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Data and codes for the paper "Chemical Reaction Practicality Judgment via Deep Symbol Artificial Intelligence".

User Guide

System Requirements

Hardware requirements

Our model requires only a standard computer with enough RAM to support in-memory operations.

Software requirements

There is no restriction on the system, like Windows or Linux, but we recommend Ubuntu 16.04.

The followings are runtime requirements:

  1. python 2.7 or higher
  2. keras 1.2.0 or higher
  3. TensorFlow 0.9.0 or higher (keras backend engines)
  4. RDKit
  5. cuDNN (recommended if you plan on running Keras on GPU).

Environment setup

We strongly suggest you to use conda to control the virtual environment.

wget -c

After installation, we create the conda virtual environment by the following commands:

conda create -n chem_env python=2.7
source activate chem_env

Package installation

You can install the packages by conda install package_name.

conda install keras
conda install tensorflow
conda install tensorflow-gpu # recommended 
conda install numpy
conda install progressbar
conda install -c conda-forge rdkit

Downloading the Package

Because the data are stored with Git-LFS, the operating system must installed with Git-LFS.

Git-LFS installation

curl -s | sudo bash
sudo apt-get install git-lfs
git lfs install 

Data downloading

git lfs clone

Entering the data_for_chem folder, you may find two folders (data, codes) and two files (LICENSE,

  1. codes: the source code;
  2. data: data for our model;
  3. LICENSE: license statement;
  4. the readme formatted with Markdown;

Data Preparation

In this guide, we take the dataset USPTO_real1 as an example. Enter the data/data_for_practicality_judgment folder and unzip the preprocessed file USPTO_real1.tar.gz:

cd data_for_chem
tar -xzvf data/data_for_practicality_judgment/USPTO_real1.tar.gz

Then activate the virtual environment and process the dataset:

source activate chem_env
python codes/ --folder USPTO_real1 --data data/data_for_practicality_judgment/USPTO_real1

Data Formatting and Embedding Generating

We use to format the input data to feed to the neural network.

python codes/ --folder USPTO_real1

In the output directory specified in, the formatted data vocabulary is produced with two folders - train/ and test/ which contain input sequences for training and evaluation.

The steps above cost about 10 minutes.

Practicality Judgment

For Practicality Judgment, execute

python codes/ --data USPTO_real1 --folder USPTO_real1

If GPU is available, the gpu devices can be restricted:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python codes/ --folder USPTO_real1 --data USPTO_real1 

Then the terminal will show the training and evaluation results.

For one epoch, the model normally takes about 10 minutes with GPU device.


The data is currently not available due to copyright regulations set by the collaborating company. If you require access, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. (2023/08/04)

All files are encoded in UTF-8 without Byte Order Mark (BOM).


This zipped file includes five files:

  1. data_from_USPTO_utf8
  2. data_from_CJHIF_utf8
  3. data_from_ChemicalAI_Rule_utf8
  4. data_from_ChemicalAI_Real_1_utf8
  5. data_from_ChemicalAI_Real_2_utf8


Positive reactions from USPTO (USPTO)

This public chemical reaction dataset was extracted from the US patents grants and applications dating from 1976 to September 2016 US patents grants and applications dating from 1976 to September 2016 by Daniel M. Lowe. The portion of granted patents contains 1,808,938 reactions described using SMILES. Such reaction strings are composed of three groups of molecules: the reactants, the reagents, and the products, which are separated by a ‘>’ sign. After data cleaning with RDKit, an open-source cheminformatics and machine learning tool, it remained 269,132 items at last.

The data format is

reactants>reagents>products PatentNumber ParagraphNum Year TextMinedYield CalculatedYield.


Positive reactions from CJHIF(CJHIF)

3,219,165 reactions mined from high impact factor journals3 with reagent, solvent and catalyst information, in addition with yield. After data cleaning and selection, we used the remaining 1,763,731 items at last. The reaction with expanded information is shown as follows:

COC(=O)CCC(Cl)=O>>COC(=O)CCC=O§[CH3:6]C:7=[O:9]>>[CH3:6][CH:7]=[O:9]§COC(C)=O;§2,6-dimethylpyridine|hydroge§tetrahydrofuran§palladium on activated charcoal§55

The format of the reaction line is

reaction§reaction with atom-mapping§functional group 1;§functional group 2;§reagent 1|reagent 2§solvent 1|solvent 2 §catalyst 1|catalyst 2§yield

where >> is the separator to separate the left part (reactant) and the right part (product). Different from USPTO, reaction conditions contain the reagents, solvents and catalysts parts.


