diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
index 3b2c241..f5b6453 100644
--- a/Rakefile
+++ b/Rakefile
@@ -26,6 +26,13 @@ namespace :test do
     sandbox_dir = File.join "test", "tmp"
     rm_rf sandbox_dir
+  desc "run a DEBUG test run after cleaning"
+  task :debug => :clean do
+    ENV["DEBUG"] = "1"
+    Rake::Task["test"].invoke
+  end
 task :default => :test
diff --git a/lib/code_extractor.rb b/lib/code_extractor.rb
index 2da318e..2823b72 100644
--- a/lib/code_extractor.rb
+++ b/lib/code_extractor.rb
@@ -2,77 +2,488 @@
 # Class to extract files and folders from a git repository, while maintaining
 # The git history.
-class CodeExtractor
-  attr_reader :extraction
-  def self.run
-    new.extract
+module CodeExtractor
+  def run
+    Runner.new.run
+  module_function :run
-  def initialize(extraction = 'extractions.yml')
-    @extraction = YAML.load_file(extraction)
-    @extraction[:upstream_branch] ||= "master"
+  class Config
+    def initialize(config_file = 'extractions.yml')
+      @config = YAML.load_file(config_file)
-    missing = %i[name destination upstream upstream_name extractions].reject { |k| @extraction[k] }
-    raise ArgumentError, "#{missing.map(&:inspect).join(", ")} key(s) missing" if missing.any?
+      @config[:destination]       = File.expand_path(@config[:destination])
+      @config[:upstream_branch] ||= "master"
-    @extraction[:destination] = File.expand_path(@extraction[:destination])
-  end
+      validate!
+    end
-  def extract
-    puts @extraction
-    clone
-    extract_branch
-    remove_remote
-    remove_tags
-    filter_branch
-  end
+    def [](key)
+      @config[key]
+    end
-  def clone
-    return if Dir.exist?(@extraction[:destination])
-    puts 'Cloning…'
-    system "git clone -o upstream #{@extraction[:upstream]} #{@extraction[:destination]}"
-  end
+    def inspect
+      @config.inspect
+    end
+    alias to_s inspect
-  def extract_branch
-    puts 'Extracting Branch…'
-    Dir.chdir(@extraction[:destination])
-    branch = "extract_#{@extraction[:name]}"
-    `git checkout #{@extraction[:upstream_branch]}`
-    `git fetch upstream && git rebase upstream/master`
-    if system("git branch | grep #{branch}")
-      `git branch -D #{branch}`
-    end
-    `git checkout -b #{branch}`
-    extractions = @extraction[:extractions].join(' ')
-    `git rm -r #{extractions}`
-    `git commit -m "Extract #{@extraction[:name]}"`
+    def validate!
+      missing = %i[name destination upstream upstream_name extractions].reject { |k| @config[k] }
+      raise ArgumentError, "#{missing.map(&:inspect).join(", ")} key(s) missing" if missing.any?
+    end
-  def remove_remote
-    `git remote rm upstream`
-  end
+  class GitProject
+    attr_reader :name, :url, :git_dir, :new_branch, :source_branch, :target_name, :upstream_name
+    def initialize name, url
+      @name   = name
+      @url    = url
+    end
+    def clone_to destination, origin_name = "upstream"
+      @git_dir ||= destination
+      if Dir.exist?(git_dir)
+        raise "Not a git dir!" unless system "git -C #{git_dir} status"
+      else
+        puts 'Cloning…'
+        system "git clone --origin #{origin_name} #{url} #{git_dir}"
+      end
+    end
+    def extract_branch source_branch, new_branch, extractions
+      puts 'Extracting Branch…'
+      @new_branch    = new_branch
+      @source_branch = source_branch
+      Dir.chdir git_dir do
+        `git checkout #{source_branch}`
+        `git fetch upstream && git rebase upstream/#{source_branch}`
+        if system("git branch | grep #{new_branch}")
+          `git branch -D #{new_branch}`
+        end
+        `git checkout -b #{new_branch}`
+        `git rm -r #{extractions}`
+        `git commit -m "Extract #{name}"`
+      end
+    end
+    def remove_remote
+      Dir.chdir git_dir do
+        `git remote rm upstream`
+      end
+    end
+    def remove_tags
+      puts 'removing tags'
+      Dir.chdir git_dir do
+        tags = `git tag`
+        tags.split.each do |tag|
+          puts "Removing tag #{tag}"
+          `git tag -d #{tag}`
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    def extract_commits extractions, upstream_name
+      Dir.chdir git_dir do
+        `time git filter-branch --index-filter '
+        git read-tree --empty
+        git reset $GIT_COMMIT -- #{extractions}
+        ' #{msg_filter upstream_name} -- #{source_branch} -- #{extractions}`
+      end
+    end
+    # Three step process to filter out the commits we want in three passes:
+    #
+    #   - Move code we want to keep into a separate tmp dir (using @prune_script)
+    #   - Prune anything that isn't in that subdirectory
+    #   - Move the tmp directory back into the root of the directory
+    #
+    #
+    # Note:  We don't use `--subdirectory-filter` here as it will remove merge
+    # commits, which we don't want.
