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177 lines (175 loc) · 35.3 KB

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177 lines (175 loc) · 35.3 KB

Currently supported operations

Minimal tested opset version 9, maximum tested opset version 15, recommended opset version 13

Operation type Supported Restrictions
Abs Y
Acos Y
Acosh N
Add Y
And Y
ArgMax N
ArgMin N
Asin Y
Asinh N
Atan Y
Atanh N
AveragePool Y Average pool operation with spatial rank > 3 is not implemented
BatchNormalization Y BatchNorm operation with spatial rank > 3 is not implemented. BatchNorm nodes in training mode are not supported
BitShift N
Cast Y
Ceil Y
Clip Y Dynamic value of min/max is not implemented
Compress N
Concat Y
ConcatFromSequence N
Constant Y
ConstantOfShape Y Parameter "value" must be scalar
Conv Y Convolution operation with spatial rank > 3 is not implemented
ConvInteger N
ConvTranspose Y Convolution operation with spatial rank > 3 is not implemented
Cos Y
Cosh N
CumSum Y
DepthToSpace N
DequantizeLinear N
Det N
Div Y
Dropout Y
Einsum Y
Elu Y
Equal Y
Erf Y
Exp Y
Expand Y
EyeLike N
Flatten Y
Floor Y
Gather Y
GatherElements Y
GatherND N
Gemm Y
GlobalAveragePool Y
GlobalLpPool N
GlobalMaxPool N
Greater Y
GridSample N
HardSigmoid Y
Hardmax N
Identity Y
If N
InstanceNormalization N
IsInf N
LeakyRelu Y
Less Y
Log Y
Loop N
LpNormalization N
LpPool N
MatMul Y
MatMulInteger N
Max Y
MaxPool Y Max pool operation with spatial rank > 3 is not implemented
MaxRoiPool N
MaxUnpool N
Mean Y
Min Y
Mod N
Mul Y
Multinomial N
Neg Y
NonMaxSuppression Y
NonZero N
Not Y
OneHot N
Optional N
OptionalGetElement N
OptionalHasElement N
Or Y
PRelu Y
Pad Y Padding is implemented to pad the last 3 dimensions of 5D input tensor, or the last 2 dimensions of 4D input tensor, or the last dimension of 3D input tensor
Pow Y
QLinearConv N
QLinearMatMul N
QuantizeLinear N
RandomNormal N
RandomNormalLike N
RandomUniform N
RandomUniformLike N
Reciprocal Y
ReduceL1 Y
ReduceL2 Y
ReduceLogSum Y
ReduceLogSumExp Y
ReduceMax Y
ReduceMean Y
ReduceMin Y
ReduceProd Y
ReduceSum Y
ReduceSumSquare Y
Relu Y
Reshape Y Parameter "allowzero" = 1 is not implemented
Resize Y Roi logic is not implemented (pytorch's interpolate cannot resize channel or batch dimensions)
ReverseSequence N
RoiAlign Y Only "avg" mode is supported
Round Y
Scan N
Scatter(deprecated) N
ScatterElements N
ScatterND Y
Selu Y Parameters "alpha" and "gamma" must be default
SequenceAt N
SequenceConstruct N
SequenceEmpty N
SequenceErase N
SequenceInsert N
SequenceLength N
Shape Y
Shrink N
Sigmoid Y
Sign Y
Sin Y
Sinh N
Size N
Slice Y
Softplus Y
Softsign Y
SpaceToDepth N
Split Y
SplitToSequence N
Sqrt Y
Squeeze Y
StringNormalizer N
Sub Y
Sum Y
Tan Y
Tanh Y
TfIdfVectorizer N
ThresholdedRelu N
Tile Y
TopK Y
Transpose Y
Trilu N
Unique N
Unsqueeze Y
Upsample(deprecated) N
Where Y
Xor Y
Function N
Bernoulli N
CastLike N
Celu Y
DynamicQuantizeLinear N
GreaterOrEqual Y
HardSwish Y
LessOrEqual Y
LogSoftmax Y
MeanVarianceNormalization N
NegativeLogLikelihoodLoss N
Range Y
SequenceMap N
Softmax Y