This is a map of all of the Rocket.Chat Documentation articles
Here you can also find what articles are incomplete and missing.
Red Colored Text means that this article is missing from the documentation and need to be added.
Orange Colored Text means that this article is in the documentation but is incomplete or outdated.
<style> span.missing { color: red; } span.missing a { color: red; } span.incomplete { color: orange; } span.incomplete a { color: orange; } </style>-
- Developing
- Google Summer of Code
- Promoting
- Reporting Issues
- Security:
- Responsible Disclosure Policy
- Translating
Getting Support
Rocket.Chat Cloud
PaaS Deployments:
- Aliyun
- Digital Ocean
- DPlatform
- Galaxy
- Google Computer Engine
- Heroku
- IBM Bluemix
- IndieHosters
- Koozali
- Layershift
- OpenShift
- ReadySpace
- Scalingo
- WeDeploy
Docker containers:
- Generic Linux
- systemd
- High Availability Install
- Available Images
- Docker Compose
Manual Installation:
- CentOS
- Debian
- MacOSX
- Multiple Instances to Improve Performance
- Migrating Meteor Mongo
- OpenSUSE
- RedHat
- Ubuntu:
- Snaps:
- AutoSSl
- Snaps:
- Mongo Options
- Configuring SSL Reverse Proxy
- PM2, Systemd, Upstart
- Running in a sub folder
Automation tools:
- Ansible
- Openshift
- Vagrant
Mobile and Desktop Apps
- From 0.x.x to 0.40.0
Minimum Requirements
Community Supported Install:
- FreeBSD
- Universal
- Windows 10 Pro
- Windows Server:
- FreeBSD
User guides:
- Connecting to a Server
- Registration
- Login
- Channels
- Messaging
- Channel Actions
- Managing your Account
- Voice and Video Calls
Administrator guides:
- Account Settings
- Analytics
- Auto Translation
- Authentication:
- Customizing the UI:
- Custom Emoji
- Custom Fields
- Custom Sounds
- Database-Migration
- Email:
- Setup
- Editing Emails Content
- Mailer
- Direct Reply
- File Upload:
- Amazon S3
- Google Cloud Storage
- Minio
- GridFS
- Local File System
- General Settings
- Hubot
- Import:
- HipChat:
- Cloud
- Enterprise
- Slack:
- SlackBridge
- Integrations:
- Zapier:
- Using Zaps
- Azure Alerts
- BitBucket
- Giphy
- GitHub
- GitLab
- Google-Calendar
- Guggy
- Jenkins
- Jira
- NewRelic
- nixstats
- Osticket
- PagerDuty
- Prometheus
- ReviewBoard
- RunDeck
- Sentry
- Telegram
- Travis CI
- Trello
- uptimerobot
- Zapier:
- Jitsi Video Bridge
- Livechat:
- Livechat Queues
- Notifications:
- Push Notifications
- Permissions
- Plug-ins:
- Drupal
- Pidgin
- Create the First Admin
- Restoring an Admin
- Settings Via Env Vars
Developer guides:
- Quick Start
- Branches and Releases
- Code Styleguide:
- Deeplink
- Deprecation
- Iframe Integration:
- Authentication
- Commands
- Events
- Embedded Layout
- Internationalization
- Livechat API
- Mobile Apps
- Supporting SSL
- Supported Servers Versions
- Realtime-API:
- Method Calls:
- Login
- Logout
- Register User
- Get User Roles
- List Custom Emoji
- Load History
- Get Room Roles
- Get Subscriptions
- Get Rooms
- Get Public Settings
- Get Permissions
- User Presence
- Notify Room Stream
- Create Direct Message
- Send Message
- Delete Message
- Update Message
- Pin Message
- Unpin Message
- Set Reaction
- Create Channels
- Create Private Groups
- Delete Rooms
- Archive Rooms
- Unarchive Rooms
- Joining Channels
- Leaving Rooms
- Hiding Rooms
- Opening Rooms
- Favoriting Rooms
- Save Room Settings
- Subscriptions:
- Stream Notify All
- Stream Notify User
- Stream Notify Room
- Stream Room Messages
- The Message Object
- The Room Object
- Livechat API:
- getInitialData
- registerGuest
- sendMessageLivechat
- sendOfflineMessage
- Rest API:
- Assets:
- setAsset
- unsetAsset
- Authentication:
- forgotPassword
- login
- logout
- me
- Channels:
- addAll
- addLeader
- addModerator
- addOwner
- archive
- close
- counters
- create
- delete
- files
- getAllUserMentionsByChannel
- getIntegrations
- history
- info
- invite
- join
- kick
- leave
- list.joined
- list
- members
- moderators
- messages
- online
- open
- removeLeader
- removeModerator
- removeOwner
- rename
- roles
- setAnnouncement
- setCustomFields
- setDefault
- setDescription
- setJoinCode
- setPurpose
- setReadOnly
- SetTopic
- setType
- unarchive
- Chat:
- delete
- getMessage
- getMessageReadReceipts
- pinMessage
- postMessage
- react
- reportMessage
- search
- starMessage
- sendMessage
- unPinMessage
- unStarMessage
- update
- Commands:
- get
- list
- run -Emoji Custom:
- get
- Groups:
- addAll
- addLeader
- addModerator
- addOwner
- archive
- close
- counters
- create
- delete
- files
- getIntegrations
- history
- info
- invite
- kick
- leave
- list
- listAll
- members
- messages
- moderators
- open
- removeLeader
- removeModerator
- removeOwner
- rename
- roles
- setAnnouncement
- setCustomFields
- setDescription
- setPurpose
- setReadOnly
- SetTopic
- setType
- unarchive
- Im:
- close
- counters
- create
- files
- history
- list.everyone
- list
- members
- messages
- messages.others
- open
- setTopic
- Integration:
- create
- history
- list
- remove
- Livechat:
- agent
- config
- custom-fields
- department
- message
- room
- sms-incoming
- users
- video-call
- Miscellaneous:
- directory
- info
- shield.svg
- spotlight
- statistics
- statistics.list
- Permissions:
- list-all
- update
- Roles:
- create
- list
- addUserToRole
- Push:
- push.token
- deletePushToken
- Rooms:
- cleanHistory
- favorite
- get
- info
- leave
- saveNotification
- upload
- Settings:
- get
- update
- oauth
- Subscriptions:
- get
- getOne
- read
- unread
- Users:
- create
- createToken
- delete
- deleteOwnAccount
- forgotPassword
- generatePersonalAccessToken
- getAvatar
- getPersonalAccessTokens
- getPresence
- get-preferences
- getUsernameSuggestion
- info
- list
- regeneratePersonalAccessToken
- register
- removePersonalAccessToken
- resetAvatar
- setAvatar
- set-preferences
- setActiveStatus
- update
- updateOwnBasicInfo
- Video Conference:
- jitsi-update-timeout
- Offset and Count and Sort Info
- Rate Limiter
- Query and Fields Info
- Personal Access Tokens
- Schema Definition
- Testing
- Troubleshooting
- UI and Theming:
- Colors
- Components
- Themes
- GraphQL API:
- Authentication
- Schema
- Subscription
- Method Calls:
- Bots FAQ
- Bots Architecture
- Creating Bot Users
- Configure Bot Environment
- Running a bBot Bot
- Running a Hubot Bot
- Running a Botkit Bot
- Running a Rasa Bot
- Running a Botpress Bot
Community Cookbook:
- Remote Video Monitoring