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66 lines (43 loc) · 4.04 KB

Models, data, and graphical results

for Groundwater publication titled "Linked data-driven, physics-based modeling of pumping-induced subsidence with application to Bangkok, Thailand"

Authors: Jenny T. Soonthornrangsan1, Mark Bakker2, Femke C. Vossepoel1

1Department of Geoscience & Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geoscience, Delft University of Technology, Stevinweg 1, 2628 CN Delft, The Netherlands
2Department of Water Management, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geoscience, Delft University of Technology, Stevinweg 1, 2628 CN Delft, The Netherlands

Current release: DOI

Libraries: Pastas: 1.3.0 Pandas: 2.1.4 Numpy: 1.26.3

Various python scripts are provided that create different graphical results. Jupyter Note book versions are in JupyterNotebooks\.

figures\ : figures created from the scripts

figures_test\: figures used in publication to be compared to output figures from script. Should match.

models\: Pastas models created from script (Model files end with .pas)

inputs\: inputs needed for scripts

  • Groundwater observations for each well nest. Note that in the paper, each well nest is referred to without "LC" (LC******.xlsx)

  • Subsidence observations for each well nest (SurveyingLevels.xlsx)

  • Parameters required for subsidence calcultion for each well nest e.g. Sske, Sskv, K, thickness (SUBParameters.xlsx)

  • Initial estimate of steady state heads for each well nest (SS_Head_GWWellLocs.xlsx)

  • Land surface elevation for each well nest (LandSurfElev_GWWellLocs.xlsx)

    • Coastal DEM 2.1:
    • Kulp, S. A., and B. H. Strauss. 2021. CoastalDEM v2. 1: A high-accuracy and high-resolution global coastal elevation model trained on ICESat-2 satellite lidar.
  • Location, well depth, screen depth, available observation years for each well for each well nest (GroundwaterWellLocs.xls)

  • Basin-wide pumping data 1954-2060 (BasinPumping.xlsx)

    • 500,000 m3/day scenario: EstTotalPump_54-60_Int50 sheet
    • 250,000 m3/day scenario: EstTotalPump_54-60_IntF25 sheet
    • 1,000,000 m3/day scenario: EstTotalPump_54-60_IntF100 sheet
    • 500,000 to 250,000 m3/day in 2040 scenario: EstTotalPump_54-60_IntF50_25 sheet
    • No pumping scenario: EstTotalPump_54-60_IntF0 sheet