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Table of Contents


Releases v1.12.1

  1. Using random channel for softAP without password. Check fix: using random CH for non-password use too #118
  2. Add astyle using allman style. Restyle the library

Releases v1.12.0

  1. Optionally display Credentials (SSIDs, PWDs) in Config Portal. Check Populate portal wifi with saved credentials #91
  2. Display Credentials Hint on Config Portal
  3. Periodic code clean-up

Releases v1.11.0

  1. Fix ESP32 chipID. Check Help for storing variables in memory (non-volatile) #87
  2. Add ESP32 ESP_getChipOUI() function
  3. Display new info on Config Portal for ESP32
  4. Remove dependency on LittleFS_esp32 library to prevent PIO error when using new ESP32 core v1.0.6+

Releases v1.10.2

  1. Send CORS header in handleWifiSave() function. Check Cors header not sent when saving wifi details, even when cors is enabled #80
  2. Optimize code by using passing by reference instead of by value
  3. Delete all confusing, function-lacking minimal examples
  4. Display informational warnings only when _WIFIMGR_LOGLEVEL_ > 3

Releases v1.10.1

  1. Add LittleFS support to ESP32-C3.
  2. Use ESP32-core's LittleFS library instead of Lorol's LITTLEFS library for v2.0.0+

Releases v1.10.0

  1. Add support to ESP32-S3 (ESP32S3_DEV, ESP32_S3_BOX, UM TINYS3, UM PROS3, UM FEATHERS3, etc.) using ESP32 core, esp32-s3-support branch, v2.0.2+

Releases v1.9.0

  1. Reduce the breaking effect of v1.8.0 by enabling compatibility with old code to include only ESP_WiFiManager.h. Check Important Breaking Change from v1.8.0

Releases v1.8.0

  1. Fix multiple-definitions linker error and weird bug related to src_cpp. Check Different behaviour using the src_cpp or src_h lib #80
  2. Optimize library code by using reference-passing instead of value-passing

Releases v1.7.8

  1. To permit using HTTP port different from 80. Check WiFiManager works only on port 80 #75
  2. Fix bug returning IP in core v2.0.0+ when using hostname

Releases v1.7.7

  1. Fix compile error for ESP32 core v1.0.5-

Releases v1.7.6

  1. Auto detect ESP32 core and use either built-in LittleFS or LITTLEFS library
  2. Update library.json to use new headers for PIO

Releases v1.7.5

  1. Update platform.ini and library.json to use original khoih-prog instead of khoih.prog after PIO fix

Releases v1.7.4

  1. Add WiFi scanning of hidden SSIDs. Check Add support for Wifi hidden SSID scanning. #66

Releases v1.7.3

  1. Fix MultiWiFi connection issue with ESP32 core v2.0.0-rc1+
  2. Verify compatibility with new ESP32 core v2.0.0-rc1+
  3. Verify compatibility with new ESP8266 core v3.0.2

Releases v1.7.2

  1. Fix warnings and Verify compatibility with new ESP8266 core v3.0.0

Releases v1.7.1

  1. Fix Json bug in /scan. Check Invalid Json generated #60
  2. Fix timezoneName not displayed in Info page.

Major Releases v1.7.0

  1. Add auto-Timezone feature with variable _timezoneName (e.g. America/New_York) and function to retrieve TZ (e.g. EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0) to use directly to configure ESP32/ESP8266 timezone. Check How to retrieve timezone? #51 for more info.
  2. Store those _timezoneName and TZ in LittleFS or SPIFFS config file.
  3. Using these new timezone feature is optional.
  4. Add checksum in config file to validate data read from LittleFS or SPIFFS config file.
  5. Update examples to show how to use the new TZ feature.

Releases v1.6.1

  1. Fix captive-portal bug if Config Portal AP address is not default Check In AP, DNS server always redirects to no matter what APStaticIP is set to. #58
  2. Fix MultiWiFi bug.

Releases v1.6.0

  1. Add EEPROM and SPIFFS support to new ESP32-C3 boards (Arduino ESP32C3_DEV). Check HOWTO Install esp32 core for ESP32-S2 (Saola, AI-Thinker ESP-12K) and ESP32-C3 boards into Arduino IDE.

