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New ads PHP client library upgrade guide

Welcome to the new ads PHP client library! This upgrade guide will help you migrate your code from the old ads PHP client library to the new one.

The new library resides in the master branch of the same GitHub repository as the old one and is versioned starting at 25.0.0. This allows for releases of the old version of the library to still be made until it is end of life (EOL). See issue 193 for more information on old library support. The old library has been moved to the deprecated branch.

The new ads PHP client library has these notable upgrades:

  • Uses namespaces and conforms to PSR-4 autoloading.
  • Conforms to PSR-3 for logging.
  • Supports installation via Composer.
  • Uses the Google PHP auth library for OAuth2, offering more features, flexibility, and service account support.
  • Uses Guzzle for non-SOAP HTTP calls, conforming to PSR-7.
  • Contains better object-oriented library design and stub interfaces, including builders to configure settings.
  • Contains upgraded and easier to use utilities for AdWords reporting, AdWords batch jobs, and DFP reporting.
  • Enables SSL by default for SOAP API calls and non-SOAP HTTP API calls.

The following are differences at a high-level.

                     | Old library                                                                                                                                                        | New library

------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------- GitHub location | Deprecated branch | Master branch Packagist | googleads/googleads-php-lib | googleads/googleads-php-lib (unchanged) Requirements | PHP 5.3 and higher, SOAP ext, OpenSSL ext, Curl ext. | PHP 5.5.9 and higher, SOAP ext, OpenSSL ext. No longer requires Curl ext (uses Guzzle library instead). Requirements are also better defined by Composer. Installation | Composer (with caveats), or copy/add library to your PHP include path. | Full Composer support. See the README's Getting started for details. PSR | None. | PSR-3, PSR-4, PSR-7 (for non-SOAP HTTP). SOAP API calls | PHP SOAP ext. | PHP SOAP ext. Non-SOAP HTTP API calls. | Curl ext. | Guzzle SSL | Disabled by default and required you to manually specify CA_PATH or CA_FILE for SOAP and non-SOAP HTTP calls. | Enabled by default for SOAP and non-SOAP HTTP calls. The library will try to automatically find your system's certs file.


The configuration settings in the new library have been consolidated into one file called adsapi_php.ini. The recommended location for this file is your home directory because the settings builders in the new library all have a fromFile() method that, by default, looks for this file in your home directory.

For example:

$adWordsSession = (new AdWordsSessionBuilder())->fromFile();
                                | Old library                                                                                                                                                                               | New library

----------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- AdWords sample config file location | auth.ini and settings.ini in src/Google/Api/Ads/AdWords | adsapi_php.ini in examples/AdWords DFP sample config file location | auth.ini and settings.ini in src/Google/Api/Ads/Dfp | adsapi_php.ini in examples/Dfp Recommended location of config file | Leave it under src/, creating an AdsUser will look for it there by default. | Copy it to your home directory and use fromFile() on builders to load config file from home directory.

If you don't want to use the INI file to configure the new library, all settings can be programmatically configured using builders. The following table outlines where you can configure each of the available settings in the old library versus the new one.

                                                                     | Old library                                                                                                                                | New library

------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------- Logging | | Logging settings - see Logging for more details | settings.ini or AdsUser | adsapi_php.ini or AdsSession using an AdWords or DFP SessionBuilder Auth | | OAuth2 settings - see Authentication for more details | auth.ini or AdsUser | adsapi_php.ini or AdsSession using OAuth2TokenBuilder.php SOAP | | SOAP settings (e.g., compression, WSDL caching) | settings.ini | adsapi_php.ini or AdsSession using SoapSettingsBuilder.php Proxy settings | settings.ini | adsapi_php.ini or AdsSession using SoapSettingsBuilder.php SSL settings | settings.ini | adsapi_php.ini or AdsSession using SoapSettingsBuilder.php AdWords | | AdWords settings (e.g., client customer ID, dev token) | auth.ini or AdWordsUser | adsapi_php.ini or AdsSession using AdWordsSessionBuilder.php AdWords reporting settings | ReportUtils | adsapi_php.ini or AdsSession using ReportSettingsBuilder.php DFP | | DFP settings (e.g., network code) | auth.ini or DfpUser | adsapi_php.ini or AdsSession using DfpSessionBuilder.php

For a more detailed example of how you can configure settings in the new library, see the Basic usage section in the README.


The new library uses the PHP Google Auth Library for OAuth2 calls. This allows the new library to support features such as OAuth2 service accounts and more.

