Make <fuddly data folder>/user_{projects,data_models,targets,info} na…
Make <fuddly data folder>/user_{projects,data_models,targets,info} na…
Add documentation for installing fuddly
Add documentation for installing fuddly
[FMK] Optimize FmkPlumbing.set_feedback_timeout()
[FMK] Optimize FmkPlumbing.set_feedback_timeout()
[API] Take into account change of data maker parameters in send* comm…
[API] Take into account change of data maker parameters in send* comm…
Fix Term() to avoid BrokenPipeError on a CTRL-C
Fix Term() to avoid BrokenPipeError on a CTRL-C
[DM] New keyword to customize import from external data model
[DM] New keyword to customize import from external data model
Revert change on ModelWalker that triggers redundancy when dealing wi…
Revert change on ModelWalker that triggers redundancy when dealing wi…
[fuddly shell completion] add completion for show_scenario
[fuddly shell completion] add completion for show_scenario
Fix Node.add() not setting its own Env() on the added node
Fix Node.add() not setting its own Env() on the added node
[fuddly conf] Add update_config() + New conf param for auto-completion
[fuddly conf] Add update_config() + New conf param for auto-completion
[fuddly shell completion] add completion for show_generators and show…
[fuddly shell completion] add completion for show_generators and show…
[fuddly shell completion] don't display any param documentation when …
[fuddly shell completion] don't display any param documentation when …
[UI] the fuddly shell supports now completion within some commands
[UI] the fuddly shell supports now completion within some commands
Load sample files from current project to populate associated DMs
Load sample files from current project to populate associated DMs
[utils/Term] Make more generic the way to provide a title to the term…
[utils/Term] Make more generic the way to provide a title to the term…
[CLI] command 'show' displays new information
[CLI] command 'show' displays new information
[CLI] Implement new command show
[CLI] Implement new command show
Documentation: Update screenshot wrt. Director() renaming
Documentation: Update screenshot wrt. Director() renaming
API change: Disruptors are now renamed Operators
API change: Disruptors are now renamed Operators