This is the firmware repository for the Super 2021 Swadge.
The corresponding hardware repository for the Super 2021 Swadge Hardware can be found here.
The Super 2021 Swadge is based on the Super 2020 Swadge and its hardware repository.
The Super 2020 Swadge is based on the 2019 Swadge. The 2019 Swadge has a combined firmware and hardware repository.
The 2019 Swadge is based on ESP8266 Colorchord. You can read more about ColorChord: Embedded here.
ESP8266 Colorchord uses esp8266ws2812i2s, and is based on ESP8266 MP3 Decoder.
If you would like to work on this project, start by following the Getting Started Guide. By the end of the guide you should have an enviroment where you can compile the firmware and flash it to a Swadge.
Once your environment is set up, read the Contribution Guide. This guide outlines the best practices for getting your code into this project.
The Super 2021 Swadge uses cnlohr's exp8266 environment, which in turn uses the ESP8266 Non-OS SDK. You may find the ESP8266 Non-OS SDK API Reference useful.
pyFlashGui is used for flashing Swadges. It's a Python GUI program.