+    #
+    def prune_commits extractions, upstream_name
+      puts "Pruning commits…"
+      @upstream_name ||= upstream_name
+      build_prune_script extractions
+      Dir.chdir git_dir do
+        `git checkout -b #{prune_branch} #{@source_branch}`
+        `git filter-branch -f --prune-empty --tree-filter #{@prune_script} #{msg_filter upstream_name} HEAD`
+        `git filter-branch -f --prune-empty --index-filter '
+            git read-tree --empty
+            git reset $GIT_COMMIT -- #{@keep_directory}
+          ' HEAD`
+        `git filter-branch -f --prune-empty --tree-filter 'mv #{@keep_directory}/* .' HEAD`
+      end
+    end
+    def add_target_remote target_name, target_remote
+      puts "Add target repo as a remote…"
+      @target_name = target_name
+      Dir.chdir git_dir do
+        `git remote add #{target_remote_name} #{target_remote}`
+        `git fetch #{target_remote_name}`
+      end
+    end
+    # "Inject" commits one repo's branch back into the target repo's
+    #
+    # Assuming the target remote has been added (see add_target_remote), this
+    # method does so by doing the following to achieve the "injected" history:
+    #
+    # 1. Filters commits that already exist in the target repo.  Additionally,
+    # the last commit that is shared between the two is actually used as the
+    # "root" commit for the injected commits.  The rest are assumed to be new
+    # from the new repository.
+    #
+    # The "root" commit has it's commit message modified to reflect this
+    # change.
+    #
+    # The other part of the filter branch also applies the changes so they
+    # exist within in context the target codebase, and not just in isolation
+    # for itself (hence the `git reset #{@reference_target_branch} -- .` bit).
+    # The changes from the upstream repo are then applied on top of the
+    # existing code base.
+    #
+    # 2. A new branch is checked out that is based off the target remote's
+    # target branch, but does not track that branch.
+    #
+    # 3. The commits that have been filtered are cherry-picked on to this new
+    # branch, and the "root" commit assumes the parent of the current HEAD of
+    # the target remote's (master) branch
+    #
+    def inject_commits target_base_branch
+      puts "Injecting commits…"
+      target_base_branch     ||= 'master'
+      @reference_target_branch = "#{target_remote_name}/#{target_base_branch}"
+      Dir.chdir git_dir do
+        `git checkout #{prune_branch}`
+        # special commit that will get renamed re-worded to:
+        #
+        #   Re-insert extractions from #{upstream_name}
+        #
+        last_extracted_commit = previously_extracted_commits.first
+        first_injected_msg    = `git show -s --format="%s%n%n%b" #{last_extracted_commit}`
+        first_injected_msg    = first_injected_msg.lines.reject { |line|
+                                  line.include? commit_msg_filter
+                                }.join
+        # Fetch "committer data" from the `last_extracted_commit` in a bar
+        # delimited format.  Fetches the following data from the commit:
+        #
+        #  - Author Name
+        #  - Author Email
+        #  - Author Date of commit
+        #  - Committer Name
+        #  - Committer Email
+        #  - Committer Date of commit
+        #
+        committer_data = `git show -s --format="%an|%ae|%ad|%cn|%ce|%cd" #{last_extracted_commit}`.split("|")
+        first_injected_msg.prepend <<-COMMIT_MSG.gsub(/^ {10}/, '')
+          Re-insert extractions from #{upstream_name}
+          *** Original Commit message shown below ***
+          Author:    #{committer_data[0]} #{committer_data[1]} #{committer_data[2]}
+          Committer: #{committer_data[3]} #{committer_data[4]} #{committer_data[5]}
+        COMMIT_MSG
+        File.write File.expand_path("../LAST_EXTRACTED_COMMIT_MSG", git_dir), first_injected_msg
+        `git checkout --no-track -b #{inject_branch} #{prune_branch}`
+        `time git filter-branch -f --commit-filter '
+          export was_extracted="#{previously_extracted_commits.map {|c| "#{c}|" }.join}"
