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73d5b56 · Mar 20, 2020


This branch is 3 commits ahead of, 375 commits behind cantaloupe-project/cantaloupe:develop.


About This Folder

Inside each platform-specific folder is a lib folder containing the Kakadu shared library needed by KakaduNativeProcessor. See the user manual -> Processors section -> KakaduNativeProcessor section for setup steps.


All of the software in this directory tree is distributed under a Kakadu Public Service License, which means that it may only be used for non-commercial purposes that are solely for the public good. See the Kakadu License Terms document for detailed terms of use.

Build Info


The Linux binaries were compiled on CentOS 7 x86 64-bit with gcc 4.8.5.

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java
cd coresys/make
make -f Makefile-Linux-x86-64-gcc
cd ../../managed/make
make -f Makefile-Linux-x86-64-gcc
cd ../../lib/Linux-x86-64-gcc

# Builds `` & ``
# Java class files are in `../../../java/kdu_jni`


The macOS binaries were compiled on macOS 10.13.4 with xcodebuild and clang 902.0.39.1, for target x86_64-apple-darwin17.5.0.

cd managed
xcodebuild -project managed.xcodeproj -target kdu_jni -configuration Release clean
xcodebuild -project managed.xcodeproj -target kdu_jni -configuration Release

# Resulting binaries are in ../../bin
# Java class files are in ../../java/kdu_jni

(Future note: for Catalina, add -UseModernBuildSystem=NO to the xcodebuild commands.)


The Windows binaries were compiled on Windows 7 SP1 64-bit with Visual Studio Community 2015.

Build Steps

  1. Install the JDK
  2. Install Visual Studio with the Microsoft Foundation Classes for C++ component
  3. Build coresys
    1. Open coresys\coresys_2015
    2. Retarget solution to the 8.1 platform version
    3. Build with Release configuration & x64 platform
  4. Build kdu_jni
    1. Open managed\kdu_managed_2015
    2. Add the JDK headers to the include path
      1. Right-click on the kdu_jni solution
      2. Go to Properties -> VC++ Directories -> Include Directories
      3. Add jdk-x.x.x\include and jdk-x.x.x\include\win32 paths to JDK headers
    3. Retarget solution to the 8.1 platform version
    4. Build with Release configuration & x64 platform

The resulting files are in ..\..\bin_x64:

  • kdu_v80R.dll
  • kdu_a80R.dll
  • kdu_jni.dll