                                             | Old library                                                                                                                                                                                                                     | New library

------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- OAuth2 library | OAuth2Handler.php | PHP Google Auth Library Supported OAuth2 flows | Installed application flow. | Installed application flow, web flow, service account flow. Installed application flow refresh token utility | In examples Auth folder under AdWords or DFP. | Consolidated into one auth example.


The new library conforms to PSR-3 for logging and uses Monolog by default. It uses different logging channels when appropriate, offers better logging customization, and has convenience logging configuration in the adsapi_php.ini file for log levels. See our README's logging section for detailed examples on how to set up logging in the new library.

                   | Old library                                                                | New library

---------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- Using a custom logger | Not possible. | Build an ads session with a logger that conforms to PSR-3 (implements LoggerInterface). Logging to a file | Can be specified in settings.ini or programmatically in the library. | Can be specified in adsapi_php.ini or by setting your own PSR-3 compatible logger. Configuring log levels | Can only be done programmatically and did not conform to PSR-3 log levels. | Can be done either in adsapi_php.ini or programmatically. Supports PSR-3 log levels. Log channels | No separate channels. | Different channels used for different parts of the library.

Basic usage

The new library conforms to better object-oriented design than the old one. This is noticeable mostly when creating and configuring the library entry point. The new library utilizes builders for a cleaner configuration. The other noticeable change is when accessing object fields, the new library uses getters and setters rather than allowing you to access member variables directly. Otherwise the basic usages of both libraries are very similar. See the Basic usage section of our README for a detailed example.

                           | Old library                                                                                                    | New library

------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- Library configuration | Create a new ads user (AW or DFP) with all configuration set in the constructor, including OAuth2 credentials. | Build an ads session with only the settings you want to specify. Building an OAuth2 credential is separate from building the library's settings. Obtaining a service | Obtain it from the ads user, specifying the class name and version as strings. | Obtain it from the ads services factory, specifying the service class using ::class after it has been imported. Making API calls with services | Call a PHP method on the service. | Call a PHP method on the service, this remains the same as the old library. Accessing fields of an object | Access object member variables directly. | Accessed using getters and setters. Importing classes | Not required as classes aren't namespaced. | use statements to import classes are required before they can be referenced, unless the FQCN is specified.


The new library has improved a number of library utilities, particularly for making non-SOAP API calls such as to AdWords reporting and certain parts of the BatchJobService workflow.

Common utility changes

Most common utilities are for the internal infrastructure of the library. Many obsolete utilities have been removed in the new library. But one that is still useful to users is the map entries utility.

                | Old library                                                                                                                    | New library

------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------- Map entries utility | Called MapUtils. | Called MapEntries and methods have been renamed to better reflect what they do.

AdWords utility changes

There are two major utilities for AdWords to help with the non-SOAP API calls to reporting and parts of batch processing. These utilities have significant improvements in their design from the old library.

              | Old library                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      | New library

----------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- Batch job utility | Called BatchJobUtils. Used custom XML serialization and deserialization logic. | Called BatchJobs and deals with incremental uploading better using an intermediary batch jobs upload status object. Also uses the Symfony Serializer component for XML serialization and deserialization. Report downloader | Called ReportUtils. Used Curl ext. Did not provide ability to stream reports. Used custom XML serialization and deserialization logic. | Called ReportDownloader. Uses Guzzle, conforming to PSR-7, thus having the ability to stream reports. Also uses the Symfony Serializer for XML serialization and deserialization.

Usages of both these upgraded utilities can be found in examples.

DFP utility changes

DFP utilities have minor changes, most remain the same.

               | Old library                                                                                                                                   | New library

------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- Date times utility | Called DateTimeUtils. | Split and renamed to DfpDateTimes and DfpDates, some obsolete methods removed. Report downloader | Uses Curl ext. | Uses Guzzle.


Most of the examples in the old library have already been ported to the new library, with the remainder coming soon. The examples themselves have not changed much and have been updated to use the new library instead of the old one. If an example you want is not available, please reference the old library for now.

                      | Old library                                                                                 | New library

------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- AdWords examples location | Examples | Examples DFP examples location | Examples | Examples


The old library provided PHPDoc pages under gh-pages on GitHub. The new library does not provide these yet. See issue #194 to track progress on this.

           | Old library                                                                                          | New library

-------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- AdWords PHPDoc | PHPDoc | TBD DFP PHPDoc | PHPDoc | TBD


If you need help with upgrading your library, please see our support channels for how to reach out to us.