+          echo "#{last_extracted_commit}" > #{File.expand_path("../LAST_EXTRACTED_COMMIT", git_dir)}
+          if [ "$GIT_COMMIT" = "#{last_extracted_commit}" ] || [ -n "${was_extracted##*$GIT_COMMIT|*}"  ]; then
+            git commit-tree "$@";
+          else
+            skip_commit "$@";
+          fi
+        ' --env-filter '
+          if [ "$GIT_COMMIT" = "#{last_extracted_commit}" ]; then
+            GIT_AUTHOR_NAME=$(git config user.name)
+            GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=$(git config user.email)
+            GIT_COMMITTER_NAME=$(git config user.name)
+            GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL=$(git config user.email)
+          fi
+        ' --msg-filter '
+          if [ "$GIT_COMMIT" = "#{last_extracted_commit}" ]; then
+            cat #{File.expand_path File.join("..", "LAST_EXTRACTED_COMMIT_MSG"), git_dir}
+          else
+            cat -
+          fi
+        ' -- #{inject_branch}`
+        # Old (bad:  doesn't handle merges)
+        #
+        # `git checkout --no-track -b #{inject_branch} #{@reference_target_branch}`
+        # `git cherry-pick ..#{prune_branch}`
+        #
+        #
+        # Attempted #1 (not working, but uses older `git` methods)
+        #
+        # `git checkout --orphan #{inject_branch}`
+        # `git commit -m "Dummy Init commit"`
+        # orphan_commit = `git log --pretty="%H" -n1`.chomp
+        # prune_first   = `git log --pretty="%H" --reverse -n1 #{prune_branch}`.chomp
+        # `git rebase --onto #{orphan_commit} #{prune_first} #{inject_branch}`
+        # `git replace #{orphan_commit} #{@reference_target_branch}`
+        #
+        #
+        # Better
+        #
+        # Ref:  git rebase --onto code_extractor_inject_the_extracted --root
+        #
+        # Grafting Testing
+        #
+        graft_parent_commit = false
+        if graft_parent_commit
+          # Attempt #1
+          #
+          # orphan_branch = "code_extractor_orphan_branch_#{Time.now.to_i}"
+          # `git checkout --orphan #{orphan_branch}`
+          # `git rm -rf ./*`
+          # `git commit --allow-empty -m "Empty Commit"`
+          # `git rebase --rebase-merges=rebase-cousins --root --onto #{orphan_branch} #{inject_branch}`
+          #
+          # Attempt #2
+          #
+          # `git replace --graft fe8c6c6228 250a0b46fb05ad5891d442745b93543c38ee0914`
+          `git checkout -b old_base #{graft_parent_commit}`
+          `git checkout #{inject_branch}` # TODO:  needed?
+          `git rebase --rebase-merges=rebase-cousins --onto old_base #{inject_branch}`
+          `git merge --no-ff #{@reference_target_branch}`
+        else
+          `git rebase --rebase-merges=rebase-cousins --root --onto #{@reference_target_branch} #{inject_branch}`
+        end
+      end
+    end
-  def remove_tags
-    puts 'removing tags'
-    tags = `git tag`
-    tags.split.each do |tag|
-      puts "Removing tag #{tag}"
-      `git tag -d #{tag}`
+    def run_extra_cmds cmds
+      Dir.chdir git_dir do
+        cmds.each { |cmd| system cmd } if cmds
+      end
+    end
+    private
+    def target_remote_name
+      @target_remote_name ||= "code_extractor_target_for_#{name}"
+    end
+    def prune_branch
+      @prune_branch ||= "code_extractor_prune_#{name}"
+    end
+    alias prune_commits_remote prune_branch
+    def inject_branch
+      @inject_branch ||= "code_extractor_inject_#{name}"
+    end
+    alias inject_remote inject_branch
+    # Given a list of extractions, build a script that will move a list of
+    # files (extractions) from their current location in a given commit to a
+    # unused directory.
+    #
+    # More complicated than it looks, this will be used as part of a three part
+    # `git filter-branch` to:
+    #
+    #   1. move extractable files into a subdirectory with `--tree-filter`
+    #   2. only keep commits for files moved into that subdirectory
+    #   3. make the subdirectory the new project root.
+    #
+    # For consistency, we want to keep the subdirectories' structure in the
+    # same line as what was there previously, so this script helps do that, and
+    # also creates directories/files when they don't exist.
