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Lab 3

Creating and deploying a Node express server

Lab - Elastic Beanstalk

We will create Elastic Beanstalk environment to manage the infrastructure consisting of:

  • One Beanstalk Application
  • Two Beanstalk environments (QA and Prod) inside the Beanstalk Application
  • Switch between the two environments For this lab, you will need to be in the ~/environment/aws-vls-cpt-ci_cd_workshop/labs/03 directory in Cloud9:

Create Instance Profile Role

Create role that will be used by instances launched in your Elastic Beanstalk environment

aws iam create-role --role-name aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role \
--assume-role-policy-document file://trust-policy.json

Attach IAM Policy To Role

Attach the managed IAM Policy AWSElasticBeanstalkFullAccess to the aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role we created earlier.

aws iam attach-role-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSElasticBeanstalkFullAccess \
--role-name aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role

And for additional DynamoDB permissions:

aws iam attach-role-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess \
--role-name aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role

Create Instance Profile

Create the intsance profile and add the aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role role we created earlier.

aws iam create-instance-profile --instance-profile-name aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role
aws iam add-role-to-instance-profile --instance-profile-name aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role --role-name aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role

Create Elastic Beanstalk Application

Create an Elastic Beanstalk Application that will house the two environments - Prod and QA

aws elasticbeanstalk create-application --application-name VLS --description "vls application"

Check that the application has been successfully created

aws elasticbeanstalk describe-applications

Create Elastic Beanstalk Environment For Prod

Check DNS availability for Prod environment

aws elasticbeanstalk check-dns-availability --cname-prefix [your-preferred-cname]


aws elasticbeanstalk check-dns-availability --cname-prefix vls-prod
    "Available": true, 
    "FullyQualifiedCNAME": ""

Create Prod environment using available DNS name from previous step

aws elasticbeanstalk create-environment \
--application-name VLS \
--environment-name [your-prod-env-name] \
--cname-prefix [your-preferred-cname] \
--solution-stack-name "64bit Amazon Linux 2 v5.3.0 running Node.js 12" \
--option-settings Namespace=aws:autoscaling:launchconfiguration,OptionName=IamInstanceProfile,Value="aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role"


aws elasticbeanstalk create-environment \
--application-name VLS \
--environment-name vls-prod-env \
--cname-prefix vls-prod \
--solution-stack-name "64bit Amazon Linux 2 v5.2.5 running Node.js 12" \
--option-settings Namespace=aws:autoscaling:launchconfiguration,OptionName=IamInstanceProfile,Value="aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role"

Allow approximatley 5 minutes for the environment to create and thereafter check that it has created successfully:

aws elasticbeanstalk describe-environments --environment-names [your-prod-env-name]


aws elasticbeanstalk describe-environments --environment-names vls-prod-env

Deploy Application To Environment

First create an application version using latest commit from CodeCommit, SourceLocation being reponame/commit-id, eg: SourceLocation=CICD/ad5810dd453af58c4be659d22e8b80eb9f84f7ed

aws elasticbeanstalk create-application-version \
--application-name VLS \
--version-label v1 --process \
--source-build-information SourceType=Git,SourceRepository=CodeCommit,SourceLocation=[reponame/commit-id]


aws elasticbeanstalk create-application-version \
--application-name VLS \
--version-label v1 --process \
--source-build-information SourceType=Git,SourceRepository=CodeCommit,SourceLocation=CICD/ad5810dd453af58c4be659d22e8b80eb9f84f7ed

Deploy lastest update

aws elasticbeanstalk update-environment --application-name VLS --environment-name [your-prod-env-name] --version-label v1


aws elasticbeanstalk update-environment --application-name VLS --environment-name vls-prod-env --version-label v1

Retrieve evironment DNS and check application on the browser

aws elasticbeanstalk describe-environments --environment-names [your-prod-env-name] --query "Environments[*].CNAME" --output text

Create QA Environment - CLI

We can also clone the environment inside the console

Create a QA environment from a configuration template of the Prod environment.

Retrieve environment ID of Prod environment

aws elasticbeanstalk describe-environments --environment-names [your-prod-env-name] --query "Environments[*].EnvironmentId" --output text


aws elasticbeanstalk describe-environments --environment-names vls-prod-env --query "Environments[*].EnvironmentId" --output text


Create a configuration template from Prod envionment using environment ID from previous step

aws elasticbeanstalk create-configuration-template --application-name VLS --template-name vls-app-v1 --environment-id [environment-id]

Check DNS availability for Prod environment

aws elasticbeanstalk check-dns-availability --cname-prefix [your-preferred-cname]


aws elasticbeanstalk check-dns-availability --cname-prefix vls-qa
    "Available": true, 
    "FullyQualifiedCNAME": ""

Create QA environment using available DNS name from previous step and using configuration template create earlier

aws elasticbeanstalk create-environment \
--application-name VLS \
--environment-name [your-qa-env-name] \
--cname-prefix [your-preferred-cname] \
--template-name vls-app-v1


aws elasticbeanstalk create-environment \
--application-name VLS \
--environment-name vls-qa-env \
--cname-prefix vls-prod \
--template-name vls-app-v1

Deploy Application version 2 to QA environment

First create an application version 2 using latest commit from CodeCommit, SourceLocation being reponame/commit-id, eg: SourceLocation=CICD/ad5810dd453af58c4be659d22e8b80eb9f84f7ed

aws elasticbeanstalk create-application-version \
--application-name VLS \
--version-label v2 --process \
--source-build-information SourceType=Git,SourceRepository=CodeCommit,SourceLocation=[reponame/commit-id]


aws elasticbeanstalk create-application-version \
--application-name VLS \
--version-label v2 --process \
--source-build-information SourceType=Git,SourceRepository=CodeCommit,SourceLocation=CICD/ad5810dd453af58c4be659d22e8b80eb9f84f7ed

Deploy lastest update

aws elasticbeanstalk update-environment --application-name VLS --environment-name [your-qa-env-name] --version-label v2


aws elasticbeanstalk update-environment --application-name VLS --environment-name vls-qa-env --version-label v2

Retrieve evironment DNS and check application on the browser

aws elasticbeanstalk describe-environments --environment-names [your-qa-env-name] --query "Environments[*].CNAME" --output text

Swap Environments Prod to QA to make v2 the active deployment

aws elasticbeanstalk swap-environment-cnames --source-environment-name [your-prod-env-name] --destination-environment-name [your-qa-env-name]