The system should be split up in the following separate levels of respoinsibility
- [dir] Master Directory and Discovery (possibly in distributed implementation)
- [mngr] Service Connector & Enabler
- [editor] Service Editor & Provisioning
- [comm] Communication Service
The interplay of things is such
client (asks) | service | (to perform) actions |
mngr | dir(@discovered) | retrieve a list of available (other) managers and their listed services / connection opportunities |
mngr | editor | retrieve list of available service definitions |
mngr | mngr(@peer) | exchange connection params (ip/ports) during connection setup leading to comm creation |
mngr | comm | instantiation (not a real service call) |
browser | mngr | deploy services (using service defintions) and connect to others |
browser | mngr | download *.s2e definition file associated to established connection |
browser | editor | create service definitions |
browser | comm | debug and status-checks |
comm | comm(@peer) | exchange messages & check connection health (heartbeat) |
scratch2 | comm | call messaging + poll en reset |
Building up the complete system from the bottom up. Describing the service contracts each of these components should build up.
Based on a config object describing:
- connection details of local ports and connection peer (ip/hostname + port)
- the messaging layout to support (messages, arguments, reported states)
.. it is the responsibility of this component to enable the actual communication and implement the extension hook towards scratch.
To this purpose this service will open
- a communication channel to the actual assigned peer
- a separate local port on which it communicates through HTTP with
- the local user for debug/inspection purposes (/admin >> UI)
- the local scratch instance for implementation of both
- the standard scratch contract (/poll /reset_all)
- the actual configured messaging service
Note - Security Since these last aspects can be shut off to only localhost - the protocol binding could be on (disabling messages from outside)
However, that will force to use another communication mechanism (sockets) to actually receive/send the messages to/from the connected peer.
Note - Dependency Mocking The config object will evemtually be passed down from the [mngr] (who got some of it from the [editor]) - we can foresee a mock-hardwired file of these settings to get us started without those higher-level-functionality-beasts being ready.
POST /receive with json BODY: { call: "message-id", args: [...] }
GET /hbeat to check if the other end is still awake
- GET /admin returns HTML service-home page with links to other :
and if available/possible: a link-back to the [mngr] (see further)
GET /admin/debug returns HTML page that regularly (in auto mode) or upon request (in manual mode) show the return of the /poll request
POST /admin/reset trigger scratch reset message
POST /admin/disconnect closes down the service
GET /admin/extension.json produces the generated scratch-extension-service.json note: by using Content-Disposition Header, we should be able to specify a generated specific filename with *.s2e extension
- GET /poll
TODO: body describing state vars, wait ids, communication vars, erros,...
GET /reset_all
GET /call_{xyz}/:{arg0}/:{arg1}/...
possibly will need some variants :
- for request-response services /call_xyz-request versus /call_xyz-response
- for queued services a /call_xyz-ack to adcance the read-pointer
Gerenal idea: a single page (browser-side) js-UI component that allows editing the essential elements of the actual communication-config elements + a REST API to persist and manage those. (persistence as simple json on disk should suffice)
Have to give the content-model some further more thought, but seems to be that each service-config is a set of
- abstract service name --> recycle into filename for storage
- messages/signals to communicate and their arguments
- GET /_services/ >> listing
- PUT /_services/:servicename
- GET /_services/:servicename
- DELETE /_services/:configname
- GET /_editor/index.html
- GET /_editor/css/main.css
- GET /_editor/js/ui.js
Together these provide a browser based client to actually manage and edit the service-descriptions through the above REST API
This service will allow to
- be inspected: reporting and transferring its presence, id, services, connections, ...
- select a service-scheme (from the editor) and publish it as an available service
- accept a communication peer (only one per service)
- instantiate/create the actual communication service instance
- link up to a communication peer and connect up to an available service
- heartbeat-check its connected peer(s)
- report its connection status (peer identification and heartbeat status)
Using polo we could build a mechanism to detect locally running members of the gang. Through some master-selection mechanism these could agree on a central point through which the various manager instances can communicate the availability of new connection-peers and/or service-descriptions.