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Unity3D - RxStateMachine

State machine makes managing states easy, it is widely used in many games and apps. However, there are not many state machines that designed with front-end in mind.

Often, integrating multiple states with UI transition can be a huge hassle and needs extra code to make simple transitions working with states. RxStateMachine is designed with "front end first" and "Reactive" in mind.

RxStatemachine is built upon thefuntastic's finite state machine.
Basic structure is mostly same but the core logic is implemented with Unirx (Reactive Extension for Unity)

Thanks to thefuntastic and neuecc for amazing statemachine and unirx!


3 Transition Modes

  • Safe
  • OverWrite
  • Blend


  • Support multiple statemachine instances
  • Support Transition as routine or single call


  • Notifies transition progress
  • State Transition can be canceled
  • no co-routine used, more reliable functionality

Basic Usage

An example project is included (Unity 2017.3) to show the RxStateMachine in action. To use the state machine you need a few simple steps

1. Include the RxStateMachine package
using Bebimbop.Utilities.StateMachine;

public class MyStateMachineClass : MonoBehaviour { }
2. Define your states using an Enum
public enum States
3. Create a variable to store a reference to the State Machine
public StateMachine<States> MyStateMachine;
4. Get a valid state machine for your MonoBehaviour
MyStateMachine = StateMachine<States>.Initialize(this);

This is where all of the magic in the RxStateMachine happens: in the background, it inspects your MonoBehaviour (this) and looks for any methods described by the convention shown below.

You can call this at any time, but generally Awake() is a safe choice.

5. You are now ready to manage state by simply calling ChangeState()
6. State callbacks are defined by underscore convention ( StateName_Method )
//for single frame transition
private void Init_Enter()
    Debug.Log("Init done!");

//for transiton over time
//float t is between 0 ~ 1 (Start ~ end)
private void Play_Enter(float t)
    //Ui transition so easy!
    canvasGroup.alpha = t;
    Debug.Log( "Entering State.. Progress "  + t);
/* output
Entering State.. Progress 0
Entering State.. Progress 0.43975
Entering State.. Progress 0.9476
Entering State.. Progress 1*/

//OnCancel Method gets called when transtion interrupted 
//by either calling ChangeState() with overwirte or CancelTranstion()
private void Play_OnCancle()
    canvasGroup.alpha = 0;

void Play_Update()
    Debug.Log("Game Playing");

void Play_Exit()
    Debug.Log("Game Over");

Currently supported methods are:

  • Enter
  • EnterCancel
  • Exit
  • ExitCancel
  • Finally
  • FixedUpdate
  • Update
  • LateUpdate

These methods can be private or public. The methods themselves are all optional, so you only need to provide the ones you actually intend on using.

Enter/Exit routines are supported by simply adding float parameter into Enter/Exit methods. This can be a great way to accommodate animations. Note: FixedUpdate, Update and LateUpdate calls won't execute while an Enter or Exit routine is running.

Finally is a special method guaranteed to be called after a state has exited. This is a good place to perform any hygiene operations such as resetting Uis or removing event listeners.

Setting Transition defaults and Cancel Transition

There is simple support for managing asynchronous state changes with long enter or long exit.

MyStateMachine.SetDuration(enterDuration = 0.5f, exitDuration = 0.5f)

The default duration for enter/exit is 0.5f but you can set it to any value as you need. by calling this method will set all transition to set duration.

MyStateMachine.SetMode(transition = StateTransition.Safe);

The default is StateTransition.Safe. This will always allow the current state to finish both it's enter and exit functions before transitioning to any new states. by calling this method will set all transition to set mode.

MyStateMachine.SetMode(transition = StateTransition.Overwrite);

StateMahcine.Overwrite will cancel any current transitions and invoke Cancel methods (more detail explained in advance usage section), and call the next state immediately. This means any code which has yet to run in enter and exit routines will be skipped. If you need to ensure you end with a particular configuration, the finally function will always be called:

void MyCurrentState_Finally()
    //Reset object to desired configuration
MyStateMachine.SetMode(transition = StateTransition.Blend);

StateMahcine.Blend this will call/run the current state Exit routine and the next state Enter routine at the same time. this is useful when you need crossfade transition.


All transitions can be canceled by calling this method, and it will invoke the current EnterCancel or ExitCancel or both depends on how far you in the transition.

e.g) if you call CancleTransition() beginning of exit routine, it will invoke ExitCancel. if you call it after entering to new state's Enter routine, it will invoke both current state's ExitCancel and new state's EnterCancel methods.


UniRx, Reactive extension for Unity. latest source code(as of 02/13/18) already included in this repository, but if you want to get a newer vision, Download Unirx

Advanced Usage

Multiple Script Setup

To use RxStateMachine over multiple scripts is also simple. Here's basic example how to setup RxStateMachine in multiple scripts

1. Declare StateMachine in the desired script

in this example, we declare StateMachine in GameManager.cs and make GameManager as a singleton to call it from other scripts

    public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour
        public StateMachine<State> MainStateMachine;
        private void Awake()
            //initialize statemachine in Awake() to avoid Null error in other scripts
            MainStateMachine = StateMachine<State>.Initialize(this);
        //define state
        public enum State
            RED = 0,BLUE

      //some singleton behaviour
      private static GameManager instance = null;

        public static GameManager Instance { ... }
2. Add State Script Component to subscribe state changes with callbacks
    public class RedState : MonoBehaviour
        private StateMachine<State> _mainStateMachine;
        private void Start()
            _mainStateMachine = GameManger.MainStateMachine;
            //add RedState as subscriber to mainStateMachine.
        //call backs
        private void RED_Enter(float t) { }
        private void RED_Exit(float t) { }
    public class BlueState : MonoBehaviour
        private StateMachine<State> _mainStateMachine;
        private void Start()
            _mainStateMachine = GameManger.MainStateMachine;
            //add BlueState as subscriber to mainStateMachine.
        //call backs
        private void BLUE_Enter(float t) { }
        private void BLUE_Exit(float t) { }

Manual Transition

[TODO] add description with examples...

  • ChangeState(T newState)
  • ChangeState(T newState, StateTransition transition)
  • ChangeState(T newState, StateTransition transition, float enterDuration, float exitDuration)

Cancel Invocation Order & Usage

[TODO] add a description with examples...

  • Cancel in Safe Mode
  • Cancel in OverWrite Mode
  • Cancel in Blend Mode

[TODO] Example Usage


Multiple StateMachine Example

RxStateMachine support multiple instances of StateMachine.

Example Located Assests/DemoScenes/MultipleStateMachineExample.unity

StateMachine Example

This example demonstrates most functionalities on RxStateMachine Change Settings on the left side and see the difference between 3 transition modes and Test cancellation to see how it works in different modes

Example Located Assests/DemoScenes/StateMachineExample.unity

Safe Mode

OverWrite Mode

Blend Mode