From c2ac96383bc59db93339f750ed395d94eb94bc83 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Vadym-Valdis Yudaiev Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2023 15:40:09 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] Add basic colors --- colors/ronny.lua | 2 + lua/ronny/colors.lua | 751 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ lua/ronny/config.lua | 3 + lua/ronny/init.lua | 26 ++ lua/ronny/utils.lua | 77 +++++ 5 files changed, 859 insertions(+) create mode 100644 colors/ronny.lua create mode 100644 lua/ronny/colors.lua create mode 100644 lua/ronny/config.lua create mode 100644 lua/ronny/init.lua create mode 100644 lua/ronny/utils.lua diff --git a/colors/ronny.lua b/colors/ronny.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fbe5816 --- /dev/null +++ b/colors/ronny.lua @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +local ronny = require("ronny") +ronny.load() diff --git a/lua/ronny/colors.lua b/lua/ronny/colors.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..35ad6c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/lua/ronny/colors.lua @@ -0,0 +1,751 @@ +local M = {} + +M.palette = { + -- ANSI 0-7 (normal) + black = "#1B1D1E", + red = "#FF0044", + green = "#82B414", + yellow = "#FD971F", + blue = "#266C98", + purple = "#AC0CB1", + cyan = "#00AAAA", + white = "#CCCCCC", + + -- ANSI 8-15 (bright) + bright_black = "#808080", + bright_red = "#F92672", + bright_green = "#A6E22E", + bright_yellow = "#E6DB74", + bright_blue = "#7070F0", + bright_purple = "#D63AE1", + bright_cyan = "#66D9EF", + bright_white = "#F8F8F2", + + -- Other colors + violet = "#AE81FF", + bright_violet = "#CEB3FF", + yuma = "#C4BE89" +} + +local pal = M.palette + +-- See :help group-name +M.syntax = {} +local syntax = M.syntax + +syntax.Comment = { fg="#7E8E91" } +syntax.Constant = { fg=pal.violet, bold=true } -- bold font? +syntax.String = { fg=pal.bright_yellow } +syntax.Character = { fg=pal.bright_yellow } +syntax.Number = { fg=pal.violet } +syntax.Boolean = { fg=pal.violet } +syntax.Float = { fg=pal.violet } +syntax.Identifier = { fg=pal.yellow } +syntax.Function = { fg=pal.bright_green } +syntax.Statement = { fg=pal.bright_red, bold=true } +syntax.Conditional = { fg=pal.bright_red, bold=true } +syntax.Repeat = { fg=pal.bright_red } +syntax.Label = { fg=pal.yellow } +syntax.Operator = { fg=pal.bright_red } +syntax.Keyword = { fg=pal.bright_red, bold=true } +syntax.Exception = { fg=pal.bright_green, bold=true } +syntax.PreProc = { fg=pal.bright_green } +-- syntax.Include +syntax.Define = { fg=pal.bright_cyan } +syntax.Macro = { fg=pal.yuma, italic=true } +syntax.PreCondit = { fg=pal.bright_green, bold=true } +syntax.Type = { fg=pal.bright_cyan } +syntax.StorageClass = { fg=pal.yellow, italic=true } +syntax.Structure = { fg=pal.bright_cyan } +syntax.Typedef = { fg=pal.bright_cyan } +syntax.Special = { fg=pal.bright_cyan, italic=true } +syntax.SpecialChar = { fg=pal.bright_red, italic=true } +syntax.Tag = { fg=pal.bright_red, italic=true } +syntax.Delimiter = { fg="#8F8F8F" } +syntax.SpecialComment = { fg="#7E8E91", bold=true } +syntax.Debug = { fg="#BCA3A3", bold=true } +syntax.Underlined = { fg="#808080", underline=true } +syntax.Ignore = { fg="#808080" } +syntax.Error = { fg=pal.bright_yellow, bg="#1E0010" } +syntax.Todo = { fg=pal.bright_white, bold=true } + +-- See :help highlight-default +M.builtin = {} +local builtin = M.builtin + +builtin.ColorColumn = { bg="#232526" } +-- builtin.Conceal +-- builtin.CurSearch +-- builtin.Cursor +-- builtin.lCursor +-- builtin.CursorIM +builtin.CursorColumn = { bg="#293739" } +builtin.CursorLine = { bg="#293739" } +builtin.Directory = { fg=pal.bright_green, bold=true } +builtin.DiffAdd = { bg="#13354A" } +builtin.DiffChange = { fg="#89807D", bg="#4C4745" } +builtin.DiffDelete = { fg="#960050", bg="#1E0010" } +builtin.DiffText = { bg="#4C4745", bold=true, italic=true } +-- builtin.EndOfBuffer +-- builtin.TermCursor +-- builtin.TermCursorNC +builtin.ErrorMsg = { fg=pal.bright_red, bg="#232526", bold=true } +-- builtin.WinSeparator +builtin.Folded = { fg="#465457", bg="#000000" } +builtin.FoldColumn = { fg="#465457", bg="#000000" } +builtin.SignColumn = { fg=pal.bright_green, bg="#232526" } +builtin.IncSearch = { fg=pal.yuma, bg="#000000" } +-- builtin.Substitute +builtin.LineNr = { fg="#465457", } +-- builtin.LineNrAbove +-- builtin.LineNrBelow +builtin.CursorLineNr = { fg=pal.yellow } +-- builtin.CursorLineFold +-- builtin.CursorLineSign +builtin.MatchParen = { fg="#000000", bg=pal.yellow, bold=true } +builtin.ModeMsg = { fg=pal.bright_yellow } +-- builtin.MsgArea +builtin.NonText = { fg="#465457" } +builtin.Normal = { fg=pal.bright_white, } +-- builtin.NormalFloat +-- builtin.FloatBorder +-- builtin.FloatTitle +-- builtin.NormalNC +builtin.Pmenu = { fg=pal.bright_cyan, bg="#000000" } +builtin.PmenuSel = { bg=pal.bright_black } +-- builtin.PmenuKind +-- builtin.PmenuKindSel +-- builtin.PmenuExtra +-- builtin.PmenuExtraSel +builtin.PmenuSbar = { bg="#080808" } +builtin.PmenuThumb = { fg=pal.bright_cyan } +builtin.Question = { fg=pal.bright_cyan } +-- builtin.QuickFixLine +builtin.Search = { fg="#000000", bg="#FFE792" } +builtin.SpecialKey = { fg="#465457" } +builtin.SpellBad = { sp = "#FF0000", undercurl=true } +builtin.SpellCap = { sp = "#7070F0", font="undercurl" } +builtin.SpellLocal = { sp = "#70F0F0", font="undercurl" } +builtin.SpellRare = { sp = "#FFFFFF", font="undercurl" } +builtin.StatusLine = { fg="#455354" } +builtin.StatusLineNC = { fg= "#808080", bg="#080808" } +builtin.TabLine = {, bg="#808080" } +builtin.TabLineFill = {, } +-- builtin.TabLineSel +builtin.Title = { fg="#EF5939" } +builtin.Visual = { bg="#403D3D" } +builtin.VisualNOS = { bg="#403D3D" } +builtin.WarningMsg = { fg="#FFFFFF", bg="#333333" } +-- builtin.Whitespace +builtin.WildMenu = { fg=pal.bright_cyan, bg="#000000", bold=true } +-- builtin.WinBar +-- builtin.WinBarNC + +-- TODO: original Monokai colors +-- See +-- if config.monokai_original == true then +-- syntax.Comment = { fg="#75715E" } +-- builtin.Normal = { fg="#F8F8F2", bg="#272822" } +-- builtin.CursorLine = { bg="#3E3D32" } +-- builtin.CursorLineNr = { fg=pal.yellow } +-- builtin.CursorColumn = { bg="#3B3A32" } +-- builtin.ColorColumn = { bg="#3B3A32" } +-- builtin.LineNr = { fg="#8F908A", bg="#272822" } +-- builtin.NonText = { fg="#75715E" } +-- builtin.SpecialKey = { fg="#75715E" } +-- end + +-- TODO: Diagnostic & LSP +M.diagnostic = { + -- DiagnosticError + -- DiagnosticWarn + -- DiagnosticInfo + -- DiagnosticHint + -- DiagnosticOk + -- DiagnosticUnderlineError + -- DiagnosticUnderlineWarn + -- DiagnosticUnderlineInfo + -- DiagnosticUnderlineHint + -- DiagnosticUnderlineOk + -- DiagnosticVirtualTextError + -- DiagnosticVirtualTextWarn + -- DiagnosticVirtualTextInfo + -- DiagnosticVirtualTextHint + -- DiagnosticVirtualTextOk + -- DiagnosticFloatingError + -- DiagnosticFloatingWarn + -- DiagnosticFloatingInfo + -- DiagnosticFloatingHint + -- DiagnosticFloatingOk + -- DiagnosticSignError + -- DiagnosticSignWarn + -- DiagnosticSignInfo + -- DiagnosticSignHint + -- DiagnosticSignOk + -- DiagnosticDeprecated + -- DiagnosticUnnecessary + -- LspReferenceText + -- LspReferenceRead + -- LspReferenceWrite +} + +-- TODO: LSPInfo? +-- LspInfoBorder +-- LspInfoFiletype +-- LspInfoTitle +-- LspInfoTip +-- LspInfoList + +-- TODO: treesitter +-- @text +-- @text.literal +-- @text.reference +-- @text.title +-- @text.uri +-- @text.underline +-- @text.todo +-- @comment +-- @punctuation +-- @constant +-- @constant.builtin +-- @constant.macro +-- @define +-- @macro +-- @string +-- @string.escape +-- @string.special +-- @character +-- @character.special +-- @number +-- @boolean +-- @float +-- @function +-- @function.builtin +-- @function.macro +-- @parameter +-- @method +-- @field +-- @property +-- @constructor +-- @repeat +-- @label +-- @operator +-- @keyword +-- @exception +-- @variable +-- @type +-- @type.definition +-- @storageclass +-- @namespace +-- @include +-- @preproc +-- @debug +-- @tag +-- @lsp +-- @lsp.type +-- @lsp.type.class +-- @lsp.type.comment +-- @lsp.type.decorator +-- @lsp.type.enum +-- @lsp.type.enumMember +-- @lsp.type.function +-- @lsp.type.interface +-- @lsp.type.macro +-- @lsp.type.method +-- @lsp.type.namespace +-- @lsp.type.parameter +-- +-- @lsp.type.struct +-- @lsp.type.type +-- @lsp.type.typeParameter +-- @lsp.type.variable + +-- TODO: Markdown (unchecked) +-- markdownBold +-- markdownCode +-- markdownRule +-- markdownCodeDelimiter +-- markdownHeadingDelimiter +-- markdownFootnote +-- markdownFootnoteDefinition +-- markdownUrl +-- markdownLinkText +-- markdownEscape + +-- TODO: Asciidoc (unchecked) +-- asciidocAttributeEntry +-- asciidocAttributeList +-- asciidocAttributeRef +-- asciidocHLabel +-- asciidocListingBlock +-- asciidocMacroAttributes +-- asciidocOneLineTitle +-- asciidocPassthroughBlock +-- asciidocQuotedMonospaced +-- asciidocTriplePlusPassthrough +-- asciidocMacro +-- asciidocAdmonition +-- asciidocQuotedEmphasized +-- asciidocQuotedEmphasized2 +-- asciidocQuotedEmphasizedItalic +-- asciidocBackslash +-- asciidocQuotedBold +-- asciidocQuotedMonospaced2 +-- asciidocQuotedUnconstrainedBold +-- asciidocQuotedUnconstrainedEmphasized +-- asciidocURL + +-- TODO: C +-- cStatement links to Statement +-- cLabel links to Label +-- cConditional links to Conditional +-- cRepeat links to Repeat +-- cTodo links to Todo +-- cBadContinuation links to Error +-- cSpecial links to SpecialChar +-- cFormat links to cSpecial +-- cString links to String +-- cCppString links to cString +-- cSpaceError links to cError +-- cCppSkip cleared +-- cCharacter links to Character +-- cSpecialError links to cError +-- cSpecialCharacter links to cSpecial +-- cBadBlock cleared +-- cCurlyError links to cError +-- cErrInParen links to cError +-- cCppParen cleared +-- cErrInBracket links to cError +-- cCppBracket cleared +-- cBlock cleared +-- cParenError links to cError +-- cIncluded links to cString +-- cCommentSkip links to cComment +-- cCommentString links to cString +-- cComment2String links to cString +-- cCommentStartError links to cError +-- cUserLabel links to Label +-- cBitField cleared +-- cOctalZero links to PreProc +-- cNumber links to Number +-- cFloat links to Float +-- cOctal links to Number +-- cOctalError links to cError +-- cNumbersCom cleared +-- cParen cleared +-- cBracket cleared +-- cNumbers cleared +-- cWrongComTail links to cError +-- cCommentL links to cComment +-- cCommentStart links to cComment +-- cComment links to Comment +-- cCommentError links to cError +-- cOperator links to Operator +-- cType links to Type +-- cTypedef links to Structure +-- cStructure links to Structure +-- cStorageClass links to StorageClass +-- cConstant links to Constant +-- cPreCondit links to PreCondit +-- cPreConditMatch links to cPreCondit +-- cCppInIf cleared +-- cCppInElse cleared +-- cCppInElse2 links to cCppOutIf2 +-- cCppOutIf cleared +-- cCppOutIf2 links to cCppOut +-- cCppOutElse cleared +-- cCppInSkip cleared +-- cCppOutSkip links to cCppOutIf2 +-- cCppOutWrapper links to cPreCondit +-- cCppInWrapper links to cCppOutWrapper +-- cPreProc links to PreProc +-- cInclude links to Include +-- cDefine links to Macro +-- cMulti cleared +-- cPragma cleared +-- cUserCont cleared +-- cError links to Error +-- cCppOut links to Comment + +-- TODO: C++ +-- cppStatement links to Statement +-- cppAccess links to cppStatement +-- cppModifier links to Type +-- cppType links to Type +-- cppExceptions links to Exception +-- cppOperator links to Operator +-- cppCast links to cppStatement +-- cppStorageClass links to StorageClass +-- cppStructure links to Structure +-- cppBoolean links to Boolean +-- cppConstant links to Constant +-- cppRawStringDelimiter links to Delimiter +-- cppRawString links to String +-- cppNumber links to Number +-- cppFloat links to Number +-- cppNumbers cleared +-- cppString links to String +-- cppCharacter links to cCharacter +-- cppSpecialError links to cSpecialError +-- cppSpecialCharacter links to cSpecialCharacter +-- cppModule links to Include +-- cppMinMax cleared + +-- TODO: JSON (unchecked) +-- jsonKeyword +-- jsonEscape +-- jsonNull +-- jsonBoolean + +-- TODO: HTML (unchecked) +-- htmlTag +-- htmlEndTag +-- htmlTagName +-- htmlSpecialTagName +-- htmlArg + +-- TODO: PHP (unchecked) +-- phpStaticClasses +-- phpMethod +-- phpClass +-- phpFunction +-- phpInclude +-- phpUseClass +-- phpRegion +-- phpMethodsVar + +-- TODO: CSS (unchecked) +-- cssBraces +-- cssInclude +-- cssTagName +-- cssClassName +-- cssPseudoClass +-- cssPseudoClassId +-- cssPseudoClassLang +-- cssIdentifier +-- cssProp +-- cssDefinition +-- cssAttr +-- cssAttrRegion +-- cssColor +-- cssFunction +-- cssFunctionName +-- cssVendor +-- cssValueNumber +-- cssValueLength +-- cssUnitDecorators +-- cssStyle +-- cssImportant + +-- TODO: JavaScript (unchecked) +-- jsVariableDef +-- jsFuncArgs +-- jsFuncBlock +-- jsRegexpString +-- jsThis +-- jsOperatorKeyword +-- jsDestructuringBlock +-- jsObjectKey +-- jsGlobalObjects +-- jsModuleKeyword +-- jsClassDefinition +-- jsClassKeyword +-- jsExtendsKeyword +-- jsExportDefault +-- jsFuncCall +-- jsObjectValue +-- jsParen +-- jsObjectProp +-- jsIfElseBlock +-- jsParenIfElse +-- jsSpreadOperator +-- jsSpreadExpression + +-- TODO: Typescript (unchecked) +-- typescriptLabel +-- typescriptExceptions +-- typescriptBraces +-- typescriptEndColons +-- typescriptParens +-- typescriptDocTags +-- typescriptDocComment +-- typescriptLogicSymbols +-- typescriptImport +-- typescriptBOM +-- typescriptVariableDeclaration +-- typescriptVariable +-- typescriptExport +-- typescriptAliasDeclaration +-- typescriptAliasKeyword +-- typescriptClassName +-- typescriptAccessibilityModifier +-- typescriptOperator +-- typescriptArrowFunc +-- typescriptMethodAccessor +-- typescriptMember +-- typescriptTypeReference +-- typescriptTemplateSB +-- typescriptArrowFuncArg +-- typescriptParamImpl +-- typescriptFuncComma +-- typescriptCastKeyword +-- typescriptCall +-- typescriptCase +-- typescriptReserved +-- typescriptDefault +-- typescriptDecorator +-- typescriptPredefinedType +-- typescriptClassHeritage +-- typescriptClassExtends +-- typescriptClassKeyword +-- typescriptBlock +-- typescriptDOMDocProp +-- typescriptTemplateSubstitution +-- typescriptClassBlock +-- typescriptFuncCallArg +-- typescriptIndexExpr +-- typescriptConditionalParen +-- typescriptArray +-- typescriptES6SetProp +-- typescriptObjectLiteral +-- typescriptTypeParameter +-- typescriptEnumKeyword +-- typescriptEnum +-- typescriptLoopParen +-- typescriptParenExp +-- typescriptModule +-- typescriptAmbientDeclaration +-- typescriptFuncTypeArrow +-- typescriptInterfaceHeritage +-- typescriptInterfaceName +-- typescriptInterfaceKeyword +-- typescriptInterfaceExtends +-- typescriptGlobal +-- typescriptAsyncFuncKeyword +-- typescriptFuncKeyword +-- typescriptGlobalMethod +-- typescriptPromiseMethod + +-- TODO: XML (unchecked) +-- xmlTag +-- xmlTagName +-- xmlEndTag + +-- TODO: Ruby (unchecked) +-- rubyClassNameTag +-- rubyClassName +-- rubyModuleName +-- rubyConstant + +-- TODO: Golang (unchecked) +-- goPackage +-- goImport +-- goVar +-- goConst +-- goStatement +-- goType +-- goSignedInts +-- goUnsignedInts +-- goFloats +-- goComplexes +-- goBuiltins +-- goBoolean +-- goPredefinedIdentifiers +-- goTodo +-- goDeclaration +-- goDeclType +-- goTypeDecl +-- goTypeName +-- goVarAssign +-- goVarDefs +-- goReceiver +-- goReceiverType +-- goFunctionCall +-- goMethodCall +-- goSingleDecl + +-- TODO: Python (unchecked) +-- pythonStatement +-- pythonOperator +-- pythonException +-- pythonExClass +-- pythonBuiltinObj +-- pythonBuiltinType +-- pythonBoolean +-- pythonNone +-- pythonTodo +-- pythonClassVar +-- pythonClassDef + +-- TODO: TeX (unchecked) +-- texStatement +-- texBeginEnd +-- texBeginEndName +-- texOption +-- texBeginEndModifier +-- texDocType +-- texDocTypeArgs + +-- TODO: Git (unchecked) +-- gitcommitHeader +-- gitcommitOnBranch +-- gitcommitBranch +-- gitcommitComment +-- gitcommitSelectedType +-- gitcommitSelectedFile +-- gitcommitDiscardedType +-- gitcommitDiscardedFile +-- gitcommitOverflow +-- gitcommitSummary +-- gitcommitBlank + +-- TODO: Lua (unchecked) +-- luaFuncCall +-- luaFuncArgName +-- luaFuncKeyword +-- luaLocal +-- luaBuiltIn + +-- TODO: SH (unchecked) +-- shDeref +-- shVariable + +-- TODO: SQL (unchecked) +-- sqlKeyword +-- sqlFunction +-- sqlOperator + +-- TODO: YAML (unchecked) +-- yamlKey +-- yamlConstant + +-- TODO: Gitgutter (unchecked) +-- GitGutterAdd +-- GitGutterChange +-- GitGutterDelete + +-- TODO: Git Signs (unchecked) +-- GitSignsAdd +-- GitSignsChange +-- GitSignsDelete +-- GitSignsAddLn +-- GitSignsChangeLn +-- GitSignsDeleteLn + +-- TODO: NvimTree (unchecked) +-- NvimTreeRootFolder +-- NvimTreeGitDirty +-- NvimTreeGitNew +-- NvimTreeImageFile +-- NvimTreeEmptyFolderName +-- NvimTreeFolderName +-- NvimTreeSpecialFile +-- NvimTreeNormal +-- NvimTreeCursorLine +-- NvimTreeVertSplit +-- NvimTreeEndOfBuffer +-- NvimTreeOpenedFolderName +-- NvimTreeGitRenamed +-- NvimTreeGitIgnored +-- NvimTreeGitDeleted +-- NvimTreeGitStaged +-- NvimTreeGitMerge +-- NvimTreeGitDirty +-- NvimTreeGitNew + +-- TODO: Bufferline (unchecked) +-- BufferLineIndicatorSelected +-- BufferLineFill + +-- TODO: BarBar (unchecked) +-- BufferCurrent +-- BufferCurrentIndex +-- BufferCurrentMod +-- BufferCurrentSign +-- BufferCurrentTarget +-- BufferVisible +-- BufferVisibleIndex +-- BufferVisibleMod +-- BufferVisibleSign +-- BufferVisibleTarget +-- BufferInactive +-- BufferInactiveIndex +-- BufferInactiveMod +-- BufferInactiveSign +-- BufferInactiveTarget +-- BufferTabpages +-- BufferTabpagesFill + +-- TODO: IndentBlankLine (unchecked) +-- IndentBlanklineContextChar +-- IndentBlanklineContextStart +-- IndentBlanklineChar +-- IndentBlanklineSpaceChar +-- IndentBlanklineSpaceCharBlankline + +-- TODO: COC.nvim (unchecked) +-- CocHighlightText +-- CocHighlightRead +-- CocHighlightWrite + +-- TODO: nvim-cmp +-- CmpItemAbbr guifg=#66d9ef +-- CmpItemAbbrDeprecated guifg=#7e8e91 +-- CmpItemAbbrMatch guifg=#66d9ef +-- CmpItemAbbrMatchFuzzy guifg=#66d9ef +-- CmpItemKind guifg=#66d9ef +-- CmpItemMenu guifg=#66d9ef +-- CmpItemKindClass links to CmpItemKind +-- CmpItemKindMethod links to CmpItemKind +-- CmpItemKindSnippet links to CmpItemKind +-- CmpItemKindColor links to CmpItemKind +-- CmpItemKindKeyword links to CmpItemKind +-- CmpItemKindProperty links to CmpItemKind +-- CmpItemKindEnumMember links to CmpItemKind +-- CmpItemKindConstant links to CmpItemKind +-- CmpItemKindModule links to CmpItemKind +-- CmpItemKindFile links to CmpItemKind +-- CmpItemKindFunction links to CmpItemKind +-- CmpItemKindVariable links to CmpItemKind +-- CmpItemKindInterface links to CmpItemKind +-- CmpItemKindConstructor links to CmpItemKind +-- CmpItemKindEnum links to CmpItemKind +-- CmpItemKindText links to CmpItemKind +-- CmpItemKindOperator links to CmpItemKind +-- CmpItemKindStruct links to CmpItemKind +-- CmpItemKindField links to CmpItemKind +-- CmpItemKindReference links to CmpItemKind +-- CmpItemKindEvent links to CmpItemKind +-- CmpItemKindValue links to CmpItemKind +-- CmpItemKindUnit links to CmpItemKind +-- CmpItemKindFolder links to CmpItemKind + +-- TODO: Telescope (unchecked) +-- TelescopePromptBorder +-- TelescopeResultsBorder +-- TelescopePreviewBorder +-- TelescopeNormal +-- TelescopeSelection +-- TelescopeMultiSelection +-- TelescopeMatching +-- TelescopePromptPrefix + +-- TODO: DapUI (?) +-- TODO: DevIcon (?) +-- TODO: WhickKey (?) +-- WhichKey links to Function +-- WhichKeyBorder links to FloatBorder +-- WhichKeySeparator links to Comment +-- WhichKeyDesc links to Identifier +-- WhichKeyValue links to Comment +-- WhichKeyFloat links to NormalFloat +-- WhichKeyGroup links to Keyword +-- TODO: Dashboard (?) +-- TODO: hlargs.nvim (?) + +-- TODO: background +if vim.opt.background == "dark" then +elseif vim.opt.background == "light" then +end + +return M diff --git a/lua/ronny/config.lua b/lua/ronny/config.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5044d6f --- /dev/null +++ b/lua/ronny/config.lua @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +local M = {} + +return M diff --git a/lua/ronny/init.lua b/lua/ronny/init.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e878072 --- /dev/null +++ b/lua/ronny/init.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +local colors = require("ronny.colors") +local utils = require("ronny.utils") + +local M = {} + +-- function M.setup() +-- end + +function M.load(style) + vim.cmd("hi clear") + if vim.fn.exists("syntax_on") then + vim.cmd("syntax reset") + end + + vim.o.termguicolors = true + vim.g.colors_name = "ronny" + + -- ronny support only dark now + vim.o.background="dark" + -- vim.o.background = style or or vim.o.background + + utils.apply_syntax(colors.syntax) + utils.apply_syntax(colors.builtin) +end + +return M diff --git a/lua/ronny/utils.lua b/lua/ronny/utils.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea1a971 --- /dev/null +++ b/lua/ronny/utils.lua @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +local hl = vim.api.nvim_set_hl + +local M = {} + +function M.apply_syntax(table) + for group, style in pairs(table) do + local hl_group = {} + + if style.fg then + hl_group.foreground = style.fg + end + + if then + hl_group.background = + end + + if style.sp then + hl_group.special = style.sp + end + + if style.blend then + hl_group.blend = style.blend + end + + if style.bold then + hl_group.bold = style.bold + end + + if style.standout then + hl_group.standout = style.standout + end + + if style.underline then + hl_group.underline = style.underline + end + + if style.undercurl then + hl_group.undercurl = style.undercurl + end + + if style.underdouble then + hl_group.underdouble = style.underdouble + end + + if style.underdotted then + hl_group.underdotted = style.underdotted + end + + if style.underdashed then + hl_group.underdashed = style.underdashed + end + + if style.strikethrough then + hl_group.strikethrough = style.strikethrough + end + + if style.italic then + hl_group.italic = style.italic + end + + if style.reverse then + hl_group.reverse = style.reverse + end + + if style.nocombine then + hl_group.nocombine = style.nocombine + end + + if then + = + end + + hl(0, group, hl_group) + end +end + +return M