Concats a list of videos together using ffmpeg with sexy OpenGL transitions.
(example of 9 videos concatenated together with unique transitions)
(note that the quality and fps is only poor due to the GIF preview; here is the original)
FFmpeg is the defacto standard in command-line video editing, but it is really difficult to concatenate videos together using non-trivial transitions. Here are some convoluted examples of a simple cross-fade between two videos. FFmpeg filter graphs are extremely powerful, but for implementing transitions, they are just too complicated and error-prone.
GL Transitions, on the other hand, is a great open source initiative spearheaded by Gaëtan Renaudeau that is aimed at using GLSL to establish a universal collection of transitions. Its extremely simple spec makes it really easy to customize existing transitions or write your own as opposed to struggling with complex ffmpeg filter graphs.
This module and CLI make it easy to concat videos together using gl-transitions.
This module requires ffmpeg to be installed.
npm install --save ffmpeg-concat
# or if you want to use the CLI
npm install -g ffmpeg-concat
Usage: ffmpeg-concat [options] <videos...>
-V, --version output the version number
-o, --output <output> path to mp4 file to write (default: out.mp4)
-t, --transition-name <name> name of gl-transition to use (default: fade)
-d, --transition-duration <duration> duration of transition to use in ms (default: 500)
-T, --transitions <file> json file to load transitions from
-f, --frame-format <format> format to use for temp frame images (default: raw)
-C, --no-cleanup-frames disables cleaning up temp frame images
-h, --help output usage information
ffmpeg-concat -t circleopen -d 750 -o huzzah.mp4 media/1.mp4 media/2.mp4 media/3.mp4
const concat = require('ffmpeg-concat')
// concat 3 mp4s together using 2 500ms directionalWipe transitions
await concat({
output: 'test.mp4',
videos: [
transition: {
name: 'directionalWipe',
duration: 500
// concat 5 mp4s together using 4 different transitions
await concat({
output: 'test.mp4',
videos: [
transitions: [
name: 'circleOpen',
duration: 1000
name: 'crossWarp',
duration: 800
name: 'directionalWarp',
duration: 500
name: 'squaresWire',
duration: 2000
Concatenates video files together along with OpenGL transitions. Returns a Promise
for when the output video has been written.
Note that you must specify videos
, output
, and either transition
or transitions
Note that the output video's size and fps are determined by the first input video.
Type: Array<String>
Array of videos to concat, where each item is a path or URL to a video file.
Type: String
Path to an mp4
video file to write.
Note: we currently only support outputting to mp4; please open an issue if you'd like to see support for more formats.
Type: Object
Specifies a default transition to be used between each video.
Note that you must specify either transition
or transitions
, depending on how much control you want over each transition. If you specify both, transitions
takes precedence.
// example
const transition = {
duration: 1000, // ms
name: 'directionalwipe' // gl-transition name to use (will match with lower-casing)
Type: Array<Object>
Specifies a (possibly unique) transition between each video. If there are N videos, then there should be N - 1 transitions.
Note that you must specify either transition
or transitions
, depending on how much control you want over each transition. If you specify both, transitions
takes precedence.
// example
const transitions = [
duration: 1000,
name: 'fade'
duration: 500,
name: 'swap'
Type: string
Default: raw
The format for temporary frame images. You may, for example, use png
or jpg
Note: the default is raw
for performance reasons, as writing and reading raw binary pixel data is much faster than encoding and decoding png
frames. Raw format is difficult to preview and debug, however, in which case you may want to change frameFormat
to png
Type: boolean
Default: true
By default, we cleanup temporary frame images. Set this to false
if you need to debug intermediate results.
Type: Function
Default: noop
Optional function to log progress and the underlying ffmpeg commands. You may, for example, use console.log
Here are some gl-transitions that I've found particularly useful for quality video transitions:
- fade
- fadegrayscale
- circleopen
- directionalwarp
- directionalwipe
- crosswarp
- crosszoom
- dreamy
- squareswire
- angular
- radial
- cube
- swap
- ffmpeg-gl-transition - Low-level ffmpeg filter for applying GLSL transitions between video streams (gl-transitions). It allows the use of more advanced and customizable filter graphs, but it requires you to build a custom version of ffmpeg.
- gl-transitions - Collection of GLSL transitions.
- fluent-ffmpeg - Underlying ffmpeg wrapper library.
MIT © Travis Fischer