- Kiwix is an offline reader - meaning that it allows you to check text or video that is normally only available on the internet. -
-- We turn various online educational contents (such as Wikipedia, for example) into ZIM files, and these can be opened by Kiwix even if you have no connectivity whatsoever. + Kiwix is dedicated to providing offline access to educational content. +
+ Kiwix makes knowledge available to people with no or limited Internet access. +
+ Kiwix is an offline reader for content like Wikipedia, Project Gutenberg, TED Talks, IFixit... and thousands of others. +
+ Kiwix deals with highly compressed snapshots of Websites that each fit into a single (.zim) file. ZIM files are small enough that they can be stored on users’ mobile phones, computers or small, inexpensive WiFi Hotspot. +
+ Kiwix then acts like a regular Web browser, except that it reads these local copies. People with no or limited internet access can enjoy the same browsing experience as being online. +
+ The name “Kiwix” is a play on the word “Wiki” as it represented our initial goal of making Wikipedia accessible offline. +
+ Kiwix is free and open-source.