment.
├── env
│   ├── project-foo
│   │   ├── mixin.libsonnet
│   └── project-k8s
│       └── ...
# lib contains jsonnet libraries not mixin.
├── lib
│   └── utils.libsonnet
# mixin contains monitoring mixins.
└── mixin
    ├── sample-one-mixin
    │   ├── alerts.libsonnet
    │   ├── config.libsonnet
    │   ├── dashboards
    │   │   ├── dashboards.libsonnet
    │   │   ├── sample-one-one.libsonnet
    │   │   └── sample-one-two.libsonnet
    │   ├── jsonnetfile.json
    │   ├── jsonnetfile.lock.json
    │   ├── mixin.libsonnet
    │   └── rules.libsonnet
    └── sample-two-mixin
        └── ...



Setup this repository.

$ git clone
$ cd jsonnet-libs
$ jb install

Prepare minxins

Use mixins at another repository

If you want to use mixin at another repository such a kubernetes-mixin, install that package with jsonnet-bundler.

$ jb install

Create mixins at this repository

If you want to create a new mixin at this repository, refer to sample mixins at here.

Create environments

Create a config file for a new environment. The only need is a file name of entry point is mixin.libsonnet.

$ mkdir env/project-sample
$ vim env/project-sample/mixin.libsonnet

Include mixins and override values.

$ cat env/project-sample/mixin.libsonnet
local sampleOne = import '../../mixin/sample-one-mixin/mixin.libsonnet';
local k8s = import 'kubernetes-mixin/mixin.libsonnet';

sampleOne {
  _config+:: {
    sampleOneSelector: 'job="sample-one-mod"',
} +
k8s {
  _config+:: {
    nodeExporterSelector: 'job="node"',

Useful functions are under lib directory. Full example is here.

// include utils
local utils = import '../../lib/utils.libsonnet';

// override alert
    alert: 'SampleTwoUp',
    expr: |||
      up{%(sampleTwoSelector)s} == 0
    ||| % $._config,

// override rule
    record: 'instance_path:two_requests:rate5m',
    expr: |||
    ||| % $._config,

// override dashboard
local dashboards = super.grafanaDashboards;
local d1 = '%(sampleTwoGrafanaFolder)s/sample-two-one.json' % $._config;
      function(acc, elm) acc + utils.overrideDashboardPanelTarget(, elm.title, acc),
          title: 'Requests',
          target: {
            refId: 'A',
            expr: 'avg(instance_path:one_requests:rate5m)',
          title: 'Requests2',
          target: {
            refId: 'A',
            expr: 'max(instance_path:one_requests:rate5m)',

Generate rules and dashboards

# format and check syntax
$ make fmt
$ make lint

# generate yaml and json
$ make generate ARG=project-sample

Output files are in dist directory.


Deployment is out of the scope of this project.