Rule-generated negative reactions from Chemical.AI (Chemical.AI-Rule)

For every product in the positive reaction sets, we adopt a set of chemical rules to generate all possible reactions which may output the respective products. Then we filter the resulted reactions by a very large known positive reaction set from Chemical.AI (which contains 20 million known reactions collected from chemical pieces of literature and patents). Namely, all the remained unreported reactions are taken as negative reactions. Due to memory limitation, we keep 100K rule-generated negative reactions in our dataset. The data format is


data_from_ChemicalAI_Real_1_utf8 ( according the copyright rule, it is deleted)

Real negative reactions from Chemical.AI (Chemical.AI-Real-1)

12,225 real failed reactions from chemical experiment record of Chemical.AI partner laboratories. After data deduplication and canonicalization, it remained 8,797 reactions. The data format is


data_from_ChemicalAI_Real_2_utf8 (for final test)

Real reactions from Chemical.AI (Chemical.AI-Real-2)

24,514 real reactions from chemical experiment record of Chemical.AI partner laboratories, in which there are 16,137 positive reactions and 8,377 negative reactions, where the productivity of negative reactions is 0%. This data set is equally split into two parts: training set and test set. The data format is

reactants>>products \t yield \t reagents \t SMILES \t reagents name


For practicality judgment, we let the two positive sets collocate with the two negative datasets to form four combinations.

  1. CJHIF_real1
  2. USPTO_real1
  3. CJHIF_rule
  4. USPTO_rule


Case train dev test
Positive 1,406,259 156,251 173,624
Negative 7,178 798 874


Case train dev test
Positive 217,992 24,221 26,919
Negative 7,176 797 877


Case train dev test
Positive 1,428,673 158,741 89,948
Negative 158,689 17,632 10,052


Case train dev test
Positive 217,799 24,200 90,221
Negative 24,421 2,713 9,779


Data processing


We canonicalize data without atom mappings by using this code.

The parameters are as follows:

--mode 0:CJHIF 1:USPTO 2:Chemical.AI

--file input file path

Usage: python [--mode MODE] [--file FILE]

The converted file is cleared by using this code.

The parameters are as follows:

--mode 0:CJHIF 1:USPTO 2:Chemical.AI

--file input file path

Usage: python [--mode MODE] [--file FILE]

The cleared file is split into train set and test set by using this code.

The parameters are as follows:

--per the ratio of the test set (%)

--file input file path

Usage: python [--per PER] [--file FILE]

This code is used to combine the positive data and negative data and split the combined file into the training set and test set.

--per the ratio of the test set (%)

--file1 positive file path

--file2 negative file path

Usage: python [--per PER] [--file1 FILE1] [--file2 FILE2]

This code is aim to split the train set and test set to the left part and right part, generate the 'reaction step' and segment the reaction tokens.

--folder the folder of the output files

--data path of the dataset

Usage: python [--folder FOLDER] [--data data]

Data Formatting and Embedding Generating

After Unsupervised Tokenization and Reaction Step Generation, we use to format the input data to feed to the neural network.

In the output directory specified in (for example, data/USPTO), we obtain the formatted data vocabulary with two folders, train/ and test/ which contain input sequences for training and evaluation.

The output folder structure is as follows:

        --label (for Practicality Judgment)
        --label (for Practicality Judgment)

The parameters are as follows:

--folder the top directory of the data to process

--mode 0:CHIJF 1:USPTO

--seg segementation method

--iter number of times to run

--size dimensions in embedding

The default setting is shown as follows.

parser.add_argument('--mode', dest='mode', type=int, default=0, help='0:CJHIF 1:USPTO')                    
parser.add_argument('--folder', dest='folder', type=str, default="/data/CJHIF")
parser.add_argument('--seg', dest='seg', type=str, default='dlg')         
parser.add_argument('--iter', dest='iter', type=int, default=10, help='number of times to run')
parser.add_argument('--size', dest='size', type=int, default=100, help='dimensions in embedding')

Example: python --folder folder_name

Practicality Judgment

For Practicality Judgment, we execute

The parameters are as follows:

--data the top directory of the processed data after data formatting (for example, data/USPTO)

--folder where you want to save the models and logs in each epoch

--epochs max epoch for training

--dim hidden dimensions for the Siamese Network

--maxlen the specified max length for input sequences (truncating or zero-padding when needed)

--mode 0: using all features, 1: remove steps, 2: remove reaction conditions, 3: remove steps and conditions

The default setting is shown as follows.

parser.add_argument('--maxlen', dest='maxlen', type=int, default=100)
parser.add_argument('--layer', dest='layer', type=str, default="biLSTM")
parser.add_argument('--rateid', dest='rateid', type=int, default=0)
parser.add_argument('--dim', dest='dim', type=int, default=64)
parser.add_argument('--epochs', dest='epochs', type=int, default=30)
parser.add_argument('--mode', dest='mode', type=int, default=0)
parser.add_argument('--folder', dest='folder', type=str, default="0802-error-rule_new")
parser.add_argument('--ratio', dest='ratio', type=int, default=5)
parser.add_argument('--sample', dest='sample', type=int, default=1)
parser.add_argument('--data', dest='data', type=str, default="0802-error-rule/")

Example: python --data data/USPTO --folder USPTO_judge

If GPU is available, then add the script in front: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES = the GPU id CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES = 0 python --data data/USPTO_Rule --folder USPTO_Rule

Then the terminal will show the training and evaluation results.


This project is covered under the MIT License.