Manual pages structure:
- add references to all external commands mentioned anywhere in the text to the SEE ALSO section
- add related, not explicitly mentioned commands or pages
- the heading levels are validated, underlined text by the following
- mandatory, manual page
- mandatory, sections
- optional, sub-sections
- optional, paragraphs
- mandatory, manual page
- command-specific examples are mostly free of restrictions but should be readable in all output formats (manual page, html)
- subcommands are in alphabetical order
- long command output or shell examples: verbatim output
- use
directive withbash
syntax highlighting
Quotes, reference, element formatting:
- exact syntax: monotype
- reference to arguments: italics
- command reference:
- any system command, example, bold text by directive
:command:`btrfs filesystem show`
- subcommands with their own manual page
- subcommand names should be spelled in full, i.e. filesystem instead of fi
- any system command, example, bold text by directive
- file, directory or path references: by directive
- section references without a label: italics
- section references with a target label: reference by directive
:ref:`visible text <target-label>`
- argument name in option description: caps in angle brackets
- reference in help text: caps
- also possible: caps italics
- reference in help text: caps
- command short description:
- command name: bold (not by directive)
- optional unspecified: brackets
- mandatory argument: angle brackets
- optional parameter with argument:
[-p <path>]
- command name: bold (not by directive)
- add target labels for commands that are referenced and replace command name with the reference target
- NOTE: we have either full doc reference by
or inter-document reference to an unambiguous label:ref:`target-label`
, i.e. this can't reference a label that may appear in more files due to including, this will lead to the document itself that may not be the full page - ambiguous or duplicate labels (that exist in a file that is included from other documents)
need to be
- defined as
.. duplabel:: labelname
- referenced as
:docref:`visible text <document:label>`
- defined as
- generic links can use the free form link syntax with description
`Link text <>`__
(note the double underscore, this is anonymous link and does not create a reference) or plain link that will auto-render to a clickable link - in manual pages: always use full link as it's meant to be read in terminal output and must allow copy&paste
- own manual page references:
, i.e. it's the document name, it will render the section automatically- other manual pages
, the exact name and section number
- add more clickable references rather than less
- custom rules and directives are implemented in :file:`Documentation/`
- version should be formatted like
and clear what project/tool it's related to unless it's obvious from the context
- for notes use
.. note::
directive, is rendered as a separate paragraph and should be used only for important information .. warning::
directive is rendered as a separate paragraph and most likely more visible than NOTE, use for critical information that may cause harm, irreversible state or performance problems- should point reader to other part of documentation to seek more details
- RST and Sphinx Cheatsheet
- RST Cheat Sheet