+    #
+    # Returns `true` at the end of the script incase the last `mv` fails (the
+    # source doesn't exist in this commit, for example)
+    #
+    def build_prune_script extractions
+      require 'set'
+      require 'fileutils'
+      @keep_directory = "code_extractor_git_keeps_#{Time.now.to_i}"
+      git_log_follow  = "git log --name-only --format=format: --follow"
+      prune_mkdirs    = Set.new
+      prune_mvs       = []
+      Dir.chdir git_dir do
+        `git checkout #{source_branch}`
+        extractions.each do |file_or_dir|
+          if Dir.exist? file_or_dir
+            files = Dir["#{file_or_dir}/**/*"]
+          else
+            files = [file_or_dir]
+          end
+          files.each do |extraction_file|
+            raw_file_history   = `#{git_log_follow} -- #{extraction_file}`
+            file_and_ancestors = raw_file_history.split("\n").uniq
+            file_and_ancestors.reject! { |file| file.length == 0 }
+            file_and_ancestors.each do |file|
+              file_dir = File.dirname file
+              prune_mkdirs.add file_dir
+              prune_mvs << [file, "#{@keep_directory}/#{file_dir}"]
+            end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      @prune_script = File.join Dir.pwd, "code_extractor_#{name}_prune_script.sh"
+      File.open @prune_script, "w" do |script|
+        prune_mkdirs.each do |dir|
+          script.puts "mkdir -p #{File.join @keep_directory, dir}"
+        end
+        script.puts
+        prune_mvs.each do |(file, dir)|
+          script.puts "mv #{file} #{dir} 2>/dev/null"
+        end
+        script.puts
+        script.puts "true"
+      end
+      FileUtils.chmod "+x", @prune_script
+    end
+    def commit_msg_filter
+      @commit_msg_filter ||= "(transferred from #{target_name}@"
+    end
+    def previously_extracted_commits
+      return @previously_extracted_commits if defined? @previously_extracted_commits
+      @previously_extracted_commits = `git log --pretty="%H" --grep="#{commit_msg_filter}"`.lines
+      # Fallback if the extracted code didn't use `code-extractor`
+      #
+      # Effectivelly, we just look for commits that exist in the upstream
+      # branch with the same first line of the commit message, and if that is
+      # found, double check the file changes are the same.
+      #
+      # Not fool proof, but the SHAs will be different unfortunately, so can't
+      # match on that...
+      #
+      first_commit = @previously_extracted_commits.first
+      if first_commit
+        @previously_extracted_commits.each(&:chomp!)
+      else
+        # Long method...
+        #
+        # Test to see if any commit on the target remote include the same full
+        # message as each of the commits.
+        #
+        # Check first by first line of commit for speed, and return just the
+        # matching git SHAs and Author name.  If some exist, then match by full
+        # commit msg.
+        #
+        # fetch author name (%an) and commit sha (%H), using a '|' delimeter
+        #
+        @previously_extracted_commits = `git log --pretty="%an|%H"`.lines.each(&:chomp!)
+        @previously_extracted_commits.map! {|line| line.split "|" }
+        @previously_extracted_commits.tap do |commits|
+          commits.select! do |(author, commit)|
+            # Make sure to escape quotes in commit messages
+            #upstream_msg   = `git show -s --format="%s" #{commit}`.gsub /"/, '\"'
+            #target_commits = `git log --pretty="%H" \
+            #                          --author="#{author}" \
+            #                          --grep="#{upstream_msg.chomp}" \
+            #                          #{@reference_target_branch}`.lines.each(&:chomp!)
+            #
+            target_commits = `git log --pretty="%H" --fixed-strings \
+                                      --author="#{author}" \
+                                      --grep="$(git show -s --format="%s" #{commit} | sed 's/"/\\\\"/g')" \
+                                      #{@reference_target_branch}`.lines.each(&:chomp!)
+            if target_commits.empty?
+              false
+            else
+              upstream_full_msg = `git show -s --format="%s%n%n%b" #{commit}`
+              upstream_full_msg.gsub! /^\(transferred from #{upstream_name}@.*$/, ''
+              # TODO:  Change this to a `.one?` check, and if this fails, and
+              # there is more than one, then compare changed file base names...
+              # which is harder still...