Releases v1.5.3

  1. Add dnsServer can't allocate and dnsServer can't start error messages

Releases v1.5.2

  1. Fix example misleading messages. Check Minor: examples/Async_ESP32_FSWebServer/ wrongly uses FileFS.begin(true) #47
  2. Tested with ESP32 Core 1.0.6 and LittleFS_esp32 v1.0.6

Releases v1.5.1

  1. Fix compiler error if setting Compiler Warnings to All.
  2. Modify multiWiFi-related timings to work with latest esp32 core v1.0.6

Releases v1.5.0

  1. Add support to ESP32-S2 (ESP32-S2 Saola, AI-Thinker ESP-12K, ESP32S2 Dev Module, UM FeatherS2, UM ProS2, microS2, etc.)
  2. Add Instructions to install ESP32-S2 core

Releases v1.4.3

  1. Fix examples' bug not saving Static IP in certain cases.
  2. Add feature to warn if using examples with old library versions

Releases v1.4.2

  1. Fix examples' bug not using saved WiFi Credentials after losing all WiFi connections.
  2. Fix compiler warnings.

Major Releases v1.4.1

  1. Fix staticIP not saved in examples. See ESP32 static IP not saved after restarting the device
  2. Add structures and functions to handle AP and STA IPs.
  3. Add complex examples
  1. Add simple minimal examples
  1. Fix bug.
  2. Fix compiler warnings.
  3. Modify Version String
  4. Add Table of Contents

Releases v1.3.0

  1. Add LittleFS support to ESP32-related examples to use LittleFS_esp32 Library
  2. Add Version String

Releases v1.2.0

  1. Restore cpp code besides Impl.h code to use in case of multiple definition linker error. See Change Implementation to separate *.h and *.cpp file instead of *.h and *-Impl.h and Support building in PlatformIO PR. Also have a look at HOWTO Fix Multiple Definitions Linker Error
  2. Fix bug /close does not close the config portal.

Releases v1.1.2

  1. Fix bug in examples.
  2. Add example.

Releases v1.1.1

  1. Add setCORSHeader function to allow configurable CORS Header. See Using CORS feature
  2. Fix typo and minor improvement.
  3. Shorten MultiWiFi connection time.

Major Releases v1.1.0

  1. Add MultiWiFi feature to auto(Re)connect to the best WiFi at runtime
  2. Fix bug.
  3. Completely enhanced examples to use new MultiWiFi feature.

Releases v1.0.11

  1. Add optional CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) feature. Thanks to AlesSt. See more in Issue #27: CORS protection fires up with AJAX and Cross Origin Resource Sharing. To use, you must explicitly use #define USING_CORS_FEATURE true
  2. Solve issue softAP with custom IP sometimes not working. Thanks to AlesSt. See Issue #26: softAP with custom IP not working and Wifi.softAPConfig() sometimes set the wrong IP address.
  3. Temporary fix for issue of not clearing WiFi SSID/PW from flash of ESP32. Thanks to AlesSt. See more in Issue #25: API call /r doesn't clear credentials and WiFi.disconnect(true) problem.
  4. Fix autoConnect() feature to permit autoConnect() to use STA static IP or DHCP IP. Remove from deprecated function list.
  5. Enhance with more instructions and illustrations.

Releases v1.0.10

  1. Don't need to reinput already working SSID in Config Port to update other parameters, such as StaticIP.
  2. Disable/Enable StaticIP configuration in Config Portal from sketch. Valid only if DHCP is used.
  3. Change HTTP_XYZ constants to WM_HTTP_XYZ to avoid conflicts with future releases of ESP32 and ESP8266 cores.
  4. Add feature to change WiFi AP channel (fixed or random) to avoid conflict in AP-overcrowded environments.
  5. Enhance Config Portal GUI and get the item out of the bucket list.
  6. Enhance with more instructions and illustrations.

Releases v1.0.9

  1. Fix ESP32 STAstaticIP bug.
  2. Enable changing from DHCP <-> static IP using Config Portal.
  3. Enable NTP configuration from sketch (USE_ESP_WIFIMANAGER_NTP, USE_CLOUDFLARE_NTP). See Issue #21: CloudFlare link in the default portal.
  4. Add, enhance examples (fix MDNS for ESP32 examples, add DRD feature).

Releases v1.0.8

  1. Fix setSTAStaticIPConfig issue. See Static Station IP doesn't work
  2. Add LittleFS support for ESP8266 core 2.7.1+ in examples to replace deprecated SPIFFS.
  3. Restructure code.

Releases v1.0.7

  1. Use just-in-time scanWiFiNetworks() to reduce connection time necessary for battery-operated DeepSleep application. Thanks to CrispinP for identifying, requesting and testing. See Starting WiFIManger is very slow (2000ms)
  2. Fix bug relating SPIFFS in examples :
  1. Fix README. See Accessing manager after connection

Releases v1.0.6

  1. Add function getConfigPortalPW()
  2. Add 4 new complicated examples compatible with ArduinoJson 6.0.0+ :AutoConnect, AutoConnectWithFeedback, AutoConnectWithFeedbackLED and AutoConnectWithFSParameters