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File metadata and controls

57 lines (44 loc) · 2.52 KB


Where kitties are sold.

Project structure

dist/                        compiled version
src/                         project source code
|- app/                      app components
|  |- core/                  core module (singleton services and single-use components)
|  |- shared/                shared module  (common components, directives and pipes)
|  |- app.component.*        app root component (shell)
|  |- app.module.ts          app root module definition
|  |- app-routing.module.ts  app routes
|  +- ...                    additional modules and components
|- assets/                   app assets (images, fonts, sounds...)
|- environments/             values for various build environments
|- theme/                    app global scss variables and theme
|- translations/             translations files
|- index.html                html entry point
|- main.scss                 global style entry point
|- main.ts                   app entry point
|- polyfills.ts              polyfills needed by Angular
+- test.ts                   unit tests entry point
proxy.conf.js                backend proxy configuration

Main tasks

Task automation is based on NPM scripts.

Tasks Description
npm start Run development server on http://localhost:4200/
npm run build [-- --env=prod] Lint code and build app for production in dist/ folder
npm run lint Lint code
npm run translations:extract Extract strings from code and templates to src/app/translations/template.json

When building the application, you can specify the target environment using the additional flag --env <name> (do not forget to prepend -- to pass arguments to npm scripts).

The default build environment is prod.

Development server

Run npm start for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files. You should not use ng serve directly, as it does not use the backend proxy configuration by default.

Code scaffolding

Run npm run generate -- component <name> to generate a new component. You can also use npm run generate -- directive|pipe|service|class|module.

If you have installed angular-cli globally with npm install -g @angular/cli, you can also use the command ng generate directly.