+              target_commits.any? do |target_commit|
+                target_full_msg = `git show -s --format="%s%n%n%b" #{target_commit}`
+                target_full_msg.gsub! /^\(transferred from #{upstream_name}@.*$/, ''
+                upstream_full_msg.strip == target_full_msg.strip
+              end
+            end
+          end
+          commits.map!(&:last)
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    def msg_filter upstream_name
+      <<-MSG_FILTER.gsub(/^ {8}/, '').chomp
+        --msg-filter '
+        cat -
+        echo
+        echo
+        echo "(transferred from #{upstream_name}@$GIT_COMMIT)"
+        '
-  def filter_branch
-    extractions = @extraction[:extractions].join(' ')
-    `time git filter-branch --index-filter '
-    git read-tree --empty
-    git reset $GIT_COMMIT -- #{extractions}
-    ' --msg-filter '
-    cat -
-    echo
-    echo
-    echo "(transferred from #{@extraction[:upstream_name]}@$GIT_COMMIT)"
-    ' -- #{@extraction[:upstream_branch]} -- #{extractions}`
+  class Runner
+    def initialize config = nil
+      @config         = config || Config.new
+      @source_project = GitProject.new @config[:name], @config[:upstream]
+    end
+    # Either run `.reinsert` or `.extract`
+    #
+    # The `.reinsert` method will eject with `nil` unless the config setting to
+    # run in that mode is set
+    #
+    def run
+      puts @config
+      @source_project.clone_to @config[:destination]
+      @source_project.extract_branch @config[:upstream_branch], "extract_#{@config[:name]}", extractions
+      @source_project.remove_remote
+      @source_project.remove_tags
+      reinsert || extract
+    end
+    def extractions
+      @extractions ||= @config[:extractions].join(' ')
+    end
+    def extract
+      @source_project.extract_commits extractions, @config[:upstream_name]
+    end
+    def reinsert
+      return unless @config[:reinsert]
+      @source_project.prune_commits @config[:extractions], @config[:upstream_name]
+      @source_project.run_extra_cmds @config[:extra_cmds]
+      @source_project.add_target_remote @config[:target_name], @config[:target_remote]
+      @source_project.inject_commits @config[:target_base_branch]
+      true
+    end
diff --git a/test/code_extractor_reinsert_test.rb b/test/code_extractor_reinsert_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..583c332
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/code_extractor_reinsert_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+require 'test_helper'
+class CodeExtractorReinsertTest < CodeExtractor::TestCase
+  def test_unextract_an_extraction
+    # original extraction to work off of, in which we "un-extract" this later
+    create_base_repo
+    set_extractions ["foo"]
+    run_extraction
+    # Perform updates to extracted repo to simulate changes since extraction
+    perform_merges_of_extracted_code
+    apply_new_commits_on_extracted_repo
+    update_extraction_hash
+    # Run new extraction, with some extra commits added to the new repo that
+    # has been extracted previously
+    #
+    # This next line will run the actual extraction we are testing
+    #
+    # aka:  updated commits and puts 'lib/foo' back into the original repo
+    run_extraction
+    in_git_dir do
+      assert_commits [
+        "Move foo/ into lib/",
+        "add new baz",
+        "update bar content",
+        "Re-insert extractions from MyOrg/extracted_repo",
+        "Merged branch 'extract_my_extractions' into master",
+        "Extract my_extractions",
+        "Commit #3",
+        "add Bar content",
+        "Initial Commit"
+      ]
+      refute Dir.exist?  "foo"
+      refute File.exist?  "README.md"
+      assert File.exist? "qux"
+      assert File.exist? "lib/foo/bar"
+      assert File.exist? "lib/foo/baz"
+    end
+  end
+  def test_reinsert_when_code_extractor_was_not_used
+    # original extraction to work off of, in which we "un-extract" this later
+    create_base_repo
+    set_extractions ["foo"]
+    run_extraction
+    # Perform updates to extracted repo to simulate changes since extraction
+    perform_merges_of_extracted_code
+    # Remove `(transferred from Org/repo@-----)` lines from extracted commits
+    #
+    # This is to simulate a case where code_extractor wasn't used to handle the
+    # extraction
+    ##################################################
+    # TOO MANY HOURS WASTED trying to get Rugged to do a rebase...
+    #
+    # Gave up and did a `git filter-branch --msg-filter`...
+    #
+    # puts
+    # current_commit = destination_repo.head.target
+    # puts current_commit.message.lines.reject {|l| l.include? "transferred" }.join
+    # puts "rebasing"
+    # rebase = Rugged::Rebase.new @destination_repo, "master", "HEAD^"#, :inmemory => true
+    # while rebase_commit = rebase.next do
+    #   puts rebase_commit[:id]
+    #   # destination_repo.index.write_tree
+    #   # commit = destination_repo.head.target
+    #   commit = Rugged::Commit.lookup @destination_repo, rebase_commit[:id]
+    #   # puts commit.message
+    #   # puts commit.committer.inspect
+    #   # puts
+    #   # # puts "inmemory_index:"
+    #   # # puts rebase.inmemory_index
+    #   puts "new message"
+    #   puts commit.message.lines.reject {|l| l.include? "transferred" }.join
+    #   puts
+    #   commit_hash = {
+    #   #   :committer => commit.committer,
+    #     :message   => commit.message.lines.reject {|l| l.include? "transferred" }.join
+    #   }
+    #   # rebase.commit(commit_hash)
+    #   # commit.amend commit_hash
+    #   rebase.commit commit.to_hash
+    # end
+    # puts
+    # puts "rebase_commit:"
+    # puts rebase_commit
+    # puts
+    # rebase.finish({:name => "system", :email => "system"})
+    # start_commit   = destination_repo.last_commit
+    # sorting        = Rugged::SORT_TOPO # aka:  sort like git-log
+    # actual_commits = destination_repo.walk(start_commit, sorting).each do |c|
+    #   puts "#{c.oid} #{c.message.lines.first.chomp}"
+    # end
+    ##################################################
+    Dir.chdir extracted_dir do
+      `git filter-branch -f --msg-filter '
+        cat - | grep -v "(transferred from "
+      ' -- master`
+    end
+    destination_repo.checkout "extract_my_extractions"
+    apply_new_commits_on_extracted_repo
+    update_extraction_hash
+    run_extraction
+    in_git_dir do
+      assert_commits [
+        "Move foo/ into lib/",
+        "add new baz",
+        "update bar content",
+        "Re-insert extractions from MyOrg/extracted_repo",
+        "Merged branch 'extract_my_extractions' into master",
+        "Extract my_extractions",
+        "Commit #3",
+        "add Bar content",
+        "Initial Commit"
+      ]
+      refute Dir.exist?  "foo"
+      refute File.exist?  "README.md"
+      assert File.exist? "qux"
+      assert File.exist? "lib/foo/bar"
+      assert File.exist? "lib/foo/baz"
+    end
+  end
+  # Basically, a test to ensure we are using a rebase and not a cherry-pick
+  # method, since `git cherry-pick` doesn't handle merge commits well.
