- 289 [VET-2689] Add support for data source query options
- 285 Add
- 283 [VET-2546] Breaking Change Do not flatten request body nor unflatten response body for
- 281 [VET-2486] Update flat package
- 279 [VET-2486] Update flat package
- 278 [VET-1703] Data source description endpoint
- 276 [VET-2029] Stardog.js changes for automapping service
- 268 [VET-1900] Remove ICV add/remove
- 286 Add
- 284 [VET-2546] Breaking Change Do not flatten request body nor unflatten response body for
- 282 [VET-2486] Update flat package
- 280 [VET-2486] Update flat package
- 275 [VET-1380] Add
- 265 [VET-1472] Implement new data source query API
- 261 Add token auth support
- 254 Remove
API (not supported in Stardog 7) - 253 Add support for importing namespaces from string or file
- 252 Add dataSources API support
- 251 Add cluster API support
- 250 Remove
(not supported in Stardog 7) - 217 Add support for Stardog data model endpoint
- 214 Support updating GraphQL schemas without remove/add
- 209 Add support for importing from file (e.g., CSV) to VG
- 204 Add ability to send properties file on db.create
- 245 Add
- 244 Add
support to graphql execute - 243 Automatically set utf-8 when adding/updating stored query
- 242 Support params in graphql query execution
- 228 Query utils do not correctly handle commented-out prefixes
- 220 Add support for creating/updating virtual graphs with database id
- 210 Add support for streaming "export data" directly to disk
- 197 Add support for new properties on stored queries
- 195 Add support for 'list' endpoint for virtual graphs
- 190 add stored query update method
- 187 Missing icv.report and icv.reportInTransaction functionality
- 186 Types for icv.violationsInTx and icv.validateInTx are wrong
- 183 Fix tests when using Stardog 6.0.1
- 156 Allow some methods to send back response data immediately
- 154 Upgrade fetch-ponyfill
- 180 Update mappings call to support requesting untransformed mappings
- 178 query.executeInTransaction sends update queries to query endpoint
- 173 Upgrade CI configuration to CircleCI v2
- 170 In-browser usage is undocumented
- 169 Typescript problems
- 168 Fix documentation query.execute example
- 162 Typings bug: status type in HTTP.Body should be number, not string
- 158 Resolve security vulnerability in transitive dependency (marked 0.3.6)
- 152 db.add/remove not handling certain content correctly
- 150 Should allow other authorization methods besides 'Basic'
- 148 Typings for Connection are missing the (new)
- 146 Support fetch from behind proxies and/or to endpoints with self-signed certs
- 144 Expose utils for use by consumers of Stardog.js
- 142 Null pointer when query is unknown type
- 139 mimeType issue
- 135 Handle duplicate vars in paths query responses
- 131 Stored Functions
- 130 GraphQL
- 125 Virtual Graph API
- 123 Versioning API
- 120 Graph store protocol
- 117 Support for PATHS query
- 115 ReadMe out of sync with npm repository
- 112 Fix incorrect
param for user.role functions - 110 Query string parameters not sending upstream
- 109 Allow to customize accept header
- 104 Check if user is valid
- 103 ✨ - Flesh out ICV endpoint and consolidate its tests
- 102 ✨ - Add reasoning endpoints and tests as part of #85
- 101 Get a single user
- 97 Function parameter documentation
- 95 HTTP Body
- 88 SPARQL Updates
- 82 Expose More Headers
- 78 Tests for "graph" queries
- 75 Missing Calls
- 70 Normalize Create Methods
- 65 End of Life "develop" branch
- 61 Prettier
- 60 Changelog
- 59 Clean up .npmignore
- 58 Migrate to ESLint Airbnb style
- 57 End of Life GH Pages
- 55 End of Life Bower
- 54 Lodash
- 53 CI Integration
- 52 Test Migration
- 51 Documentation
- 50 Typedefs
- 49 Rollup integration
- 48 Error handling
- 47 isomorphic-fetch
- 37 Call to
is returning a fixed set of namespaces - 33 Implement Query Management API
- 32 (feature req) Specifying reasoning level per-query
- 31 problem with Running Tests in the browser
- 30 simple test problem in browser
- 29 browser problemswith tests on windows
- 26 Async: false option