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Releases: kitodo/kitodo-presentation

Kitodo.Presentation 5.0.1

31 May 21:18
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Bugfix Release

This release contains only bugfixes and refactoring for code maintenance. Please open and save extension configuration once after updating!

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v5.0.0...v5.0.1

Kitodo.Presentation 5.0.0

23 May 12:52
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Major Release

This release contains security improvements and bugfixes. It is also the first release for the 5.x branch (supporting TYPO3 v10 and v11).

New features include support for ALTO v3 and v4, a reintroduction of in-document search and improvements in newspaper support.

What's Changed

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Kitodo.Presentation 5.0.0-rc2

27 Feb 14:41
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Release Candidate for Major Release

This is the second release candidate for the upcoming major release 5.0, which will support TYPO3 v10 and v11. Please use this for extensive testing and report any issues.


What's Changed

Full Changelog: v5.0.0-rc1...v5.0.0-rc2

Kitodo.Presentation 5.0.0-rc1

29 Jan 15:31
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Release Candidate for Major Release

This is the first release candidate for the upcoming major release 5.0, which will support TYPO3 v10 and v11. Please use this for extensive testing and report any issues.


What's Changed

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Kitodo.Presentation 4.1.0

16 Dec 14:15
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Feature and Bugfix Release

This release contains new features and bugfixes. It is the last feature release for the 4.x branch (supporting TYPO3 v9 and v10).

New features include support for digitized 3D objects (using a three.js based viewer component), improved search handling and performance, as well as support for administrative (amdSec) and external (VIAF, ORCID) metadata.

What's Changed

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Kitodo.Presentation 4.0.1

25 May 15:08
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Bugfix Release

This release contains bugfixes and minor features.

What's Changed

  • Remove template variables pointing to not existing files by @beatrycze-volk in #801
  • [BUGFIX] Some bug fixes and maintenance tasks by @albig in #802
  • [BUGFIX] Small fixes in page grid and pageview plugin by @dvoracek-slub in #804
  • [BUGFIX] Make other metadata available in metadata wrap by @dvoracek-slub in #805
  • [FEATURE] Fall back to data: URLs if blob: fails by @dvoracek-slub in #809
  • [BUGFIX] Use own language label and remove dependancy to slub_digitalcollections by @BFallert in #811
  • [BUGFIX] Fix empty thumbnails and sorting dropdowns in listview by @dvoracek-slub in #814
  • [BUGFIX] Fix all-year calendar title and restore previous markup by @dvoracek-slub in #815
  • [BUGFIX] Fix search in collection, allow multiple collections by @dvoracek-slub in #813
  • [FEATURE] show divs for thumbnails and descriptions only when needed and add link by @BFallert in #812
  • [DOCS] Extend upgrade notes for 4.0 by @dvoracek-slub in #816

Full Changelog: v4.0.0...v4.0.1

Kitodo.Presentation 4.0.0

08 Apr 13:58
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Major Release - Going Extbase / Fluid

This release is a big refactoring of Kitodo.Presentation. Touching almost all files to achieve this following major features:

  • use Extbase as framework and Fluid as template engine
  • add compatibility with TYPO3 10.4

Lot's of small bugs have been fixed and maybe some new have been introduced ;-)

Upgrade Instruction 3.3 -> 4.0

The first steps to upgrade is quite easy:

  1. Install Kitodo.Presentation 4.0 via composer
  2. Do a database compare e.g. via the TYPO3 console typo3cms database:updateschema
  3. Run the two upgrade wizards in Upgrade -> Upgrade-Wizard
  4. Set the storagePid of the Kitodo.Presentation configuration folder in Template -> Constants Editor
  5. Open and check all Plugin-settings. Especially the ListView has new required value.

If you used custom templates, you have to adjust your needs now in own Fluid templates. Have a look at slub_digitalcollections for some inspiration.

There is no changes to the Solr schema in this release.

What's Changed

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Kitodo.Presentation 3.3.4

15 Feb 09:47
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Security Fix

This is an important security fix release. Please update soon!

For details, refer to the TYPO3 Security Bulletin TYPO3-EXT-SA-2022-001.

Kitodo.Presentation 3.2.3

15 Feb 09:46
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Security Fix

This is an important security fix release. Please update soon!

For details, refer to the TYPO3 Security Bulletin TYPO3-EXT-SA-2022-001.

Kitodo.Presentation 2.3.2

15 Feb 09:45
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Security Fix

This is an important security fix release. Please update soon!

For details, refer to the TYPO3 Security Bulletin TYPO3-EXT-SA-2022-001.