+  def test_reinsert_when_there_is_a_merge_commit
+    # original extraction to work off of, in which we "un-extract" this later
+    create_base_repo
+    set_extractions ["foo"]
+    run_extraction
+    # Perform updates to extracted repo to simulate changes since extraction
+    perform_merges_of_extracted_code
+    apply_new_commits_on_extracted_repo do
+      checkout_b 'master', 'origin/master'
+      update_file "foo/bar", "Updated Bar Content"
+      commit "update bar content"
+      checkout_b 'add_baz', 'master'
+      update_file "foo/baz", "Baz Content"
+      commit "add new baz"
+      checkout 'master'
+      merge 'add_baz'
+      add_file "README.md", "READ ME!"
+      commit "add README"
+    end
+    update_extraction_hash
+    # Run new extraction, with some extra commits added to the new repo that
+    # has been extracted previously
+    #
+    # This next line will run the actual extraction we are testing
+    #
+    # aka:  updated commits and puts 'lib/foo' back into the original repo
+    run_extraction
+    in_git_dir do
+      assert_commits [
+        "Move foo/ into lib/",
+        "Merged branch 'add_baz' into master",
+        "add new baz",
+        "update bar content",
+        "Re-insert extractions from MyOrg/extracted_repo",
+        "Merged branch 'extract_my_extractions' into master",
+        "Extract my_extractions",
+        "Commit #3",
+        "add Bar content",
+        "Initial Commit"
+      ]
+      refute Dir.exist?  "foo"
+      refute File.exist?  "README.md"
+      assert File.exist? "qux"
+      assert File.exist? "lib/foo/bar"
+      assert File.exist? "lib/foo/baz"
+    end
+  end
+  def perform_merges_of_extracted_code
+    # Merge our extracted branch (removed code) into the master branch of the
+    # original repository
+    #
+    is_bare        = true
+    @bare_repo_dir = File.join @sandbox_dir, "bare_original.git"
+    Rugged::Repository.init_at @bare_repo_dir, is_bare
+    # Can't push to a local non-bare repo via Rugged currently... hence this
+    # extra weirdness being done...
+    destination_repo.remotes.create("original", @bare_repo_dir)
+    destination_repo.remotes["original"].push [destination_repo.head.name]
+    original_repo.remotes.create("origin", @bare_repo_dir)
+    original_repo.fetch("origin")
+    original_repo.remotes["origin"].push [original_repo.head.name]
+    original_repo.create_branch "extract_my_extractions", "origin/extract_my_extractions"
+    CodeExtractor::TestRepo.merge original_repo, "extract_my_extractions"
+    original_repo.remotes['origin'].push [original_repo.head.name]
+  end
+  def apply_new_commits_on_extracted_repo &block
+    @new_upstream_dir       = File.join @sandbox_dir, "new_upstream.git"
+    @cloned_extractions_dir = File.join @sandbox_dir, "cloned_extractions.git"
+    unless block_given?
+      block = proc do
+        checkout_b 'master', 'origin/master'
+        update_file "foo/bar", "Updated Bar Content"
+        commit "update bar content"
+        update_file "foo/baz", "Baz Content"
+        commit "add new baz"
+        add_file "README.md", "READ ME!"
+        commit "add README"
+      end
+    end
+    self.reference_repo_dir = @cloned_extractions_dir
+    CodeExtractor::TestRepo.clone_at(extracted_dir, @cloned_extractions_dir, &block)
+  end
+  # Update the configuration for the (second) extraction
+  #
+  # Boiler plate will do the following:
+  #
+  #   - Assumes "foo/" is still the only extracted directory
+  #   - A "reinsert" is the new action that will be performed
+  #   - The following methods have been executed prior
+  #     * `.create_base_repo`
+  #     * `.perform_merges_of_extracted_code`
+  #     * `.apply_new_commits_on_extracted_repo`
+  #   - As a result, assumes the following instance variables are set:
+  #     * `@new_upstream_dir`
+  #     * `@bare_repo_dir`
+  #     * `@cloned_extractions_dir`
+  #   - The desired behavior of `.extra_cmds` is to move `foo` into `lib/`
+  #
+  # There is a `custom_updates` hash available in the args for adding
+  # additional changes, so if any of the above are not the case, changes can be
+  # made at the end.
+  #
+  def update_extraction_hash custom_updates = {}
+    set_extractions ["foo"]
+    set_destination_dir @new_upstream_dir
+    extractions_hash[:name]               = "the_extracted"
+    extractions_hash[:reinsert]           = true
+    extractions_hash[:target_name]        = "MyOrg/repo"
+    extractions_hash[:target_remote]      = @bare_repo_dir
+    extractions_hash[:target_base_branch] = "master"
+    extractions_hash[:upstream]           = @cloned_extractions_dir
+    extractions_hash[:upstream_name]      = "MyOrg/extracted_repo"
+    extractions_hash[:extra_cmds]         = [
+      "mkdir lib",
+      "mv foo lib",
+      "git add -A",
+      "git commit -m 'Move foo/ into lib/'"
+    ]
+    custom_updates.each do |hash_key, value|
+      extractions_hash[hash_key] = value
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/test/code_extractor_test.rb b/test/code_extractor_test.rb
index ac88fe1..ee417b8 100644
--- a/test/code_extractor_test.rb
+++ b/test/code_extractor_test.rb
@@ -2,21 +2,7 @@
 class CodeExtractorTest < CodeExtractor::TestCase
   def test_code_extractor
-    repo_structure = %w[
-      foo/bar
-      baz
-    ]
-    create_repo repo_structure do
-      update_file "foo/bar", "Bar Content"
-      commit "add Bar content"
-      tag "v1.0"
-      add_file "qux", "QUX!!!"
-      commit
-      tag "v2.0"
-    end
+    create_base_repo
     set_extractions ["foo"]
     output, _ = run_extraction
diff --git a/test/test_helper.rb b/test/test_helper.rb
index a14a970..a35388b 100644
--- a/test/test_helper.rb
+++ b/test/test_helper.rb
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 FileUtils.mkdir_p TEST_SANDBOX
-class CodeExtractor
+module CodeExtractor
   # Base class for all test classes.
   # Will create a sandbox directory in `test/tmp/sandbox`, uniq to each test
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class CodeExtractor
   # test, and clean up when it is done.
   class TestCase < Minitest::Test
-    attr_writer :extractions, :extractions_hash
+    attr_writer :extractions, :extractions_hash, :reference_repo_dir
     attr_reader :extracted_dir, :repo_dir, :sandbox_dir
     # Create a sandbox for the given test, and name it after the test class and
@@ -37,6 +37,23 @@ def teardown
       FileUtils.remove_entry @sandbox_dir unless ENV["DEBUG"]
+    def create_base_repo
+      repo_structure = %w[
+        foo/bar
+        baz
+      ]
+      create_repo repo_structure do
+        update_file "foo/bar", "Bar Content"
+        commit "add Bar content"
+        tag "v1.0"
+        add_file "qux", "QUX!!!"
+        commit
+        tag "v2.0"
+      end
+    end
     # Custom Assertions
     def assert_no_tags
@@ -44,12 +61,46 @@ def assert_no_tags
       assert tags.empty?, "Expected there to be no tags, but got `#{tags.join ', '}'"
+    TRANSFERRED_FROM_REGEXP = /\(transferred from (?<UPSTREAM>[^@]*)@(?<SHA>[^\)]*)\)/
+    def assert_commits expected_commits
+      start_commit   = destination_repo.last_commit
+      sorting        = Rugged::SORT_TOPO # aka:  sort like git-log
+      actual_commits = destination_repo.walk(start_commit, sorting).map {|c| c }
+      commit_msgs    = actual_commits.map { |commit| commit.message.lines.first.chomp }
+      assert_equal expected_commits, commit_msgs
+      # Check that the "transferred from ..." reference line is correct
+      actual_commits.map do |commit|
+        [
+          commit,
+          commit.message.lines.last.match(TRANSFERRED_FROM_REGEXP)
+        ]
+      end.each do |commit, transfered|
+        next unless transfered
+        transferred_commit = reference_repo.lookup(transfered[:SHA])
+        assert transferred_commit.is_a?(Rugged::Commit),
+          "'transfered from' of #{transfered[:SHA]} from #{commit} is not a valid commit"
+        assert_equal commit.message.lines.first.chomp,
+          transferred_commit.message.lines.first.chomp
+      end
+    end
     # Helper methods
+    def original_repo
+      @original_repo ||= Rugged::Repository.new @repo_dir
+    end
     def destination_repo
       @destination_repo ||= Rugged::Repository.new @extracted_dir
+    def reference_repo
+      @reference_repo ||= Rugged::Repository.new @reference_repo_dir
+    end
     def current_commit_message
@@ -80,7 +131,8 @@ def run_extraction
       File.write extractions_yml, extractions_yaml
       capture_subprocess_io do
-        CodeExtractor.new(extractions_yml).extract
+        config = Config.new extractions_yml
+        Runner.new(config).run
       Dir.chdir pwd
@@ -91,6 +143,12 @@ def set_extractions new_extractions
       extractions_hash[:extractions] = @extractions
+    def set_destination_dir dir
+      @destination_repo = nil # reset
+      @extracted_dir    = dir
+      extractions_hash[:destination] = @extracted_dir
+    end
     def extractions_hash
       @extractions_hash ||= {
         :name          => "my_extractions",
@@ -156,13 +214,28 @@ def extractions_yaml
   # to be empty, otherwise a defining files in them is enough.
   class TestRepo
-    attr_reader :file_struct, :last_commit, :repo_path, :repo, :index
+    attr_accessor :repo
+    attr_reader   :file_struct, :last_commit, :repo_path,:index
     def self.generate repo_path, file_struct, &block
       repo = new repo_path, file_struct
+    def self.clone_at url, dir, &block
+      repo = new dir, []
+      repo.clone(url, &block)
+    end
+    def self.merge repo, branch, base_branch = nil
+      repo = Rugged::Repository.new repo unless repo.is_a? Rugged::Repository
+      dir  = repo.workdir
+      test_repo = new dir, []
+      test_repo.repo = repo
+      test_repo.merge branch, base_branch
+    end
     def initialize repo_path, file_struct
       @commit_count = 0
       @repo_path    = Pathname.new repo_path
@@ -177,7 +250,21 @@ def generate &block
-      instance_eval(&block) if block_given?
+      execute(&block) if block_given?
+    end
+    def clone url, &block
+      @repo        = Rugged::Repository.clone_at url, @repo_path.to_s
+      @index       = repo.index
+      @last_commit = repo.last_commit
+      # puts @repo.inspect
+      execute(&block) if block_given?
+    end
+    # Run DSL methods for given TestRepo instance
+    def execute &block
+      instance_eval(&block)
     # Create a new branch (don't checkout)
@@ -192,6 +279,12 @@ def checkout branch
       repo.checkout branch
+    def checkout_b branch, source = nil
+      repo.create_branch(*[branch, source].compact)
+      repo.checkout branch
+      @last_commit = repo.last_commit
+    end
     # Commit with all changes added to the index
     #   $ git add . && git commit -am "${msg}"
@@ -213,6 +306,41 @@ def tag tag_name
       repo.tags.create tag_name, @last_commit
+    # Add a merge branch into current branch with `--no-ff`
+    #
+    # (AKA:  Merge a PR like on github)
+    #
+    #   $ git merge --no-ff --no-edit
+    #
+    # If `base_branch` is passed, use that, otherwise use `HEAD`
+    #
+    def merge branch, base_branch = nil
+      # Code is a combination of the examples found here:
+      #
+      #   - https://github.com/libgit2/rugged/blob/3de6a0a7/test/merge_test.rb#L4-L18
+      #   - http://violetzijing.is-programmer.com/2015/11/6/some_notes_about_rugged.187772.html
+      #   - https://stackoverflow.com/a/27290470
+      #
+      # In otherwords... not obvious how to do a `git merge --no-ff --no-edit`
+      # with rugged... le-sigh...
+      repo.checkout base_branch if base_branch
+      base        = (base_branch ? repo.branches[base_branch] : repo.head).target_id
+      topic       = repo.branches[branch].target_id
+      merge_index = repo.merge_commits(base, topic)
+      Rugged::Commit.create(
+        repo,
+        :message    => "Merged branch '#{branch}' into #{base_branch || current_branch_name}",
+        :parents    => [base, topic],
+        :tree       => merge_index.write_tree(repo),
+        :update_ref => "HEAD"
+      )
+      repo.checkout_head :strategy => :force
+      @last_commit = repo.last_commit
+    end
     # Add (or update) a file in the repo, and optionally write content to it
     # The content is optional, but it will fully overwrite the content
@@ -235,6 +363,10 @@ def add_to_file entry, content
       File.write path, content, :mode => "a"
+    def current_branch_name
+      repo.head.name.sub(/^refs\/heads\//, '')
+    end
     # Generate repo structure based on file_structure array